Holy Zen!!!
He's fuckin easy, what do you think you're some kind of good player now?
Seeing as this is my first Souls game, let me be a little happy.
Good shit man! Another step completed in the process of gitting gud. Keep it up.
Literally the easiest boss in the series, if you think he's hard then you just suck at the game.
>if you dont SL1 no damage, death, weapon, and armor on your first run, you're a fucking casul skrub git gud
Jesus. It's people like y'all that destroy the series just like the melee elitists. Always trying to find a meta for challenge and downing people who don't follow your shit rules. Just let them have fun, you bunch of faggots.
Not trying to rain on your parade but DS3 is probably the easiest soulsborne game. Get bloodborne, beat Orphan and Ludwig and THEN I will be impressed.
Why didn't you start with 1?
If you did it solo, good job, I'm proud.
If you summoned help, I hope you die in a ditch cause you didn't accomplish jackshit.
Daily reminder that deluded fromdrones think their series is difficult
>bloodborne harder than dark souls 3
lmaoing @ u
If that's true then well done.
LOL seriously? Those bosses are easy as shit, their move sets are easy to learn especially Ophan. I don't understand the Orphan meme at all. I had a tougher time with Maria than both of them.
wow welcome to 3 weeks ago kid
I was too intimidated
>start with 3
>want to try out other games
>can't because everything is improved in 3
good job doing that you shit eating faggot.
Comparing DLC bosses(BB) to base game bosses(DaS3)? Yeah...sure
oh look another retard comparing the difficulty of the base game of Dark Souls 3 to the DLC of Bloodborne.
Have you noticed that From has the tendency to make the DLC's harder than the basegames?
The nameless King is a much harder boss than Ludwig. Easier than Orphan though.
LOL nice bait mate
he is still easier than any boss in and past defiled chalice
I'm not gonna lie I enjoyed BB but the non dlc game is easier than DS3. I really enjoyed Ludwig fight too
holy shit, LOL at this meme!
DS1 is easier than 3. especially since you apparently know a little bit about the game mechanics now
>Have you noticed that From has the tendency to make the DLC's harder than the basegames?
I can't fucking wait for the DS3 DLC. When does it come out? Autumn or some shit?
M8 fucking Smelter Demon is harder than Ludwig
everybody who's actually played bloodborne knows it's piss easier than anything else in the series, even muh orphan and muh ludwig and muh laurence are easier than half the bosses in dark souls 3, even demon's souls NG+ is harder
I didn't have any trouble with the defiled chalice. Great Pthumeru Ihyll or whatever it's called was even easier
I don't get this meme
Yes and no. Phase one Ludwig is nuts and is almost unpredictable. Second stage Ludwig is about equal to Smelter Demon.
Faggot sonyggers need to get the fuck off the board forever, quit shilling Shitborne already, it's dead, Dark Souls 3 is better, get over it
haha just gonna post in this thread to remind everyone that im good at dark souls haha!
>user finally beats NK and considers it an achievement
And nameless king is easier than that, wow everything is so easy haha
Ludwig is easier than Smelter in both forms, and not even Blue Smelter.
Phase two ludwig is basically the same fight as smelter. Large motherfucker with a big sword smashing shockwaves all over the place. Reckless cunts.
The chalices dungeons are boring as shit so sonyggers need to defend their precious game by saying they're difficult and that if you didn't like them you either must not own the game or are bad at the game.
Naw, Smelter actually punishes you with his aura and AOE slam if you try to hug him, Ludwig just goes neigh and lets you pound his hind side with no repercussions, he's way too easy to be flaunted as such a hard boss
nice quality build only no poise 90% of weapons are shit game
Phase 1 Ludwg is actually more predictable than the second once you understand how it works
Phase 2 is a fucking nightmare at low levels
Nah mate. Ludwig without his sword is a bitch that you constantly have to have untargeted and run all around waiting for him to smash into walls and hope he doesn't one hit kill your ass. Stage two is what said.
Nice dashspam r1 spam with no armor variety and randomy generated """"""""""hard"""""""" legos dungeons faggot, better get back to grinding blood gems
Ludwig and Ophan are easy as shit seriously, only Ludwig's 2nd phase is somewhat challenging. Shit I had a tougher time with Gherman. Git gud scrub
Nah, Nameless King was harder
wew lad
DS2 DLC bosses shit all over bloodborne DLC bosses.
Fume Knight has highest kill percentage in all of soulsborne and Sinh is so much more annoying than anything in Bloodborne
Also Lud and Zalen hardest bosses in SoulsBorne
Orphan is piss fucking easy. Only true plebs (most sonyggers, unironically) don't know how to fight him and think he's tough shit. You dodge forward, that's all you do, if you're hugging him half his attacks can't hit you. He's easier than Rom, even.
too bad there's no chalice dungeon version of him to boast about eh sonyponies?
Do you even own the game or are you just trolling because Ludwig and Orphsn are easy especially Orphan.
I was SL 100 with a +10 Irithyll Rapier when I went against Nameless King, I think it took me 5 and now regret it because it probably would've been much more fun at a lower level.
Demon's Souls = Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 2 >>>>> Bloodborne
funnily most people saying that shit are overleveled and trading hits while spamming vials
probably why you didn't have trouble with the chalices
I beat Orphan and Ludwig on my first try, are you happy?
I found the second phase to be a much better fight but I find the first phase to be a lot more cheap when it comes to cornering you and running you down out of nowhere.
meant +5, obviously
He should post a pic of his game along with a timestamp. Calling bullshit otherwise
There is always that one user that has trash someone's victory and start a dick size contest.
