What is the most philosophically deep game?

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Elder Scrolls absolutely belongs at the bottom, almost all the lore is consumed through the books found in several of the games, and its all pretty philosophically deep shit.

Frombabies will cry about it, though.


I recently started skyrim again since it was released and am debating actually reading the books. Is it worth it?

>Dragon's Dogma

This list is nothing but memes.

Can you explain what you think is philosophically deep about this game?

Any time I pick up a book, it's just some shitty fairy tale about some guy who had sex with an elf and summoned a dragon or some nonsense about international politics between nations.

>Elder Scrolls absolutely belongs at the bottom, almost all the lore is consumed through the books found in several of the games, and its all pretty philosophically deep shit.


I meant the books ingame, not the ones they are selling.
I haven't read any of those, and I don't even know if they are canon. If they are canon, give it a go, if not, skip that shit.

The in-game books are worth reading.
make sure to get a big bookshelf and organize that shit for maximum comfy


Philosophically deep or with the most lore? Different things. Of the games in the chart, I'd pick Deus Ex for philosophically deep, if only because the rest aren't an exercise in philosophical depth themselves.

For most lore, probably the Elder Scrolls.

>Dark Souls

That's not really philosophical though, it's obscure and esoteric, but not philosophical.

I thought you meant more like games which delve into the nature of humanity and morality, not


Mario Kart should be at the bottom.

>Merto 2033

I dunno, man. Did you beat Dragon's Dogma?

Where's Resident Evil?


This whole thread is about deep lore, which is exactly what you just described.

Why are you so upset about this?

Are you talking about lore or philosophy?
Because lore wise, Ivalice Alliance games (FF Tactics, Advance, A2, XII, Revenant Wings, and Vagrant Story), Drakengard/Nier, and the Little Tail Bronx games (Tail Concerto, Solatorobo) all have a hell of a lot of lore.
And while I haven't played it myself, I hear Xenogears has a shitload of detail in its lore regarding its world.

If you're talking philosophy, I can't think of any particularly "deep" games.


Maybe you should read the image again, it isn't about a "secret god", its about everyone in the game essentially being the same person, because its just a dream, and if you are able to realize that, without waking up, or blinking away into nothing, you can control the dream how you want.

Not really upset, I just asked a question.

Life is strange.
Everything that happens past chloe getting shot is in max's head, trying to deal with her best friend dying after she waited years to contact her, even after she got back to arcadia bay. The "nightmare" at the end is her subconsciousness trying to get her to back to reality. Sacrificing chloe is accepting her death and moving on, and sacrificing arcadia bay is letting the tornado (her grief) wipe her out and going insane. All the people in the cafe in her dream represents the people that will "die" for her if she goes insane, and the edgy "cereal" max she is talking to is the part of max's mind that wants to accept reality and snap out of it, while chloe represents the opposite part.

Going from max the socially awkward to being max the awesome superhero saving the day and befriending everyone with her time powers reflects her delusion that she can make everything perfect and reverse chloes death. Those being mad about the endings and that the choices you made didn't have an effect on it is missing the entire message the game is trying to convey. Being left empty at the end is your way to feel max's pain and hopefully also accept chloe's death in the same painful way she did.

>When you realize you're in the matrix then you can control the matrix

Not really winning me over with this theory.

Push MGS right up to normal fag tier, bring elder scrolls up a bit too, that shit is so over played.

How much humanity are you willing to sacrafice to keep your cozy little house?

>If you're talking philosophy, I can't think of any particularly "deep" games

This. The only devs that actually try to put philosphical discussion in their games are the Japs, and even then, they half-ass it (i.g. Persona 4, SMT, and Zero Escape).

The Talos Principle tried to be "deep", but failed miserably.

Do you think it's possible for love to bloom on the battlefield?

That image
>Bully being that low
>Metal Gear that low
Pls explain. Especially interested in Bully

I'd almost agree but there are a few Western devs that try. Bioshock tries, for instance.

Elder Scrolls is extremely philosophical though. It utilises complex ideas about consciousness, atheism, theism, dreams, immortality, player interaction, spacetime and more. It's fine to argue Skyrim is a shitty babby game but you can't dispute that the source material is philosophical as fuck.

Is that the old hearth game? Thought the russians killed it.


>Metal Gear

>Merto 2033

I miss old haven and hearth.

>No E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy
Man, you would have to add a lot of depth to that chart to fit it in.

>TFW all the way down at Irredeemable
I'm scared.

Oh, yeah. Deus Ex also tries, now that I think about it.

I'd like to say that The Witcher does it too, but I've only played 2 and 3, and just like the books, philosophical discussion only comes up every now and then. If only TW3 could've kept up the quality that it had during The Bloody Baron's arc.


I really got into the lore of Dark Souls and haven't gotten around to 2 yet. If I skipped 2 and jumped into 3 while it is new will I miss a lot of lore or is the lore between games pretty separate?
What does Dark Souls 2 add or expand to the lore?

3 is a direct sequel from 1 with some references to 2. 2 does some vague references to 1 but you can skip it.

>This whole thread is about deep lore

Halo should probably be on that chart somewhere, at least the first 3 games.

Apparently Master Chief and Cortana aren't even the main characters of the game, most people don't even realize the main character exists but he joins you halfway through the first game and then leaves at the very end of the 3rd.

The recent games by 343 are shit though.

Pure master race.

>Apparently Master Chief and Cortana aren't even the main characters of the game, most people don't even realize the main character exists but he joins you halfway through the first game and then leaves at the very end of the 3rd.

Sounds interesting, who is that supposed to be? Any idea where I can read more?


