What gender do you usually play in games, Sup Forums?

What gender do you usually play in games, Sup Forums?

Why not do both?


Fuck off, thread will be nuked in 3..2..1


>Play game
>Only 2 gender options


I play both because i'm not autistic. But if anything, it's almost 100% certain that my first character in a game is going to be male.


Do it!

I wish I could find that "Little girl-----Little Brown girl, not Male----Female" picture

Fuck off

Skimpy outfits are great

Female, fucking always. No idea why, used to only ever plays males ever. I started playing my first females when I got gud at Soul Calibur 4 using Amy, Ivy and Tira, ever since then females all the way.

I tend to follow a pattern of skinny male, qt female, strongfat male, and a wildcard female who may or may not be qt


>Spending hours to mod a game where you spend all of it in first person

I know what that comic tries to do.

But I honestly have no issue with a male wearing skimpy clothes.
It gives off a warning to all enemies that this guy is so fucking good he doesn't even need armor and he can proudly wear pink.

Meanwhile that female in armor looks like a boring and dry stuck-up bitch that no one wants to play as lmao.

>implying they don't only play it for the sex mods

>not playing in 3rd person
What, are you new?

Back in my day men only used to wear leather and fur underwear anyway, i don't know what the big deal is.

Too much for myself. I'd like some imagination please.

>playing skyrim at all
Are you Reddit?



>implying Sup Forums mods give a shit
>implying Sup Forums mods exist at all

Here user, pay it forward

I usually play a male if it's a create your own, I like to get immersed in a game. If it's a character selector, then I don't really stick to a gender, I usually go for who has better unique ability or who looks better design wise in the universe.

Let me guess, this is the only page you have, fuck off.

Male of strength and stamina based and female if not.

>implying I was speaking of Skyrim, and not the series as a whole.

All four of the designs in the comic are shit.


Not sure what this comic is trying to say. What makes you think those characters are male or female? Looks have nothing to do with gender or sex.

>a largely korean based market
>where porn is illegal
>is mad about sexy women

are women just stupid?


Modern contrarianism. Can't end up liking things like that, it makes you one of them.
And that's bad or something. I don't know, I'm not going to try and understand the absurdity on more than a surface level.

Well, it depends on the kind of character i'm making and that depends on what kind of game i'm playing. But for example, usually i'm making a character like a berserker or something i'll usually make him a man, but if i'm doing like a fast dex scum character it'll usually be female, if it's something like a knight it can go either way.

And it also depends on the fashion of the game, usually female armor just doesn't look as cool as male armor in games, so i'm going for like a knight i'll probably make a male character because the armor will look better. But if it's something that has a lot of say, armor that doesn't cover the face i'll go with a female because it probably looks better.

And if it's a game with preset characters or gender locked classes or something like that then it doesn't matter, i'll just play what i find more fun.

>Not playing in first person using a 3rd person camera mod
Do you even mod bro?


Depends on how I feel. When I do make a chick I like to make her look average but with a pretty nose and eyes, and usually with some kind of deformation like a burn, scar, blind eye, etc.
Anyone else do this or dislike unblemished characters?


More like

My favorite is when a game either automatically adds scars to your character or you can add them as you play, like in Fallout 4.

I don't usually add scars and things like that, but i do add them sometimes.

>that rhino helmet

Damn that's boss, what game lets me use a rhino helmet?