Why is it I dont ever feel emotionally invested in video games...

Why is it I dont ever feel emotionally invested in video games? How come I didn't cry when I killed The Boss and then right afterwards learned the truth at the end of MGS 3? Why didnt I feel empty after John Marston died in Red Dead Redemption? Why did Gannondorf's speech at the end of Wind Waker not move me? Why am I so emotionally retarded?

I'm not the only one like this, right?

No, you're emotionally retarded if you are moved by video games.

Because you're a normie

This will be a cebruz thread now

You're a true gamer.

I dont feel nothing when my gf tells me she loves me.

When Roman died in GTA 4 I went through the 5 stages of grief.

First and only time a video game made me feel something.

Wow you shitposted harder than me
>Edgy normie

It has less to do with games and more to do with storytelling.

Epic meme friend

Its because you are a scum and you cant disagree with that

>being literally gay AND a waifufag

But every new AAA has 10/10 story telling.

Wow you shitposted harder than me
>Using the word meme
i agree

>Not being gay for 3d and bi for 2d
Also i saw enough mlp shitposting, lets see if barneyfags get triggered

What kind of a basement dweller saves loads of pics of Tomoko?

Is it just games or stories in general?

Like, ever get invested in films or books?

It's pretty much this. Video games often times don't tell good stories and the reason games like The Witcher series are good is because they're based off of an already pre-existing story.

Aside from maybe Metal Gear (from MG to MGS 3), not many video games tell good and original stories.


Where do you think you are faggot?
>Being able to make someone cry
How can text make someone to cry?

Dont worry, Donald Trump will make anime real. We all have a chance now.

God fucking damnit! You are lost man, youre too far gone. Commit sepukku ASAP.

>He thinks trump will win
I cant wait for you guys butthurt when shillary wins.
But please dont kill yourself when it happens, there is always a next time!
Fun fact: that is my pillow

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

>How can text make someone to cry?
>trump will make x great again!
Disgusting, get out of here
Dont tell me what to do. Scum

Now its ours ;)

>avatar fagging some dumb fucking 12 year old looking loli bait faggotry

post more best girl

Holy shit you made me to laugh.
Took you only 7 minutes to find it.
>Wanting me to share it
Still mine faggot

This is cebruzposting

Well, to be fair, I would've been quicker had I been in this thread right away.
But I know the image url off by heart now.

Wait so you look for image urls to find pony posters?
I thought you made some software that shows you every new thread.
I want it too but im too stupid to set it up

I read it way back in 2011 but stopped catching up when the same joke started to get stale.

Is the manga even still going? Anything of interest happened?

god i wanna dick her so bad

>Please spoonfeed me
Kill yourself
Nice shitposting

By ours you know what I meant ;)

What, are you too lame to find pictures by yourself? Or even make them by yourself?
Why is it so hard to google it?
I will bury you

Its not nice

Did you derive enjoyment from them? You dont have to have all your emotions flare off like bottle rockets to appreciate something, empathy and pleasure are things you can have without turning into a snotty ball of tears

Well, no, but sometimes I can tell that same person will show up if the thread is blatantly off-topic like if it's Zootopia, SU, daily dose, etc.
I've seen it so much that I know the image URL for that picture so I can call that fag out whenever I see him rear his head.

I do have software though, it's an app called RSS Notifier, it shows the OP text and image of each thread that's made.

>Why is it so hard to google it?
>>Please spoonfeed me
I'll take that it's a no and more of the same ol' shit.

I just know that you are some creep who is trying to steal my pillow

Yeah i mean that, i used it once too but wasnt good enough.
Welp im not trying to shitpost 24/7 anymore so i wont even try it.

Dont you think that you cause more shitposting by /mlp/fags? There sure a shitton of them who just want to trigger you.
Wouldnt it be better just to report the thread?

>Im too retarded to google :)

>being stupid

how big does tomoko like her dicks?

You have to get creative with your shitposts!

what a fucking faggot.
are you in this thread right now? because if you are, please kill yourself, and do it right this time.

>he is trying to be cool again

Nothing can kill me, i will life longer than you!
>He is smug

>Dont you think that you cause more shitposting by /mlp/fags?
Well, yeah, of course, but it shows how stupid they are to get themselves banned just to piss off ONE GUY.
They're like lemmings, I tell you.
And yes, I do report their threads.
I just do my shit in the meantime.

Remember when cebruz tried to kill himself with pills?

>commiting suicide like a preteen girl

Just slit your wrists you enormous faggot.

Start talking nice to him or else, kiddo


>all these mokofags

she isn't real

if she were, you would hate her

>how stupid they are to get themselves banned just to piss off ONE GUY.
I dont want to defend them but i dont like your logic here.
Bans mean shit on this site and can get avoided in 30sec. Even rangebans arent a problem.
You are yourself a ban evader too
>He is this salty
>Im new on Sup Forums

>he is trying to be cool again
>now he is just plain stupid

>Barneyfag trying to fuck up a Tomoko thread
Go shove your purple dildo up your ass and leave us in peace.

Why would you be moved by Gannondorf's speech in WW? Why would you cry during the Boss fight in MGS 3? Why would you give a shit about anything in Red Dead? Those are fucking awful examples of potential "feels" in video games