Battlefield1 opinions

>Females fighting in wars
>Females fighting in wars who are also Muslim
>Females fighting in wars who are also Muslim who were born into a literal tribal patriarchy
>Females fighting in was who are also Muslim who were born into a literal tribal patriarchy during WW fucking I.
i'm starting to lose hope and the trailers only been out for two days


its a game. get over it

I dont know about female bedouin but there were a few female turkish snipers at gallipoli

I think you just dont like women senpai

a game that claims to be historically accurate.
might as well be in the fantasy genre at this point desu senpai

are they seriously calling it fucking battlefield 1 lmfaofeafsamo

did the retards not hear about the marketing disaster the xbone was

>putting an african american on the cover instead of a sikh indian because of this one meme squad that did some stuff
wew lads

Why bitch about women and blacks and not focus on the fact that the trailer looked like shit and the entire concept of the game sounds like terribly boring garbage that misses the point of Battlefield and makes it into a slow-CoD?

female on horse though (especially muslim) is really, really hard to believe.



You could just you know, not buy the game because it's going to be shit.

what the fuck is wrong with you america?

>yfw it was made by the swedes

Implying females don't fight in wars
Implying females who are muslim don't fight in wars
Are you actually retarded?

>the point of Battlefield
what is that?

>Finally ww1
>Expecting the gold old battlefield theme after those years of skrillex music
>Excepting an even more dramatic/imperial theme since its WW1
>Oh thx base swedes its the same theme that everybody sing at a soccer game ! So progressive.

that would explain everything, fuck I hate swedistania t: finland

The game presents a false version of history, thus leading to misinformation and ignorance in the 13 year old edgekids that will play it. Nobody cares about the nigger on the cover, but the muslim woman thing is simply a retarded sjw marketing strategy, that is detrimental to overall education.

they get raped, I guess you can call that fighting

Are you?

>ottoman empire
>bedouin cavalry

>A game that claims to be historically accurate

Who the hell claims that?

The devs

>muslims letting their women do anything

ehh im not playing the game because its ww1 or historically going to decide when i see gameplay

Why would you listen to them?


Battlefield 1:
>See the US win the war in 1914 against the evil Germans
>See an African-American in a British uniform and cape (???) kill thousands of robo-proto-nazis with a Mauser
>See female hijabi wearing cavalry annihilate Mecha-Turks
>see aforementioned Black soldier receiving racist remarks by the French and British but hailed as a hero back in the US

Goddamnit this shit wouldn't even bother me if they went with a colonial soldier, because hey they actually fucking fought in the millions. But noooo it's gotta be some fucking harlem boy who you know is gonna crack white people jokes every 10 minutes.

Nice mental gymnastics retard

>"A territorial from Dardanelles says that a Turkish girl was discovered sniping. She had round her neck thirty identification discs of the men she had shot and fifty pounds in English money."

If I remember it correctly, there was actually a rebellious group of muslim women on horses.

They also got caught and slaughtered after a while for it.

I have no problem at all with the black main character, but this just seems silly. Did they just make this up or is there some record of female bedouin fighting in WW1?

Absolutely fucking hilarious. I couldn't care less about a black guy on the cover, this is so insane though. This is the same empire that used to kidnap women and force them into literal harems/prostitution. The British convincing the Ottomans to stop trading slaves made the Arabs go apeshit and start rioting as they made bank on their slaving.

>Battlefield 1

So it's a remake of the original Battlefield?

Oh yeah? Where?

>shieeet why I gotta fight dis war whiteys so crazy damn gonna shoot up a school or somethin' I swear...

Why are Swedes so progressive?

What happened?


>mfw I get to kill muslims 100 years before I actually killed muslims

>Country of cucks making a WW1 game when they didn't fight in it or WW2.


Like a dream come true!

I don't play games that have women, since I used to be one.

you have no idea. It helps that I love older weapons

Post feet

A sniper is a much more plausible role for a woman though. Also could be a Kurdish woman.

>mfw the game will be full of shitty prototypes that were barely used in the war so the cod kiddies don't get board.

It's all straight made up.

>Zeppelins doing war shit in WW1
>Horse cav appears to not be getting cut down by the boatload
>America in the war from the start
>what appear to be heavy armour suit wearing dudes wading in with MG's
>Aircraft carriers?

I wonder how they're going to balance the bolt action rifles in it.

>few female turkish snipers at gallipoli
ONE, and it was unverified.

If you want realism, play in Verdun.

they won't


Like would they just be one shot chest shots or something?

I dunno how you'd balance it in a WW2 game.

They probably wont even have many bolt action rifles in it because they imagine people would get bored with them or some shit.

I mean the setting isn't just revisionist, it not no point ever existed as the game appears to portray it.
It's so far disconnect from reality it's about as revisionist as return to castle wolfenstein was
Which makes it worse since fuckers will believe that the shit in game was similar to how it happened

It's a fucking insult to the guys lying in the fields over here

the bolt-actions were all mostly equal in power, be it 30-06, 8mm Mauser, 7.62x54r, .303 brit, what have you. I wouldn't be surprised if they make them all have the exact same performance but with different skins

I don't care. I still have stuff that my granddad brough back home from ww1.
If it's fun game to play, then it's good enough.

