Will his new IP be good? It's not gonna be Souls btw

Will his new IP be good? It's not gonna be Souls btw.

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I hope we get King's Field with next gen graphics.

It's gonna be souls like :^)

I'm hoping for a bloodborne paced game with bright visuals and an overall chirpy feel, with implied fucked up stuff hidden around everywhere, and half way through the game the supposed last boss tells you about how everyone that has been your ally is doing worse things then his group/army has ever done and they're just trying to defend themselves. Then some of them become hostile and you have to slaughter all of your waifu material gals and bro's you've built up except one or two. But if you want you can still kill the "supposed last boss" and take over his army instead of siding with him, or kill him and his army and then kill your "allies" and take over their army or just kill absolutely everyone.

i hope 2bh but he said hes done with soulslike altogether, not just souls alone. he said he's making something brand new. guess we'll see if hes not a 1 trick pony. hope he makes something truly great and blows us the fuck away again

It'd be perfect for VR.

yea, not happening, too much dialogue to write

pretty edgy stuff Sup Forumsro

>From Soft
lol. not with their framerates m8

Not really?

It could have the same amount of NPC's as dks3, and just have some of them be the ruler of area's and the creatures/people in those areas. I think it would work well with how story is told in soulslike games, Most people would be confused when the supposed last boss told them that shit, but attentive people would have noticed some shady shit was happening.


Imagine sailing around on the sea with your pirate crew, singing shanties and drinking rum, and then once you are on land its Souls-like combat, with cutlasses and other other swords but also guns and primative explosives.

They'd just have to steal the story from Pirates of the Carrabian (cursed treasure made you immortal) and your mission is to track down every last peice to return it and undo the curse (you choose if you actually do it).

Every time you die you would start to gradually turn into a skeleton.


they announced a VR game already.

>It's not gonna be Souls btw.
It is.
He only said it's not going to be Dark Souls. Namco will just force them to "reboot" it like Demon's Souls, and you can expect Dragon Souls in 2018
DaS3 is Namco's best-selling game yet, the formula is too profitable to abandon it.

5 Games is well enough, as much as I love them I'm really hoping this new IP is something actually new

just because the game has VR support doesn't mean it's a VR game

>Pepe Souls

They have no obligation to be partnered with Bamco anymore. They had a 3 game contract and its done now.

Sony Exclusives from here onwards.

It's not. He said he's done with both Souls and Souls-likes, not just Souls. You're gonna keep arguing now like a typical Sup Forums neckbeard but I don't get into that pointless bicker. Just remember when the game comes out that you were wrong like you always are and that your life sucks dicks just like it always will.

This kills the Sup Forums

King's Field please.

>Sony Exclusives from here onwards.
nope. their next game is confirmed multiplat. they released some youtube video hinting at it, pic related.


he literally said the opposite

Demon's Souls 2 with more broken weapons and spells

They have two sony exclusives to come

lol yeah. in some bullshit alt reality your shitty brain has constructed.


Souls is over for now. (apart from the DLC's already planned for it)

“What is certain for now is, to me personally Dark Souls is over. So rather than make another sequel, I think it’s time we take a step to a new direction. Development of a new IP has already begun.”


>However, Miyazaki also said that he may allow developers at his studio to make a new Souls game in the future. "If a From Software developer come to me five years from now and [begged], ‘Please let me make another Dark Souls,' then I will not rule out the possibility to let my subordinates start a new project."

What the fuck? Does this mean all future Dark Souls (if they ever come out) are gonna be B-Team shit?

It means, he, as president of From Software, has no personall intent to make his teams work on a Dark Souls sequel. So that intent has to come from someone else.

Theres nothing wrong with being a one trick pony. people praise romero all the time and all he ever made was quake, doom and daikatana. who cares? miyazaki made great souls games and thats enough for him to be considered an all-time great, especially in this shitty modern industry. its like nobody is even trying anymore apart from him.

if souls didn't come out last gen everything would have gone to total shit by this point.

>tfw went through demon's souls NG and NG+ with just the halberd you start the game with it
I tried the meat cleaver but it was worse than the halberd still.

>TFW you'll never get that 6th archstone

imagine how based it would be if they gave it a remaster and did a new world for the sixth archstone