Post your Battlefield 1 loadout
Post your Battlefield 1 loadout
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Running engineer with this shit will be fucking rad
akimbo C96 and automatic shotgun
Oh I hope they have a Grenade/Melee only class like Verdun has.
Nothing is more fun than sprinting into trenches and literally clubbing every fucking Hun I see.
Harlem Globetrotter class
Do you think it'll have realistic jamming mechanics?
>battlefield 1
But user, there's already Verdun.
Why would you play Battlefield 1?
I wonder how good the Anti-Tank Rifle would be against infantry
All day every day
Nice filename senpai
Because there's literally no one playing that game anymore
C96 1916 Prussian Contract
Gewehr 98
Winchester 1897 Trench Gun
Did Indiana Jones even serve in the World Wars?
599 people in game right now.
Though, you know, I feel Battlefield 1 will meet the same fate.
Personally, I'd be shitting rainbows if I got a remake of battlefield 2142
This is my melee weapon
And there it is.
literally the most effective melee weapon in the war
C96 Mauser
BAR (Developed in 1917, IIRC a small amount got fielded near the end of the war)
backup loadoat
Webley Revolver
SMLE Mark III with sight
>I'm going to buy an EA game because of the setting
To be fair it is a great setting with a lot of untapped potential. It's rather sad they opted to go with an American unit instead of French, British, or German. Although if an American unit is what we're to get then the Hellfighters are probably the best bet since they saw the most action and have the most potential for campaign missions.
I'd play the hell out of a von Kluck game though, leading charges into France and fucking up everyone only for it to collapse. Lots of variety for scenarios with a German campaign. Hell you could even have Eastern levels in Prussia.
Mauser C96
Mosin Nagant M1891
And my scout dog that will carry medicine to my teammates and will spot enemies.
Edgy middle schoolers detected
No revolvers no buy.
Mauser a shit.
If this isn't an attachment then I'm not gonna play
Woah. You are from reddit too? XD
>opposite day
Cuck detected.
Probably not just for the sake of funner gameplay. I get the feeling theres gonna be a lot of liberties taken with the weapons
>gernade/melee only
Gernades for taking out artillery and melee for close quarters
go fuck yourself
>anyone who hates my ebin nigger memes are cuck SJW feminist nigger anti-gamergate race traitor white guilt gay jew
Can you stop ruining every thread you touch please?
>THIS mad
we wuz soliders n sheeit ah swer tah gawd
>Collector's Edition shit
Who will you main Sup Forums?
>only 179.99
face it, the nigger is being put crammed into the game for PC virtue signalling.
Historically world war1 was obviously majority white combatants.
The demographic market of this game is majority white.
Literally no reason to make the main character a nigger other than "whats the problem white boy, you're not....RACIST are you? now spread your ass cheeks and accept the nigger cock!"
But no, we have to accept it mindlessly and silently.
finally an onahole that'll fit
Bull prepping class with lube, dildo and deepthroating BBC perk
>Implying they won't shoehorn in modern weapons like Order 1886
>If the universe is different enough to have women fighting in WW1 anything is possible
I hope they include this brilliant invention.
>they have a girl in the game so I guess that means we're getting AK-12s and stealth bombers :^)
Gamergate was a mistake
If they don't shoehorn AK47s and M16's they'll abuse the shit out of weapon prototypes.
No nation (that I know of) had a semi-auto rifle but pretty much every nation was testing prototypes with varying degrees of success
Hooked 'em!
>Bedouin character hinted at
> Purge
> Not a cuck
nice one m8
>the nigger is being put crammed into the game for PC virtue signalling.
If the picture is bother you that much, then guess what:
take the fucking slip out of the cover. Its not a main character, its a generic poster boy in every BF game, but oh noo its BLACK THIS TIME.
>But no, we have to accept it mindlessly and silently.
You are acting like the government is taking away second amendment rights and putting us all in camps.
Its a fucking video game retard
they used semi-autos up until half way through world war 2. Only reason the west was able to get full autos was through the acquisition of recovered german weapons
I don't mind a women in the game except when it comes to historical accuracy.
I could understand a combat nurse who maybe has to fight under desperate circumstances (That would actually be cool)
But some dyke riding head first into battle with a sword is just stupid
Spoiler alert
this is the twist that dice was talking about, seems like the MC on the box gets power armor
Have you thought about the idea of her just covering up and pretending she is a man?
I mean, NOBODY looked at her and the trailer and thought it was a girl. DICE had to confirm it to be clear. She just looks like a Turkish fuckboy
Day-1 pre-order if they make the obligatory chase level happen on a pair of these.
>That feel when EA marketers are storming this board
remember when we said we wanted more dinosaurs and they put in a dinosaur? Now try to remember the time we asked for a NIG GER.
>m-muh shills, stop liking what I don't like!
