150+ hours put into Dark Souls

>150+ hours put into Dark Souls
>I have never once done anything that requires getting past Blightown

It's been years and I still can't

I just can't deal with these fucking bug things. I can look at pictures of them, but seeing them actually move just hits something primal in me and I have to slam my laptop shut and run away, I just can't.

How do I learn to get over this?

Other urls found in this thread:

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Dragonslayer Set

you must confront your fears

I couldn't finish half life for the longest time because of the barnacles but at some point you just have to grab the crowbar and say fuck it


>I have to slam my laptop
>slam my laptop
>my laptop

there's your problem, you use a laptop

you're a faggot

Just fuckin go in son
If that thing freaks you out that much, be sure to never play Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3 or you will fucking die from a heart attack

stop being a pussy, it's a couple hundred lines of code, just beat the game you faggot

Just summon help and skip as much of blighttown as possible?

Get a greatsword, upgrade it and kill them in one hit.

2 ez familiar

Still requires him to get close. Instead get Heavy Soul Arrows, upgrade your Int, then one-hit them from across the map

Stop being such a pussy faggot bitch.

>people getting spooked by this
>go to Sup Forums and people are getting spooked at Steven Universe shit
what a bunch of manbabies.

Stop being such sissy you sissy boy

>How do I learn to get over this?

Stop being a faggot and realise it's just lines of code.

>but seeing them actually move
You're doing it wrong.


>Playing REmake
>Enter the Residence
>Fucking spider on the ceiling
>Freak the fuck out but manage to deal with it.
>Go to gameFAQs so I can be forewarned about anymore spiders in the game
>See a section in the guide titled "Spider Cave"
>Sell the game to Gamestop

I eventually grew some balls and repurchased the game a few years later and beat it. Even manage to get the platinum trophy when it came to PS4.

One thing I love about fs, they've got anti-cheese down to a river.

Nigger you can skip most of it by using the shortcut

I know how you feel OP. I just started Dark Souls like 2 weeks ago and Blighttown was a fucking nightmare because of these things. It didn't help that when they died they'd ragdoll and hang onto you sometimes. This absolutely grossed and infuriated me beyond anything in this game and possibly within the past few years... i honestly can't remember anything more angering than these fucking things.

Man, I love these enemies.

I never got a good look at these things.

They're actually humans that have been corrupted

a river of oversight. :^)

>for years I've been hearing about how hard dark souls is
>finally play it
>its pretty easy with hard bosses every now and then?
Is it because I'm a shieldfag?
I've watched some videos of people playing and they almost never use shields. Why is this?

How many of the dragons have you killed so far?

nothing beside these fucks are that bad in 3

I killed the one in drake valley and painted world with arrows ez mode.
The one in front of the sunlight altar was a pain in the ass.

The gaping dragon dogs are pretty fucking awful.

>Implying you need to fight the man-spiders head-on
The cheese works easily. I did it from where Solaire's sign was in 1 for this one, and the one in CoD can't fit through the doorway.

the crucified hollows are nightmarish as fuck.

The Dungeon itself is way worse than DS1 as a whole.
Everything here is nightmare fuel.

Barnacles huh? The enemies that scared me the most were those things in the water, getting hunted while you're running out of breath is pure terror. Or perhaps that was Opposing Force? I don't remember.

Maybe if you're a pussy user

What? Are you 12 years old?

Who would win in a fight between Artorias and Ornstein?

Shields aren't cool unless you can play as THE WALL, which is never the case for any fucking game

Isn't that the case with every beast/boss in the souls series?

Jesus how pathetic



>One is a fucking knight who lost everything, only one amr remaining and yet is extremely powerful
>the other one is a sissy who can't fight without his gay friend and the throws a tantrum when he is alone.
I wonder ...

You mean these little shits that die in three estoc stabs from a weak ass pyromancer?

C'mon OP, they don't even move strange.

but user, that Ornstein was an illusion...

Ornstein was an illusion. But was he the old Dragonslayer, or was it someone else?

What race are you, OP? Not being facetious, just wanna see something.

>walk into this room
>god damn its fucking dark
>pull torch out
>pan camera behind me
>this nigger is just staring at me

sweet fucking JESUS

really ?


>the "flesh" is made out of human corpse
holy fuck.

Why am I getting summon signs and invaded? I don't have PS Plus.

How was he an illusion ?
I mean it hurts when he hits me.

If you like shields use them. Almost everybody plays sword and board the first time around.

the wall in front of Gwyn's tomb is also illusory, but it's pretty fucking solid until you bring the proper ring

Tanking hits on a shield eats more stamina than rolling through.
Shields require a lot of upgrades to get good, or are greatshields that weight a fuckton and require wasteful STR to wield.
Shields don't do much against spells and nasty attacks.
Shields prevent you from using your weapon with both hands and benefit from the STR boost.
Shields are extra weight that could make you move slower and roll worse, and competes with armor which you need for poise.
Many popular weapon can hit around shields with some of their moves in pvp.
Using a shield means you kill slower, which means all fights last longer, which gives you more time to screw up somewhere.

No he's not, he drops his fucking ring.

so does the Old Dragonslayer in DaS2, what's your point?

I bet it and Aldrich are best buddies

A lot of things in DS are only illusions.

My first playthrough the first dark knight dropped his shield and the stability on that thing is top-class. I had no issues for the rest of the game when blocking was concerned.

What is that music?

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Dragonslayer Set


Just fucking hit them. If you're quick they don't even get a chance to attack.

All they do is shoot fire and whip it around a little.

Oh shit I laughed out loud. I loved Jojo for that song.


Yeah, I just Shazamâ„¢'ed it. Thanks though pham.