How do you feel the real these four nationalities won't be in Battlefield 1?

the four real heroic countries of WW1?

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indifferent. because i'm not buying it anyway.

Irishmen who fought for Britain in WW1 were complete cucks. It's a good thing the leaders of 1916 decided to redpill Ireland and lead them away from the traitorous Redmondites.


Im more sad that the ottomans arent even selectable

any source for that or for OP?

that was just some shit a random user came up to shitpost with


>giving EA money

It wouldn't be diverse enough, man, they have an agenda to push!

We've already seen an Ottoman horsebabe and several guys wearing Ottoman variant helmets, keep guessing.

>Lumping Ireland in with the UK
>wanting Ireland in a shitty 'men with guns' game
Please leave my country alone and keep your shit taste and questionable understanding of history and politics to yourself.

Dude 50 thousand Irishmen gave their lives during WW1 and over 300 thousand including the Northern Irish served in the war, they deserve praise fuck off with your anti-British shit.

>How do you feel the real these four nationalities won't be in Battlefield 1?

You do know lots of Irishmen and I mean actual Irishmen not just the Ulster-Scots gladly wanted to fight for the British empire in WW1? stick your republic revisionist history up your arse son.

>they deserve praise for going off fighting wars that had nothing to do with them

Lads, just because a few Irish lads wanted to join in and fight under their occupier's flag, despite their own country's neutral stance, doesn't mean the nation of Ireland was involved in WW1.

By your logic, Ireland is an MMA country because Conor McGregor and some other arseholes did some MMA fights.

Ireland itself played no part in WW1 (or WW2 for that matter) and you should respect our neutrality. This isn't revisionist history, it's just not being an idiot.

It had everything to do with them, they were crown citizens just like the Scots and Welsh. They were British.

England and three cucks who died for England, hoping that if they died enough for England, England would stop making them die for England, which didn't happen

You seem to have a pretty tenuous grasp on Irish history and ethnic identity.

Ireland was part of the UK during WW1, you historically illiterate fuck

Do you have proofs?

DICE has said that the Campaign will jump all around different events and people.

If you really fell for the "The nigger is the main character and the whole campaign is about niggers" meme, then I'm sorry but you are either misinformed or retarded. Probably both

Yes they were Irish, but they were also BRITISH. Now they aren't Except for the ones in Northern Ireland.

How dare you. Ireland was never part of the UK, it was just kidnapped by a few of those limey cunts and we hadn't ran them out yet.

Italy map has already been confirmed at the least.

I'd be happy if there was a 1916 expansion

>You will never be able to recreate rallying the lads into no mans land to the drone of bagpipes and watching as the pathetic German Empire cower from how fucking huge your bollocks are

>Instead you will be playing the same old boring Americans, shooting up them Germanese with automatic weapons

tfw no Macedonian front

nigga you tried to give hitler a back door
ireland was cowardly not neutral

>You will never be able to recreate rallying the lads into no mans land to the drone of bagpipes and watching as the pathetic German Empire cower from how fucking huge your bollocks are

Yes you probably will actually

custom map
Bagpipes over mic

Serious question, is Sup Forums actually pissed at the black guy being playable in game or is it just a meme?

>heroic actions in ww1

think its kind of weird to have a black protag in the european campaign. Would make sense in the colonial one though

>the four real heroic countries of WW1
>Not France and Germany
Fuck off.

there's only one nationality in that picture, OP

stop separating pretend states

Britain = English empire so I am okay with this, although I would like some skirted bagpipe blowers for badassery

Sup Forums's pissed that they have the opportunity to make something really different with the European theme and have instead focused on some American infantry that made up >0.1% of the war

I'd be more pissed that the game's just been announced and there's already DLC prepared for it, or are we too desensitized to that already?

I didn't try to do anything, mate, don't be pointing fingers my way. Ireland was a bit of a mess since it was being horrifically raped by the British Empire, it's still shit now even... But at least we're not bowing to some auld one who gets super dole for being inbred and rich already.

