Since it leaked today, has anyone played it? Is it good?

Since it leaked today, has anyone played it? Is it good?

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Dunno, still playing 2020

It leaked?

Reviewer made a .cia or something.

That'll teach Sega to trust reviewers.

Hopefully Sega sues them

Can they really though. Dude that dumped it said it was his "friend", I wonder who exactly Sega sent their shit to

Probably shit like the rest of the games. I don't see what's stopping you from downloading it, at worst you just wasted am hour of your time.

Why are they shit? They just look like a 3D Etrian Odyssey game

I already downloaded it but I'm too lazy to put it in my SD card right now

+good character creation
+has all muh waifu VAs
+interesting clases
-boring dungeon design
-story is bland
-nonexistent difficulty past a certain point, and it's way early

how many other JRPGs have you played for 3DS? how would you compare this game to say, Stella Glow, EO4, Tales of The Abyss, ect? im hyped for this game, havent looked much into the gameplay because I like to be surprised but want to have an idea

Can i play it on citra emulator?

I have citra and tried to play super pokemon mystery dungeon but it crashed. how do I citra?

Pretty much all of them. I would say SMT and EO, or just Atlus in general, are the best offerings on 3DS, but this doesn't really reach those levels. It is at least better than the garbage Bravely Default is.

>a 3D Etrian Odyssey game

Not even close. And you mean a 3rd person EO, because EO is in 3d too

>Bravely Default

3rd person EO because of the attack animations and exploration. Of course EO is in 3D

But he's completely right.

Try to build build with all others people fix thay wasn't on main build?

Are you one of those people that cries in EO threads that the game sucks because you can't see your characters? This game is perfect for you then.

Btw try this build.

Whoops that was for , sorry

so its best to find dedicated builds for games? and is whats the possibility of playing 7th dragon III on it?

It at least was in game last time i saw.

Did I say that, cuck? I love Etrian Odyssey, I just gave an analogy for the game you utter faggot.

wat do

Try check if there are any program hooking or graphics setups are wrong

fuck it ill wait for a functional 3ds emu


Original 7th Dragon and mota art is the best

Btw artbook scan is released too

how do i configure when the emulator doesnt open?

does this game have 3d?

only 2d for me

Try others unofficial builds.

Might be the latest with some patch. Unofficial release of citra are quite a mess.

Nope, it also runs like complete shit. Right in the first area the fps drops are extremely noticeable.

>implying it isn't


should have just released it on vita

ill try both, thank you for your patience.
I have a feeling it could be a problem having to do with my laptop not having the right specs to run it tho

>> baka
nice word filter, moot

Unlike ppsspp which is wizardry citra is still far from complete.

Yea I really don't see why they didn't since the last 2 were on psp, but apparently this one sold the most in Japan so yeah, I wonder why they went with 3ds

these worked better, they just wont run because im missing a bunch of DLL's apparently

How do I play the first one? my vita is up to date

am I fucked?

do I have to play the first two to get III's story?

The first hour and tutorial is like one big reference to the last 2 games, but they explain everything you need to know about the story so it really doesn't matter.

And have the OP just because

yeah i got the DLL's and im getting the same problem, probably because my GPU doesnt have the right shit. thank you for trying to help me


Out of curiosity, can I get and interact with a waifu in this game like one of my fire emblem or persona games?

you can choose between male or female lead character, so I don't know how that would work

Not really. Your party members are blank slates you create, and "dating" means just getting a scene of them sitting together and then you get an item, if it was NPC, or you date your characters. That's it


no fucking thanks

Luminous Arc and Stella Glow are pretty good though.

>can I date in game X
Not every single RPG has useless and shitty mechanics, user. Sure it has a sort of dating of mechanic but it's extremely barebones and not what you're looking for.

>release game on Vita
>better performance rate
>no sales at all because Vita

Worth it.

>shits on JRPGS
>mentions 2 of the most bland DS/3DS SRPGs
I'll give you that the characters are likable though

>no fucking thanks
>posts two of the most cookie cutter and shit jrpgs


I'm still hoping that was bait. No one can possibly have this shit taste. Stella Glow is passable, I guess but LA are shitty as fuck.

>prefers games to visual novels with grinding
I know, crazy right?

>Luminous Arc and Stella Glow


I played through most of it in Japanese, I'll probably play it again to fully understand since my Japanese isn't all there. Here's my party

>>prefers games to visual novels with grinding
>I know, crazy right?
Is this supposed to be some kind of counter argument? Because You can possibly say that LA or Stella Glow have either good gameplay or stories.

thanks for showing your opinion doesn't mean shit

What classes?

>butthurt Shittyly Default fag

Whats wrong with SMT?

Other than combat, that game was shit aswell.

You also just showed your age smtkid.

I dont even remember. I know the party leader was a samurai, I always pick that.

>Other than combat, that game was shit aswell.
BD's combat was shitty though. It looked nice and the OST was good but no way it's better than any available SMT on the 3DS.

>You also just showed your age smtkid.

The 2020 games have a lot of customization options, which is made completely obsolete since you can only make a party of 3.
With 5 or 6 character slots the games would be great.(and fast animations like in the DS game, obviously)
I liked the Bloom, it's unfortunate they got rid of it instead of rebalancing it.
Bring back chiptune while you're at it.
Or make a 7th Dragon II, that would be nice.
That figma is so cute like holy fuck I want it, even though they botched the ears.

Already played it. Having a Sawashiro agent is great.

>giving your characters japanese names

>Game takes place in Tokyo.


Not everyone is named Jamal-kun, user.



Oh great, now it's even less likely I'll get a review copy for SEGA/Atlus 3DS shit in the future.


On 3dsiso? Links? AAAAAAAHHH

Anyone know anything about a Yurop release?

go to hbg and ctrl + f



Yes, it's available now if you hacked your 3DS like any sensible european should have

>leaked 2 months early

This is probably the most scumbag thing I have seen so far from the 3ds hacking scene. And this is coming from a piratefag. Disgusting

That's what Sega gets for sending it to literal nobodies that shit on the game and then give it to their friends to dump

Oh so it was to some random reviewfag? Do we have a name or is he that obscure?

Still is pretty fucked up

BD is infact garbage, it was rushed out because modern shitty S-E thought nobody wanted that sort of game.
They intentionally made it bad. It is undefendable.

>release on 3ds
>piracy gets a two month early access
>release on vita
>barely sell anything in the West
Handheld gaming is dying and we're administering the poison

Naa. I'll buy the actual game this time. Gotta support Sega for actually trying to localizing games, man.

Blame the reviewer that leaked it. Even before that I have zero hopes the game is going to do well, considering it's the 4th game from a Japanese series that no one's heard of. At least from the way the story goes, it could probably be the last one anyway.

Oh fug

figma isn't a catch all term for figure you faggot. It's a brand.

Is this game even good.

It is ok for play your own jrpg with your fav voice actors.

It's ok if you like to make OCs and shit all over stuff. Not so much if you're looking for serious story/challenge. There are some neat things you can do in battle, but they're a bit wasted due to how easy the game is.

Shit. I wanna play the shota since that's probably one of the cooler starting templates, but I'll be damned before I have to use some shitty kiddy voice.

>Rebalancing world wide damage tiles
Keeping the dense bloom as a dungeon gimmick would be fine I guess.

You can use any male voice you want.

BD is a pretty good game, especially if played on hard.
But you can't help shit tastes I guess.

This is miles better than EO

You even can have manly voice if you want to.