What are some good RPG games with beast races?

What are some good RPG games with beast races?

Elder Scrolls has amphibians, cat-likes, orcs and black people

You can also mod in dog/wolf/fox people.


What mod is this?


Morrowing was decent

Legend of Grimrock had Lizardmen, Minotaurs, AND bug people as the various races.

Legend of Grimrock 2 also added rat dudes as well.

It's not very common, OP. Sadly most of this degeneracy must remain in tabletop games.

Nice thread.
Aarklash legacy.

that's true

Lykaios race mod

The Breath of Fire series.

Come to think of it, I never looked through Skyrim's custom race section.



>This is what casualwind drones actually believe
Na, Morrowind was a downgrade from Dag.

That looks fucking terrible.

Neverwinter Nights 2 has beast races.

>That looks fucking terrible
Well, it is Skyrim.

I really wish people could come up with a better open-source Krystal model. We've been seeing that same one for like the last 10 years.

Skyrim looks great with mods, that is just an awful model. Like completely awful, like some of the stuff could be easily fixed, like why the fuck is she a nite-light?

>liking that randomly generated trash

Skyrim looks great with mods when you take a flattering screenshot. When you actually try playing, you just notice that whoops, you still didn't fix the atrocious landscape geomtery.

I downloaded all the 3k resolutions, beautiful girls, enhanced vegetation and every other mod possible. The game still looks bad because of the way characters move and the layout of the world. You can have the most beautiful cave textures in the history of gaming. But when every cave is the exact same shit, it gets old.