Souls threads went to being some of the best threads on Sup Forums to the absolute worst threads on Sup Forums.
What happened?
I beat him solo too but it took me about twenty tries.
I kept trying to fight him like I was doing with most of the previous bosses which was up close and personal despite being a Sorc build.
Once I fought him by keeping range and using my magic, I got him after a few tries.
He's one of the few bosses that I actually could keep range on.
>beat Orphan and Ludwig and THEN I will be impressed.
Why would you be impressed with that? Those aren't difficult bosses and neither is nameless King. Y'all stop being bitches
>can consistently rape phase 1 ludwig at bl4 with beast pellets
>die multiple times to phase 2 until i get the hang of it.
this is true. phase 1 is a meme, easiest part of the fight imo.
roast me
ever since Souls was released on PC, the fanbase and threads on Sup Forums has been irredeemably shit. It got progressively worse when the sequels came out
Phase 1 Ludwig is definitely harder than Smelter by far, but Phase 2 is honestly easier than 50% of the bosses in the entire series. Seriously that shit was a let down. I busted my ass on his first form probably a dozen times, and shit myself when I learned he had another form since I figured I was about to eat dirt and have to try another hot dozen times to figure that one out, but I ended up one-trying it.
Honestly there's some sort of sick joke going on at FROM where they take a boss and add a second phase that either makes it way easier or way less fun, and I don't fucking like it. It's been this way since Fume Knight really.
Dark Souls: PTD Edition on PC happened.
No way son. Nameless King has million heavily telegraphed attack that are extremely punishable. You could read a short novel in the time it takes him to fire off his lightning bolt attack.
Got the plat with a level 120 with kirkhammer, mad your one game is piss easy sonygger? :^)
PC obtaining Dark Souls is honestly when it died. Dark Souls 2 buried it. Bloodborne gave it a slight twitch, but cause console wars. Dark Souls 3 rotted it.
I don't think I even get hit by phase 1 anymore.
If you see someone complain about phase 1 but say phase 2 is piss easy, you can safely disregard his opinion as he was probably overleveled
i woulda rather had claymore for him. NK was a roll, poke fight. 1,2,1,2.
i'm doing pure sorc build and everything is hard. glass cannon, no health until int is at 50.
crystal sage was a piece of shit as a caster.
>Nameless King
just keep spamming r1 and he keels over like a bitch
what is even hard about this boss LOL.
Nah, the only reason the threads are so bad can be seen with the first post in this thread.
>level 120 and boasting that you beat everything on NG
good job user wow you're so fucking good :^)
take your shitposts to whatever forum still plays that dog shit of a game called DS2
it;s fucking terrible and you're terrible at these games
And what exactly is a difficult boss?
If you say anything with NG+2 or above attached to it Im assuming youre autistic
I spent so much time on dark souls threads since the first game came out and my consensus is that PCfags fucking ruin everything.
You are good. Don't let faggots here put you down.
This place is to negative for someone like you to revel.
You have a heart of gold. Don't let them take it from you.
NG+ faggot :3
Bet that doesn't count either autism-kun :3
> Orphan
You're seriously saying Orphsn, who has one of the easiest attack pattern in the whole series is tougher than NK? You must seriously be trolling because this bait is too good to be true.
>spamming R2 the entire game with kirkhammer
The fact that you had no fun makes me sad.
it is still pretty overleveled for NG+ but I digress, I'm thoroughly convinced you beat everything on NG like a little bitch
I miss him. Why wont they remaster Demons souls ;_;
I'd like to see how well that goes for you.
bless this post
The Kirkhammer isn't very good, but it's fun to use
Sometimes easy games can be pretty fun user, who's to say I didn't have any?
Oh boy doesn't count, guess I called it right autism-kun :3
Pick one faggot
We've got them on the run PCbros!
Because of legal issues, most likely. From doesn't own DeS, Sony does (as I recall) and Atlus has its hand in there, too
In Dark Souls 3 I would say Ponty Sully is one of the least forgiving bosses, Dancer has a few cheap ass combos in her last phase, and Nameless King is just a long battle with very hard hitting attacks. They are difficult in their own ways but honestly nothing in DS3 was unbearable bullshit.
ther eis no difficult boss
everyrthing is easy because anyone that says otherwise is a casual that needs to git gud
If they did everyone here would find a way to criticize it.
So even if it was a perfect remaster, someone would come it
No you don't you PCfaggot cuck niggers die already fuck
If you use correctspacing you can trick him into lunging over and over again. I accidentally found it well try to black fireball him. He took 2 more try's after finding this out though. Tough but was fun, don't listen to haters he was difficult fight especially compared to other games bosses.
PC faggots blown the fuck out yet again, good job boys.
>Sometimes easy games can be pretty fun user, who's to say I didn't have any?
Because they're better weapons in the game and you used one of the most boring ones. Why not just use the boom hammer? At least it has fire damage and blows shit up.
I hate this webM with a passion.
Purely because that strat isn't consistent even slightly.
Then again, why am I surprised that there's misinformation here?
I dunno, and I always liked the Kirkhammer is all. It's the one I keep going back to, though I've used most of them. And all my posts have been falseflags so far, I genuinely think Orphan, Ludwig, and Laurence are by far the hardest fights of the five games so far, Lud and Zallen are pretty bad but the run back is more of the problem than the 2kats themselves.
BB is my favorite of the five games, and I've played all of them a lot, some times shitposting is just fun though.
>Then again, why am I surprised that there's misinformation here?
Maybe you should think that before you get triggered mate.
That strat works on most bosses if you have 99 luck irl