FF8 is the best final fantasy


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It's not the best.
It's my favourite.
It has the best OST.

Thread theme:

It's got the best of all worlds desu.

I'd argue that the drawing and Junction system is a very serious criticism as that's one of the core mechanics of the game. The missions are awesome. The lack of real equipment upgrades sucks. Triple Triad is GOAT. The story and characters are underwhelming. Beautiful graphics for a ps1 game. It isn't at all a worthy succesor to ff7.

7 > 6 > 9 > 10 > 5 > 4 > 8 > 12 > 3 > 1 > 13 > 2

>implying 7 was even good

Sephiroth and tifa shills will refute this.

Oh fuck off 7 was the best. This is a fact. Only hipster faggots think otherwise


>people actually believe this

Leave it to fucking Sup Forums to be a bunch of hipster fucking faggots. Why do you think 7 gets so many attention? BECAUSE IT'S THE FUCKING BEST. 7 put the Final Fantasy name on the fucking map. It's why it's still talked about and celebrated 20 years later. Fuck you hipster pieces of shit who shit on it because HURRR IT'S POPULAR THUS I MUST HATE IT. Fuck Sup Forums and you faggots

Anyone who thinks this is a complete idiot who most likely started with 8,

8 is a terrible game with great music.


Disk 1 may very well be the best final fantasy. A shame about the rest though.

I agree desu second best is XIII

VII is my favorite as well

You have shit taste in games lol

*unsheathes discussion*

Question to those who claim 7 to be the best:

How much competition did Final Fantasy 7 had when it came out?

12 > 5 > 3 > 7 > 9 > 2 > 6 > 4 > 1 > 8 > 10 > 13

7 is easily the most popular FF game.

Yes but i have 2 favs

and? no one is disputing that

>7 gets so many attention?

Nice grammar fucktard.

It gets a lot of attention because most people in their 20s/30s grew up with it.

7 does nothing new. It may as well be 6, 3D edition

ohh look, people unable to discuss that posting chart and rankings

Riddle me this you hipster pieces of shit. If VII isn't the best then which one is it? Watch you faggots say IX because it's the one that doesn't get much attention and of course Sup Forums loves to hate popular things

XII or V.

Feel free to call me a "hipster piece of shit" for disagreeing with you.

I agree with you and simultaneously feel that you are a shitter.

>best final fantasy



I like V, but I can't stand XII.

Fucking gambits make the game way too easy for me, and I'm not the kind of person that handicaps myself to seek fun most of the time.

>but muh international version

I booted that shit up and just couldn't keep going, so I'm not judging that. I should play it though, heard it was better. Also wtf is with the voice acting? It sounds like it was recorded in a bathroom ffs.

XII, probably.

I like exploration and a grandiose sense of adventure, V and XII capture that the best.

>Fucking gambits make the game way too easy for me, and I'm not the kind of person that handicaps myself to seek fun most of the time.
Do you change the difficulty to easy on every game you play with such options available? You're only handicapping yourself if you don't, the game gives you the option to do that so why wouldn't you?

>international version
It's quite the improvement but if you didn't enjoy the original at all you probably won't find IZJE to be a worthwhile experience.

8 is easily the worst FF, next to 2.

It's the best, what is there to discuss?

Nothing wrong with other FF but it wont get better than 8 sadly however thankfully it can't get much worse than 9.


>mmorpg controls
>game plays itself
>no likeable characters
>boring story


FFX is the best Final Fantasy, followed closely by VIII.

>no likeable characters
>boring story

Just like the story of your life, hahaha.

No, I play on normal generally on a first playthrough, or hard if that's too easy. That isn't handicapping myself is it? That's changing the game's setting. IMO the most well designed games have no slider for difficulty - it usually just makes the enemies' health higher which I find is poor design.
*tips fedodo*

Some of the greatest works in history weren't new. They perfect what has already been done.

>hey fellas, remember how we all grew up in that orphanage? No? Oh, I guess I forgot to mention it over the past few weeks. My bad.


oooh, fookin roasted m8.


