Entire party is killed

>entire party is killed
>story progresses

So Fission Mailed?
Rare to find plots like those.

Fuck I can't even remember one. Was Breath of Fire 4 like that?

Fire Emblem 4.


>MC is killed
>story progresses

Crono Trigger was some shit.

Also the opening of FF2

>sequel starts killing off previous established characters out of nowhere except the MC
>other characters join to replace them
>they're killed, too

What game?

>sequel uses the beloved original game's mc as the villain


>letting your party die

>sequel reveals that last game's protagonists were actually the antagonists

God I love when this happens for some reason, it's like a fetish.

>it was just a ruse
>but they only reveal it 90% through the game
>new mc is still a faggot

>original game's entire plot was based on the MC wanting to rescue someone
>sequel kills him off just to make the MC suffer

>Entire party dies
>auto save

>save file deletes itself

>load up your last manual save
>trade 5 hours of progress for a few digital friends

>games that still have manual saving

How do you put it down whenever and come back to it later?

Seems like a mechanic designed to make you play longer tbch.

>protag is the only one that can stop the enemy's superdemon-weapon-monster-thing
>get to like Lv90
>good times all around so far
>the expected plot, character development, boss fights, and party shenanigans
>seemingly final boss fight

>MC dies

>game now allows you to directly control any party member
>levelcap increases to 999, XP drops are much higher to make up for it
>if any party member dies from this point on it's permanant; game has encrypted saves and only autosaves to keep you from save scumming
>plot progresses with or without you, if you stand around long enough big bad will do his thing
>final fight leaves most of the world uninhabitable with few people left to rebuild
New Game+ lets you get a better ending by curbstomping the Lv99 final boss before he can use his kill-the-MC attack

I never knew how much I needed this

Chrono Trigger x Fire Emblem x Bravely Second?