I sure hope you get to play as India in the game.

I've already got the best map music picked out.

Honestly the UK was joke during WW1

your historical retardation is showing, neither hitler or the other guy in WW1 had any interest in Britain. Both looked on in horrified fascination as Britain raped itself to fight a nation that had no interest in it.

They confirmed that he's the Harlem Hellfighter that fought 24-30 German soldiers by himself in his trench. He didn't kill all of them though. I thinkk he's pretty cool but I can see why Europe people would be turned off.

I think they've chosen a good team, I could see it being SJW if they did a random ass team of minorities from Zulu land or something but they chose Americans that were shipped off to France.

Except not really. Irish people never identified as British, they were under the rule of the UK but largely didn't really want to be. This firstly manifested as desire for repeal of the Act of Union, then a desire for Home Rule - the idea of an independent Ireland being a pipe dream. Only after what happened in 1916 did Irish people enhance their aspirations and put their thrust into an independent Irish Republic totally separated from Britain. This plainly wouldn't have happened if the Irish had any real loyalty to Britain. The men who fought in WW1 largely did so as mercenaries, or as men mislead by foolish leaders like John Redmond.


Sooo it's only western front ? Man that kind of sucks Russia, Lithuana, Poland etc. would be cool to see in a game

>set a game in europe
>could have actual french people as the protagonists
>nah just throw some americans in there
Every fucking time

>Ireland is 'neutral' but shows an overwhelming sympathy to the Allied side
>wah u didnt explicitly join us u nazis

its kind of pathetic how much you post this image

>tfw you'll never play as an IRA fighter killing Blacks and Tans while singing "Óró sé do bheatha abhaile" with the lads in the year 1920

Tá tuirse an domhain orm.

I haven't bought a BF since 2142.

Not going to start now.

>Irish people never identified as British
except for all those irishmen who voted for the unionists and formed a military rebellion against home rule.

>Irish nationalists are muzzie loving cocksuckers.

This is a good thread, smart people outnumber the dumbasses.

>implying every Irishman votes for Sinn Féin

>discuss Ireland at all
>devolves into BRITS OUT UP THE RA WE WERE NEVER BRITISH within minutes

Do the Irish have any history other than being cucked? It's all people seem to talk about

Blame America, they sent the troops they didn't want.

>claiming they identified as British
>claiming someone who claimed they were British is Irish
>claiming contradictions
... What?

>Ulster Scots

They literally BTFO'd the greatest empire of the world at the time.

not only was Ireland part of the UK at the time but Ireland will forever be part of the British Isles so of course you're going to get lumped in. Unless your island magically moves somewhere else in the world this will always be true

>Sooo it's only western front


Christ does anyone do any research on this game besides Sup Forums memes?

>the leaders of 1916 are Sinn Féin

That is totally meaningless though.

dublin also returned unionists.
But you'll likely return with
>anyone who wasnt a gaelic speaking catholic crofter or a euphoric american/scottish born socialist isnt really irish

Are there any games where I can play as a Scot that arnt based off braveheart?

They are going to be DLC

Lawrence of Arabia pack I wish I was kidding

Ottomans were total babies though. Not worth it

waa England was mean to us
waa our economy is shit it's England's fault
waa I need to fly to London for another abortion and plane tickets are expensive which is probably England's fault

It's clear you're a product of the horrendous, British education system.
A geographical title for a grouping of islands (that really should've been changed by now) does not make Ireland British.
Stop grasping at straws because people explain to you that Ireland didn't participate in WW1...
Just stop, it's just a simple correction. Keep your crumpets away from me.

Obviously when people speak in generalities there's going to be exceptions you fucking idiot. Do you think you're making a real point? Irish were by and large not identifying as British.




Mount and Blade Warband - Napoleonic wars.
Enjoy dying.


your original point was that irish people were mugs for fighting in ww1 since they did not consider themselves british.

