Battlefield factions confirmed:

Austrian, Serbian, German, Russian, English, French, Algerian

- The black guy is french

Countries should get their own cover arts.

Every country that sent 250k troops or more should be a playable faction.

That list is pathetic.

No 'Murica?

what is the twist? Did niggers invade europe and win?

>all european
>black guy is from a proper euro colony, not shipped over from the americas

seems good enough

Why would anyone play this when they can play the superior ww1 game?

>a game that will be sold primarily in the USA, Canada, UK, Japan and Australia
>only include England

Good strategy.

This can't be the twist because that's what happened in our timeline.

France had already been partially negrified by WW1 and the Jews used them to conduct genetic warfare on Germany. It's historically accurate.

Because most people play on their shitty consoles and can't get into actual gameplay. Also because BF will be marketed like no tomorrow, while not many people have even heard about Verdun.

>no Australia or America
just fuck my shit up now senpai

He said niggers, not mudslimes.

>le brown woman ;PP

>what is the twist? Did niggers invade europe and win?

that will be world war 3

Can we play as Central Powers in the campaign? You could clearly see the same German with the gas mask killing Brits and shit in the trailer and they said that there's gonna be more than one protagonist.

Ever been to Paris?

>No America
>This is somehow a bad thing
I'm bummed out we wont get Australia tho.


>world war 1
Sorry lad but this was the one war you can't claim you won

I'm pretty sure every black person thinks every person born before the 1960s was black, so he isn't totally wrong

>superior ww1 game
>dead community

pls go, contrarianfag

But WW1 has a dead community too

we just popped in to say hi if anything

>country that joined four years late when the war was already basically won

and if we're not getting canada we're definitely not getting australia

Can't claim we won it but we definitely were best faction.

Uh, why?

>That list is pathetic.

I find it ok, the conflict between Austria and Serbia is probably the most important part since it started the war. Germany, Russia and France is the main meat of the whole war. English, Algerian, well you have to get some token minorities and anglo-saxons to get immeresed in the game somehow. Everyone else (Burgers, Aussies) were just auxillary shit for the nations already stated.


>Tfw no Danes will be included in the German army


Fucking pathetic

Niggers are mudslimes most of the times

If niggers win, everybody loses. Even the niggers. See Empire of Dust to see how well niggers are able to keep infrastructure up.


He's colonial French thank fuck for that then

Maybe this game is saved


So David Alaba will be on the Austrian Cover.

>can't claim we won
>without us, France would have been fuck

t.EA employee

I've got a feeling 'English' is actually 'British Commonwealth' with representation of all.

I have.

It's a melting pot.

The kind where somebody ate fecal matter for a week, then dropped their poo parcel into the mix, while claiming it's art.

I lived on the west coast of Africa, for 6 months. The native Africans there, were more civilised than those I encountered in Paris.

>just because he isn't murrican he wasn't added because of muh progressive tokenism pandering

Yeah ok.


The figure looks like a completely different guy to the box art

>my gaping boi pussy

Don't forget the female Bedouin warriors that developers confirmed were on horseback in the trailer and will be playable.


Maybe he's a member of the french foreign legion? I don't know if they used blacks.

War on the Eastern Front
> Germany vs Russia

War in the Mountains
> Austro-Hungary vs Serbia

The War Beyond Europe
> Arabs fighting against Ottomans

War at Sea
> England vs Germany

War in the Air
> England vs Germany

America Joins the War
> Blacks vs Whites

>no source

alri lad

There's a frame in the trailer that shows a patch on a guy of the Australian tunnelers

I think it's the nose. His nostrils on the box are turned upward more than the statue.



So what will SJW say now? That there were lots of black troops in the French army during WW1? Please i want to laugh.

Who in their right mind would willingly buy a nigger statue to put on their shelves?

>A fucking French colony
>Instead of Italy, Austria Hungary, Turks, or even the fucking Japanese


>not austria-hungary

>America Joins the War
> Blacks vs Whites

Dude, Paris is a hellhole. I remember getting off the train and nearly stepping into a pile shit. It was right there, in front of train. The entire city is a horrible mess.

Hope for some Aussies, be neat to have a level set in Gallipoli.

>People believing this without a shred of evidence

My wife's son has already bought the collector edition with my credit card and i'm happy about this.

Here it is


>no Ottomans
>no Japs
>no Bulgaria
>no Italy
>no Belgium


>waaaaaaa ablooblooblooo UGH Cod and BF, amirite ladies? Stupid!
Why don't a few of you fags put your money where your mouth is then?
>UGH NO! indie games don't have 20,000 players!

And this is why you idiots will never get the games you bitch and moan for.

You obviously don't know shit about Paris.

I thought they would be more cultured than Mexicans, is UK the closest thing to America in Europe?

I wonder how hard they're gonna villanize the central powers.
Can't wait for villain to be some mustache-twirling evil prussian noble with a skull pickelhaube

Yeah, I went back home after a week. Fuck that city.

I have a Cole train statue


>He still buys into the "Central Powers weren't the aggressors" meme

Why is Sup Forums so historically illiterate?

I don't know. I've never benn to the UK.


They weren't evil, but they were certainly the aggressors.

anyone else excited to ride horses into battle?

>no Turks

Probably can no long depict Muslims as villains any more.

>be Murica
>join war years after it actually ended
>complain you're not in the game
baka desu senpai senpai.


When there's probably only going to be a max of 2 horses per side? No, that's pretty gay.

If there were Turks nobody would play as them

hm. didn't think about that. hopefully there's more but you're probably right.

almost 80 mils of turks would, roaches are a huge market

Somebody at Activision thought they'll fuck EA in the ass now that they've picked different setting that wasn't done to death(by them).

I'd love a lot to see their faces after seeing BF1 trailer.

An Italy vs Austro-Hungary mountain fight map would be fun as fuck.

BASED PROGRESSIVE SWEDISH DEVELOP DICE. Finally we have a strong minority character as the lead.

They've had different colonial units Sipahis for Algierians/Moroccans for instance.

The black dude on the cover.
The US didn't give a shit about black troops so we gave them to France.

Assuming the list is accurate, I'm surprised we don't get to play as the Ottomans, seeing as they were definitely one of the major factions of the war.

The UK just elected a fucking Muslim as the mayor of their capital city

They are totally fucked

Some aspects are similar, however society in the UK, has been built primarily on its long history.

Current trends, are now pushing national pride to the wayside, mainly in Europe.

It's an essential aspect, in the overall progression, towards the United states of Europe.

Tldr: Development of western civilization, is being diverted, into one standard mould.

>No Ottomans

Where is Canada??

>mfw no Vimy Ridge map, our crowning accomplishment that made people take leafs seriously

Turks are too poor to buy games


>The black guy is french

I as a roach would play as a Ottoman

>- The black guy is french

No he isn't, he's the Harlem Hellfighters DLC, it said on one of the leaked release info things

They clean the city every morning. Like 4-5 o clock. Then they don't care about garbage, just throw it wherever they want.


You stupid American. You do realise the best British soldiers were all Scottish and Irish you cunt.