You can stack speed buffs

>You can stack speed buffs

Other urls found in this thread:

>evil karma gives you special powers

>taunting directly after a kill actually gives you more money

>speed Stat determines how often you get to make a move

>speed Stat let's you attack multiple times, there is no cap.

>mom and dad are fighting again



He's pretty fast


I miss MNC


why are people always fucking with this guy


I browse that sub reddit too

they make fun of him all the time and he has very little temper.
here he is having fun

This was literally made last week. How'd it spread to cancer site so fast?

because he reacts like he does.

He sounds so adorable.

cause he's a funny midget with a short fuse and he wouldn't be a dank meme if he wasn't try to slap people's shit up

does he have mental problems too or does his voice just make him sound a bit stupid?

>taunting beserk tonberries.gif