2 really isn't that bad. It's a really ambitious game for its time with some neat innovations. It's not perfect but it's hardly utter trash. I'm pretty convinced that all of the loathing for it is spawned from a vocal minority and then people that can't be bothered with older JRPGs just parrot what they hear to seem knowledgable.

2 is shit.

Shit stories and characters.

I agree with you about the ambitious part, but I could do without that game's pacing.
Also I generally agree with though I wouldn't say it so bluntly.

>what is Doom
>what is Shadow Warrior
>what is Unreal
>what is Quake
>what is MUSHA
>what is Gradius
Let me guess, you think Souls is the pinacle of the medium? There's games that do difficulty options poorly like Oblivion but difficulty options are by no means a measure of what games are "the most well designed".

I don't see how anyone can make a case for anything but 6 as being the best FF game. 6 is the magnum opus of the series and it's never reached those highs since.

My personal favorites, counting only the ones I played are,

FF 6 > FF7 > FF9 > FF10

>I don't see how anyone can make a case for anything but 6 as being the best despite having only played 4 of this 14 entry franchise
Colour me surprised.

I never said that, I said that buffing enemy health as the sole mechanism of difficulty is poor design, I was also speaking of the temporal present, where most games designed with difficulty sliders do in fact use enemy health as an important contributor.

Also on that dark souls note, seriously? Trial and error gameplay from the atari days is the "pinnacle of the medium?" Calm down, jesus.

Also I see no reason to get upset because FFXII has no difficulty slider and I personally don't like handicapping myself, if you like the game that's fine, but I found it a bit easy, and honestly I was just holding down the right stick and playing the unseen healer like 90% of the time. It got old fast.

After Theathrythm, I agree. It is the best FF game. But that's not saying much. Even FFVIII is average with all the story and gameplay flaws it possesses.

Seph shill here, -FFV is the best

disc 1!? you hardly even do anything in it

Does FFV on the PS1 have the same horrid load times as the other FF ports? Its the only FF game I have yet to play.

>you hardly even do anything in it
Off the top of my head you have
-Go meet Zell's mother and his home town
-Get Diablo and a few other GFs
-Dollet Duknem Mission (best part of the game)
-Dance with the Balamb Fish...I mean Rinoa
-Quistis gets fired
-Seifer goes crazy
-I greatly prefer Trains over other means of travel
-Squall goes crazy and dreams of Laguna
-Timer Owls Mission
-Get (useless) Irvine
-Prepare to kill the sorceress
-Everyone fucks up
-Quistis running through the sewers
-Irvine has issues with finishing
-Squall cleans up everyones mess and gets impaled for it

There's plenty you do on Disk 1.

It's one of my favorites, top 3 easily.

what I meant was gameplay wise, I always felt like you never actually DO much
you just kinda walk around talking to people to advance the story and not really deal with any difficult fights

>-Irvine has issues with finishing

I kind of enjoyed how disc 1 was just like my japanese animes

Actually killing the spiderbot is tough.
Fighting Diablos as soon as you get the lamp is pretty tough.
The Earth Brothers can be tough.

>what I meant was gameplay wise, I always felt like you never actually DO much
That's basically how all FF games are. Unless you're fighting a trash mob or a boss, you're watching a boring cutscene. FFVIII actually has more exploration than most FF games. Though that isn't saying much.

FFVIII would have been better if more of the story focused on Laguna. But sadly, its still the best main series game.

Why is there no good porn of Rinoa? She's absolutely fuckable in the best of ways

FFVIII Thread Bingo

If you get 5 or more, you win a trip to Balamb Garden.

>someone brings up the orphanage stuff
>Disc 1 is best FF
>someone complains about the Draw system
>Rinoa = Ultimecia theoryposting
>Balamb Garden copypasta
>"Squall is gay for not fucking Quistis"
>You're the most handsome guy at this party.jpg
>Lewd Selphie images
>"Laguna should have been the main character"
>is Adel a boy or a girl?
>what the fuck is NORG?
>Replacing C's with K's
>tfw no G.F.
>Rinoa a shit
>Galbaldians on motorcycles
>Hot Dogs

I love this game.