They got really, really shamed by the whole eugenics thing back in the 50s and started opening up their borders to any scum who wanted in to DIVERSIFY.
Sweden even has their own FEMINIST party even though they are the most egalitarian country in the world. You can't make this shit up.

but was she just a lone sniper sniping by herself? aka not part of army

>No french army
I won't say I'm mad, or sad, I know what my country accomplished in this war. It's simply sad many kids will still confuse the french army in WW1 and the french army in WW2. It's always really sad whan americans think we surrendered in WW1.

Have you seen it? It is not a woman thats for sure

niggers and woman in a world war 1 game which was dominated (99%) by white men

fuck yeah Sweden!

hopefully you'll make an appearance in the DLC, frogbro

women literally ruin countries when they are in power, especially when they are in power by mass and not just one woman

>he fell for the goobergate is a mistake meme
Well you guys refused to """""""harass"""""" the devs so now enjoy your surreal setting that makes your grand parents turn in their graves.

"EA later made it official: the next Battlefield is called Battlefield 1. It will be out on October 21 (PS4/PC/Xbox One) worldwide, and it’s set in a realistic version of World War I — despite rumours, they’re not doing any alternate history. (Unless you consider the fact that it’s a video game to be alternate history.)"

>play valiant hearts because of all this ww1 talk
>don't know much about ww1
>reading the historical facts you get each chapter make my eyes water

>video games filled with propaganda
>quality steadily drops over the ages
Hurr not video games durrr accept the fact and just play the game goy


Heres how to save this game,EA DICE take note, kill all the current project managers and higher ups fly a select few elites from Sup Forums to come in write produce and manage the game and you will have a fucking masterpiece with me overseeing the whole project BIG time mayonnaise money awards galore its the only way

it's a depressing game, I can't play it because of too much misery in my life already

or just do games about made up wars so your nu-male propaganda is justified

Are you being sarcastic? Just in case: Blizzard is currently doing this for WoW and if they listen to those people, they will literally have the most played video game title again. And it isn't even something new.

That's Kotaku's interpretation of a press-release, please find the source where devs specifically said that BF1 is a "realistic version of World War I"

you'd have to watch the shitty stream then. good luck finding it though

really, no french army? that shit is just ridiculous,
dice really fucked this one up.

Until you find the source I assume you're full of shit

This. I laughed my ass of at the fucking burqa wearing cavalry lady.

the black man is at least ok for a game not trying to be 100% historically accurate

Got it because it was free on ps4. Did not expect how good it would be.

I'm so sick of this muh women, muh mudslimes, muh blacks.

i'm not that guy who said it. i'm just telling you where to find it

Hopefully EA takes a cue from tumblr and preludes each new trailer with TRIGGER WARNING given how buttmade triggered Sup Forums and Sup Forums get at the sheer mention of the name.

Are you guys okay? Have you been triggered? It's very rude of EA to throw this out there without a warning. They should be more considerate to sensitive folk like yourselves.

user, don't start.

>us strong women don't get triggered amiright laddies those dam men and their history oppresing us n shiet

I know it will never happen but do you think they'll have lanky teens in this one?
15 yr olds? i remember lots from my country went

>it's another EA "we're being diverse so you can't say anything bad about our game or else you're a bigot on the wrong side of history shitlord" episode

>point out flaws and historical inaccuracy
>some nigger aspie goes on a sperg spree
Every time, lel

Please propose a way for us to solve our problems, then.

I mean i hope it would happen

>throwing out labels.
>must be evil racists on Sup Forums

no logic just butt hurt rage. aspie nigger lovers are pathetic kek

It really is though

Muslim men treat women as equals, throughout all of history and even today. They are a wonderful liberal people. It's why we're embracing their coming into the west.

>getting triggered by racism

>supporting EA over Treyarch
Ah...something even worse than the milenial generation has just started

I honestly cant tell is its a woman, or TE Lawrence's soft facial features.

>made by swedes
>powered by Anita Sarkeesian

What did you expect?

That was a serious offer put on the table for ea and dice.

>The British convincing the Ottomans to stop trading slaves made the Arabs go apeshit and start rioting as they made bank on their slaving.

Erm, that's very vague, there's many other reasons why the Arabs wanted independence from the Turks.

1, House of Saud wanting independence in Saudi Arabia. This family's been around since 1744, and has more money than anything you can imagine. They use that money for political power and complete control of Saudi Arabia.

2, Arab Nationalism was on the rise, and revolts and protests were almost weekly occurrences.

3, British government intentionally riled up the Wahabbists (Extreme Sunni Muslims) to kick out the Turks. Lawrence of Arabia was literally sent to Arabia to do this.

But I agree with you, its absurd that an Arab woman would be fighting in World War I.
>Game is about a major conflict that costed the lives of over sixteen million worldwide
>Cant even give respect the most basic information, and comes up with blatant lies.

This is like someone making a game in ten years talking about how a Transexual LGBTFAGRITEZ+ killed Saddam in 03'.

>inb4 stormfag
I'm a fucking Sunni Muslim, faggot. We don't allow women to fight in wars because we're not cucks.