Bioshock leans pretty heavily on Orwellian themes and Ayn Rand's philosophy.

The Talos Principle gets you thinking, both in it's interesting puzzle design and the whole AI paradox.

Metal Gear Solid 2 is basically an existential crisis.

Xenogears is an incredibly esoteric game, and the deeper your understanding of philosophy the greater your enjoyment of it will go. This also applies to Xenosaga to some degree.

Shin Megami Tensei's main series deals pretty heavily with many philosophical themes. Most of it is about questioning the true nature of good, evil, and neutrality.

These are all just me thinking about deeper philosophically themed games, lore is a whole other beast.

warcraft series has the world record for most written story content in a vidya franchise

I don't know if it counts as lore if there's nothing for the player to discover that enriches the world. Bioshock actually doesn't even have subtext. It's all just texttext.

>granny is on creep level but shemale and selfcest on degenerate
>CP is not on irredeemable level but zombies are
This list makes no sense

eh, not too bad

this man is god

>Sounds interesting, who is that supposed to be? Any idea where I can read more?

The Halo games seem to be the finishing tale of an ancient AI's redemption through his creators adopted children.

>The Thunder and the Surf

>The story of Mendicant Bias, an AI construct through whom the galaxy was both lost and redeemed. He is the central character of the Halo trilogy, despite what many would believe, and this article explains exactly why.

I think this is everything. Although it might not include the portion about some ancient crystal that leads into shard theory.

>Gangbang and Gloryhole are weird
I doubt it


>tfw only a creep

Also, traps and trannies should be on the same category. To me, they're basically the same.

Again, I was thinking about philosophically "deep" games. Lore, at least to me, is a completely separate thing.

>deep lore
>Chosen one trope
>Middle earth with slight tweaks

Dark souls should be on bottom. Also, Max Payne is a tribute to b-class action flick, it's everything but deep. That doesn't mean it isnt a master piece.

Deep != classic

Someone explain Bully or I call shenanigan.

>dark souls deeper than TES
>this is what souls babies actually believe

That sneaky fucking Ohio reference.

mah nigga

>only a normalfag
Oh well, I thought it could be worse.

It's an old theory about jimmy being on the manhunt series.

Souls or Soulsborne in general? Because I seriously believe that BB's lore is more interesting than DaS'.

>metal... gear?

Souls lore isn't philosophically deep, it's just that the story is fragmented and has to be puzzled together that makes it interesting.

though if dark souls is a metaphor for the heat death of the universe I guess it is a bit deep

BB's lore is a loveletter to Lovecraft.

Deep means deep you fucking retard
Have you ever visited the imperial archives?
I love Dark Souls and think it's a much better game than Skyrim, but The Elder Scrolls has at least twice as much lore as Dark Souls
Deep means how much there is
If I have a bathtub full of coke, and a swimming pool full of water, the pool is fucking deeper even if it is blander than the coke

>bethesdrones think their generic "not-yurop" tolkien fantasy is deep

>Ayn Rand
Choose one

I'm at fallen.

beyond good and evil maybe

the gameplay is meh, never finished but the lore is as good as any probably

hl2 for most obvious prediction of real 'future'

Phantasy Star gets pretty deep

You're a boring, whiny, no fun allowed faggot. You'll shit on games all day but you'll never name a title you think is good yourself.

>background text on title screen

Are we discussing deep lore in a sense of original world, etc, or in a philosophical context. If it's the latter, TES loses all of it's points.

Japs generally have been better with all the existential bullshit. Souls series is all about life and death. What happens when everything is already gone. There's nothing to save. Protagonist isnt a hero in a general sense, he is just trying to figure it all out.

Never played BB.

Pretty much this. Shit doesn't change from being shit, even if you smear your whole house with it.

I received news that my daughter Rico was lost

almost certainly by the monsters lurking

in the underground ruins of Ragol

After much contemplation

I decided to leave

behind my responsibility to my ship, my people.

To save my daughter I left for Ragol.

Defeating monsters as I encountered them

I frantically searched for Rico

Then while in battle with several enemies

A blast of light engulfed me

I watched in silence

as the creatures ran for their lives

my body started to slowly disintegrate

And now only my soul remains

Some entity has started to eat away at my body

I am no longer what I once was.

Since I can no longer do this so I ask of you

save my daughter Rico and tell

Irene and my unborn son that I love them.

The sad part is there is a lot, in Morrowind at least, you can infer about lore or the setting without reading anything. But that's all ignored because wrpg's aren't allowed to have books.

but what make a lore deep?

>nursing handjobs and gentle femdom are weird
You're weird.

Exactly. I love Niggerman's stuff.

I made it perfectly clear in the original post that it's about philosophically deep games, not just how much lore there is. Not sure how everyone is so confused.

Assassin Creed has good lore.

Sons of liberty is the absolute mind fuck. No doubt.

>plot elements that the fanbase discovered six years after the official online servers ended

TES has nothing on Vampire the mascarade Bloodlines and the greater World of Darkness.

Having a lot of books in the game doesn't count for me.

For me. A game with a deep lore and good story needs to have the player interact with it in the game itself.

That's why I would pick like.....ehm... Final Fantasy X over Elder Scrolls or World of Warcraft.

Oops. I didn't necessarily mean interact. But I mean, it has to sort of play out in front of the character and not be hidden away in books.

Where's giantess/shrink? I can't see it.

The amount of detailed explanation within the universe, quantity/quality of lore actually written to support the universe?
That's my definition at least.

No one? That was dissapointing

is not originally a game but, where is star wars?