>completely broken battle system
>dumb plot
>mostly awful characters
>dull world

It's the worst PS1 FF by a mile. It's saved by a good soundtrack and a weird atmosphere.

8 had potential but its my least favorite of the series. squall was a terrible character, gunblades are stupid, the whole GF's wipe out your memory bs so you dont remember all being orphans together was dumb, the master sniper dude not being able to sniper was dumb, ultimacia was dumb. i did like the new take on magic sytem with the draw thing, i wish they would have tried and refined that in future games. also, i know lots of people love it, but i hate card games in video games

FF8 has arguably the worst cast in the series.

>main protagonist is a moody douchebag
>his father is a retard
>the rival is an even bigger douchebag
>love interest is a realistic depiction of a teenage girl
>friends include an annoying dumbass, a tryhard 'ladies man' and a girl who is mentally 8-years-old
Quistis was the only tolerable one, even if she didn't get to do much.

I really liked the music, graphic quality, and Laguna's segments, but everything else didn't really resonate with me. Biggest problems for me were the draw system, how level scaling was handled, and the playable cast not being all that interesting. It's not a bad game and I can see the appeal in it to some extent, but compared to a lot of other games in the series, it doesn't really hold up.

There was a point in my life fairly recently where I believed I was Squall. I also fervently read Catcher in the Rye. I'm not sure what was going on.

Did you also watch Fight Club?

No, I never have and probably never will.

I hear the PC version is wonky. Did it get modded?

You and every other 15 year old loser

8 is garbage.
IX has the best waifu.

meh i used to think the same thing but replaying them on steam i actually couldn't bring myself to finish it but had loads of fun with 7 and 9. I also prefer tetra master to triple triad

I don't think it's great on a technical level but I can't deny I always like playing it.

But I'm already in my 20s. I actually wasn't ever that edgy as a teenager, just horny.

You're not still horny?

No he's a mature old man """"already"""" in his 20s

it's my favorite too, user

I'm on Lexapro nowadays so that probably has something to do with it.

Never claimed I was mature, just that I'm not an edgelord nor am I a horny teenager.

>Hasn't played the game the post

I fucking wish an MMO played as well as 12, 12 is more of an RTS than anything, you set up macros and your hit squad carries them out, it's not spam abilities, it's real time battle management and it's fun as fuck.

>No likable characters
Vaan, that's it. The story shouldn't have focused on him, that's true, but the story is still great. Every FF has shitty sub plots you're forced to go through, just because 12 has 1/3 of it;s story devoted to pretty boy Vaan doesn't mean the other 2/3rds aren't great.

>The horny 20 year old was tolerable
She was literally smirk and shake head the character.

>gunblades are stupid
>hates card games
>hates having a level-headed male for a lead character
>"why don't we remember being friends?"
>wow magic

Partially true.

One needs to be a matured adult in order to enjoy the game.

literally the only reason you liked 7 was because she had huge tits
that's why you hate all the post-7 spinoff stuff, because she doesn't have them anymore

prove this airtight logic wrong
you cannot

Thoughts? Personal feelings on the matter?

Wishful thinking. Would make the game better but it's not actually true.

What's wrong with enjoying her giant breasts?


I wish this game had more battles with sorceresses. Also why were Quistis and Selphie far more magier than Rinoa, when it came to limits?

> would make the game better.


it's true

Only considered by retards at this point, after years of knowing the Ultimania explicitly addressed the issue and said Rinoa is not Ultimecia.

How is it true? What makes Rinoa becoming evil (somehow surviving far into the future) for no discernible reason interesting?

The whole draw and junction grind dragged it down. Other than that it was great


It's my favorite, by far.

reminder of Dissisdia