Has anybody ever been BTFO this hard in the gaming industry before?
Has anybody ever been BTFO this hard in the gaming industry before?
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If those dislikes were legit then they would be BTFO. But they aren't because there are people who are mass disliking it it and people jumping on the band wagon because lol xd epic trollan xd.
Those idiots are still going to buy it.
Why do people not like it? I don't keep up with shooty man news
CoD fans want a modern day military shooter. They don't like all of that future space shit. Other people are mad that you have to spend 80 bones to get the Modern Warfare remake.
BTFO by Chinese bots hired by EA?
>caring about YouTube feedback
>Has anybody ever been BTFO this hard in the gaming industry before?
I dunno. All my casual fag friends are genuinely mad, and say they're not gonna buy it. Which is weird because they used to shill the game endlessly to me, to try to get me to play. They didn't buy Black Ops 3 either, so I'm sure they're sincere.
The trailer is 5 days old, and has nearly 1 mil dislikes, and it's still going. If even half of those are sincere, then CoD is gonna be in trouble. It doesn't have much of its fanbase to lose these days.
Obviously they don't care. The thing is, youtube is byfar a normie site. AAA garbage typically has shit like "FALLOUT 4 IS REVOLUTIONARY." To have even youtube pan it is pretty impressive.