There is a nice place for you on 8gag
Yes, I'm sure a middle schooler recognized a Steinbeck quote.
you'll have to spend 3.99 for that attachment
>throw grenade over wall
>20 less enemies to worry about
>Dog fighting high in the air in Sopwith Camel
>Every German pilot is flying Richtofen's signature red Fokker tri-plane, no exceptions
>Drop in behind one Kraut and blast him
>his engine explodes like it was filled with nitro-glycerine
>Bank sideways and zoom right through the fire, metal and smoke
>Another sausage munching Hun comes out of a roll right beside you
>Blast him three times through the skull with your Mauser pistol without even looking
>A nun raping Heinie dives down out of the sun and rakes your fighter
>Engine smoking you jump out right before the plane detonates
>You toss a grenade at the same time and it lands in the Kraut's cockpit
>The Fokker turns into a streaming fireball
>After falling 200 feet you reach out and grab the edge of a zeppelin's rear stabilizer
>You pull yourself up as a German airman pops out of a hatch and takes aim with a luger pistol
>Dynamic roll forward, he misses
>You flick your boot knife into his throat
>As you fight your way to the vessel's bridge it is ripped up by friendly anti-air fire
>The zeppelin plummets to the ground trailing a mass of flame
>Jumping out at the last second you roll to safety, barely clearing the collapsing frame of melting metal
>A Hun infantryman in a gas mask charges out of a crater with a entrenching tool
>Right before he brains you a zeppeling engine lands on him
>It explodes throwing you into the air
>You land on top of a British Mk 4 male tank
>All its guns are firing as it traverses the trenches of the Hindenburg line
>Hun soldiers start trying to climb on top of it with grenades
>You drive them back with fists and enemy artillery starts to fall all around
>The tank his hit on the side by a bursting shell and throws a tread as it rolls into a trench
>You land on a dead stoßtrupp and take his MG18s, both of them
>The Kraut counterattack has surrounded the position
>You lead the surviving tank crew, all of which are woman disguised as men so they can fight the forces of Kaiserdom, down into the enemy dugouts
>A submachine gun in each hand your gun down dozens of Germans as you race through the tunnels
>Discovering a undermining party you splatter them with a hail of bullets
>Suddenly the tunnel wall is broken open by an Australian countermining unit
>He yells that the German counterattack is right above and that you need to escape through his tunnel
>More Kraut pioneers wielding mattocks and shovels stream from behind you
>Manning a MG emplacement you mow them down while your companions escape
>Right before you make a dash for it you light the fuse on the German mine
>It explodes as you sprint through the limestone tunnel, the fireball racing behind you
>As you reach daylight it throws you forward
>Dirt lands everywhere and a laison car rolls up
>Generals from every Entent nation come to congratulate you for saving the entire front from collapse with your brave actions
>A quote about war is displayed before the credits roll
I think I'll pass.
Except that it was proven over and over that marketers are targeting this place. Try again, shill.
is that a famas?
tumblr is that way, buddy.
French had the RSC, which I only know about because of verdun.
>Inb4 lol wikipedia
Read the fucking filename, faggot. M1892.
People talking about a game that they have shown interest in for the past weak doesn't mean that shills are attacking your board.
Its people wanting to discuss a fucking game.
>try to throw grenade over wall
>it fucking blows up inches from my face
>forced to crawl in a crater and drown while bleeding out
my erection is divine after reading this
I'm kind of sad about the statue. I'm a WW1 buff and I've collected a lot of items over the years, some belonging to family members who fought in the war (both on the German and French side) and other pieces I've bought or traded with other collectors. Authentic gasmasks, cavalry sabres, uniforms etc. Obviously WW1 video games also interests me, especially since it's so incredibly rare they actually get any collectors items to go with them.
Even though the pose is silly and overly dramatic, it could still have been a lovely piece. But to use a black man just makes no sense (no particular disrespect to the 369th meant here) combined with the fact that he's a US soldier. Had they made a black French colonial soldier, that wouldn't have been bad at all. It would have made sense and depicted a very interesting piece of French history, but the Americans are already the very least interesting part of the entire war. Their contribution was mediocre (if still decisive), they were never considered part of the Triple Entente for a reason, and the amount of black men in the service of the US were so few it really does not bear any mention.
It's just shoehorning to a degree I'm actually uncomfortable with, and although it appears to have excellent moulding and paintwork I would still feel it would be a mockery to display it. You might as well make a figure of a Danish soldier fighting in the Germany army, considering several thousand of those were rounded up at gunpoint and forced to fight for the Kaiser. Some forced to walk back home from Russian Poland with no idea of the language and treated like invading filth despite having been kidnapped and forced into combat. The developers would probably not be interested in telling a story like that, though.
unless you were in the canadian forces its highly unlikely ww1 soldiers had literally no upper body strength
Calm down, its just a fucking statue.
Nobody actually keeps them around anyway
Fedorov Avtomat
Smoke Grenades
Gas Grenades
Gas Mask
six mags for Fa
two for mondragon
1918, beligum.
Why does this myth still exist?
vickers clearly most superior.
I hope to fuck they use prototype weapons. I don't care if it makes no sense if I can use this bad boy.
Would if it looked good.
if most classes don't just have bolt action rifles im gonna lose my shit
Chauchat is one of the first LMG's you got in Fallout Tactics.
It would typically jam 95% of the time.
Most English-speaking 14-16 year-olds study of mice and men in english Lit courses nowadays, actually
But the Chauchat did have jamming problems, they just weren't as bad at the .30-06 version.
The .30-06 simply didn't work.
WW1 isnt as hollywood-esque a piece of history as say, ww2 or other wars because it was a complicated shitfest. the average american just assumes it was americans/brits vs germans in trenches, so trying to make a game historically accurate and fun at the same time is a challenge. you can tell dice opted out of accuracy entirely when they gave a black guy a cape