You now concede that some did. Stop posting

Theres a Scottish Black Watch faction in Napoleonic Wars, it's a good laugh

I wasn't born nor did I grow up in Britain lmao cry some more potato nigger

fuck the rest, scots were where it was at

read Storm of Steel, Junger (an elite stormtroop officer who fought through the entire war) noted that of all his opponents (French, English, Indians) that Scots were the most ferocious, they were real men.

They were known as the "ladies from hell" to the germans

In that case there's really no excuse for you being such a silly-willy. Now, since you've run out of historical inaccuracies to spam, it'd be great if you'd fuck off and stop defaming the once sort of half-decent nation of Ireland.

>ladies from hell
>harlem hellfighters
>probably many more
Fuck, just me or were the Germans massive pussies?

the hellfighters were a meme

they never saw much action outside of a few minor engagements under the french (the americans used them for labour)

The only countries worth giving a shit about are Germany and France.

it's still the British Isles tho

you're starting to sound like a butthurt Korean over the Sea of Japan

oh wait, you both have histories of being dominated by your superiors, lol, so I guess the butt hurt is real

I'm guessing that german culture sort of led them to respect good fighters. and they would mention it a lot

>that really should've been changed by now
Of all the foibles of the irish nationalists this is the most baffling. Its almost orwellain language denailism.

I mean shit, you dont see that Scots getting butthurt about the "Irish Sea"

>Scots made up 13% of the volunteers despite being less than 10% of Britain’s pre-War population
>26.4% of Scots died in battle compared to other parts of Britain (11.8%)

Mad cunts. I remember learning a story in history about a Piper who earned a Victoria cross post-mortem for continuing to play whilst he bled out in a hole in No Man's Land.

most of these names are made up by the units themselves

it's like how every single country has a quote from Hitler or Rommel or whatever random nazi saying how they're the best

So you've got no points then? Grand, stop posting any time. Also, Ireland rekt Britain's shit despite being weak as fuck and managed to win it's independence, so I'm not sure what you're on about.
Maybe you're confusing Ireland for Scotland.

Nah, I actually have never heard anyone speak about it and I honestly don't give a shit about it, but it's sort of an inaccurate title and could do with a bit of a change.
I'm not even an 'Irish nationalist' anyway, I generally take the side of 'we might have been better off becoming British' - even though I know deep down that we're somehow less of a shithole than they are.

>but it's sort of an inaccurate title and could do with a bit of a change
theres nothing to change it too thats not utterly contorted though.. The state is named after the islands and not the other way around.
Southern Ireland is another one that gets people. Had a mate go off on me when I mentioned driving from northern to southern ireland. I mean shit, I get what your saying and all, but its just natural langauge usage.

Ireland would not have been better off becoming british unless there were major changed in the constitution to a more federalist system like france, which would have never ever happened.

what would you prefer then, European?

alright then lmfao Eurofaggot

I feel sorry for you... Being this stupid must be hard on your family user

>Still being buttblasted over events that happened a literal century before your lifetime

I have to deal with people like you all the time, I come here to escape so shut your whore mouth

Jesus Christ fuck off why does anyone fucking care, the Battlefield series has been shit since 3 and WW1 was just a bunch of fucking retards fighting flames by throwing gasoline at them

Again, mate, I honestly don't really care about it, you seem to and that's fine but like I onl get triggered by a couple words and none of them relate to Ireland. I was just having a laugh, but also making sure no one thought Ireland fought in any world wars.

No idea what you're on about, mate.

Fierce ironic, there friend. If you read that and didn't pick up that that was literally the general consensus of the Irish people throughout our occupation then it goes to show just how poorly you've been schooled.
I'm also really smart. It's pretty good.

>Thinking that wasn't in jest
Hah, alright, you might want to repair your banter detector.

I've got a lot more entertainment out of this thread than I expected to.

Someone made a mod in GMOD where you can actually play as the IRA/UDA, havnt heard from it in a while though.