Are you offended by the BF1 trailer, anons?
Just nuke neogaf already
They said the same thing about Vietnam if I remember correctly.
They'll get over it.
Games are fun because they are not reality.
Shooting people is fun because it's not reality. There is nothing even remotely offensive in this Battlefield 1.
is this his first day on the Internet or playing games?
This makes me wamt to buy 2 copies instead of 1.
But World War II is perfectly fine despite causing the death of six times as many people?
IN fifty years, when peace outshines
Remembrance of the battle lines,
Adventurous lads will sigh and cast
Proud looks upon the plundered past.
On summer morn or winter’s night,
Their hearts will kindle for the fight,
Reading a snatch of soldier-song,
Savage and jaunty, fierce and strong;
And through the angry marching rhymes
Of blind regret and haggard mirth,
They’ll envy us the dazzling times
When sacrifice absolved our earth.
Some ancient man with silver locks
Will lift his weary face to say:
‘War was a fiend who stopped our clocks
Although we met him grim and gay.’
And then he’ll speak of Haig’s last drive,
Marvelling that any came alive
Out of the shambles that men built
And smashed, to cleanse the world of guilt.
But the boys, with grin and sidelong glance,
Will think, ‘Poor grandad’s day is done.’
And dream of lads who fought in France
And lived in time to share the fun.
if anything it reminds people of their bravery.
It's a satire of a very old post about Vietnam.
He seems to think it's ok to make a game about a horrible war that killed millions as long as you can make one side into the baddies
The joke is that ever GAF told this kid to go fuck themselves
Politely though, so they didn't get banned
The difference beetwen this and other war games is that for example vietnam or WWII games were not some glorified "wub wub niggers is da heros" and "wars are cool" games.
Do people remember the first COD or Vietnam games?
Battlefield has always been a celebration of large-scale war, it never did the War is Hell thing. 1942 had triumphant horns playing when you beat the enemy, Vietnam had It Aint Me while you gunned down Charlie from your helicopter.
Jesus Christ, this faggot.
>Vietnam War
That's fine.
>Modern Conflicts
That's fine.
That's fine.
Holy shit what a bitch. I don't even give a fuck about this game but feel like throwing some money at it now after reading that garbage.
>how dare anyone take a historical event and turn it into a form of entertainment
Is this dude like 80?
Tom from XSEED was always polite and he got banned anyway for disagreeing with the NEOFAG hivemind
I implore you to not make this a meme. I've already seen parody posts like this on 2 other websites.
>Vietnam had It Aint Me while you gunned down Charlie from your helicopter.
the good ol days
War is only bad for the losers and whose who die/don't have the mortal fortitude to overcome personal demons. There's nothing wrong with glorifying war, even at it's absolute worst there are usually huge upsides for society at large. WW2 had huge strides in human medicine and brought about nuclear energy but has probably one of the highest death tolls in human history. It's ancient history though, and we are absolutely at a point where we should be able to talk about.
Whether glorification or wholesale condemnation, a fictionalized story using the setting should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want.
Probably 90 something if that post isn't total bullshit which it probably is.
Other devs atleast respected the people that fought in those wars and you could see that in games. Now here DICE seems to not give a fuck at all.
The problem with WW1 is that it had the death toll on the scale of WW2 while having no moral justification in popular culture. WW2 has been framed as a just crusade against the ebil nazis whereas WW1 is still remembered as just several empires carrying out diplomacy by other means. Even with the cold war we have the whole GLOBAL COMMUNISM THREAT meme instead of thinking about it as several colonialist powers fighting over spheres of influence.
>Other devs atleast respected the people that fought in those wars and you could see that in games.
Yeah, I really appreciated the way they humanized each and every one of the thousands of faceless Nazi mooks they had me gun down.
>War on Terror
tales of glorious anti-terror forces BTFOing sand niggers and bin laden etc many tales of one man rambo armies fighting off the legion with a single machine gun placement
americucks BTFO gives a good chortle to the rest of the world
horrible but war but many tales of glory and heroism
literally just a war of attrition where soldiers were sent sprinting into gunfire and artillery strikes until the wall of corpses provided enough cover to move the trench line up 1m
do you really need it spelled out to you niggers?
Is this what morons really believe?
>1942 had triumphant horns playing when you beat the enemy
There's a difference between glorifying a war and playing a war song when you win a battle you fucking moron.
Battlefield 1942 was an amazing game and it never did anything as tasteless as Battlefield 1.
>do you really need it spelled out to you niggers?
No we get it, you're a sucker for propaganda.
Please enlighten us.
butthurt african americans detected
Define "tasteless"
Do jetpacks count as "tasteless"?
Retards gets offended by everything these days.
Minus all the crybaby special snowflake bullshit he's right, WW1 was a stupid, cannonfodder war that was fought over bullshit reasons. It's impossible to make anything from it glorious or heroic.
You don't know the first thing about WW1.
t. WW1 survivor Tyreeqe Jamalson
This faggot would have to be at least 111 years fucking old to have any memory of the first world war and any family that may or may not died in it.
Now i'm pretty sure there is only a hand full of people that old on the planet right now and I highly doubt any of them use fucking neogaf.
Any conflict can be made heroic, you just focus less on the geo-political aspect and more on the individuals. Instead of telling a story about how England had just claims on stopping Germany from invading France you talk about this one individual dude who triumphed against the odds through training and discipline and make the moral of the story be about being brave against the odds.
>It's impossible to make anything from it glorious or heroic.
you, sitting in your air conditioned room in your computer chair, decide this? I think the men who fought in the war got to decide whether there was glory and heroism, and i assure you there was.
glory and heroism comes in the face of adversity, it doesn't matter what the fucking subtext is.
sound like some retard who tried to tell me nazis couldn't be war heroes.
Wanna know what this game will be about? This game is about how niggers and strong "need no man" women are the real heroes of WWI and how white men were the devil. All with some good dubstep and lensflare.
Playing "Seven Nation Army" in the background of a WW1 game is tasteless.
As long as I get to gun down turkroaches I'll be happy.
>look mom i posted it again
So now you know how we feel about WW2.
Maybe in the original CoD and MoH games...
Battlefield has never has paid respect to anyone, especially not with the single player campaigns they've been making since BFBC.
Yeah, but you'll be doing it as a literal sandnigger so that it doesn't look racist.
I don't care who I do it as.
Wow. You're so cool, user.
It's a generic, uplifting rock song. Its entire purpose in the trailer is just enticing a bunch of retarded teenagers to say "THIS IS SOOO FUCKING EPIC XDDDD" and "COD BTFO" in YouTube comments.
It's disgusting. The only reason this shit is accepted is because journalists love $$$ and the majority of gamers are mentally 12 years old.
They should've just reused Battlefield 1942's theme instead of a fucking D&B remix of a rock song.
it does look like trash because BF has been trash for years.
>germany was the enemy in ww1
>germany was the enemy in ww2
>everyone who was not germany was the hero in ww1/2
>how dare you make a game about this
>ww2 is fine
>the civil war is fine
>i can name family members who died in a war over 100 years ago
i bet this 20 year old college snowflake has PTSD every night about how he was resurrected from a trench infantryman during ww2
dont like it dont play it
just like with books, if you dont like it, dont read it
itt people don't understand jokes
What I dislike is that they put the most irrelevant country, that took part in the war, on the cover.
Good goy
still think there will be a gay romance in this game or at least hints towards homosexuality
its a fucking videogame
why would i be offended by it?
other than the agenda bullshit , who fucking cares
that retard its why developers try to be so fucking correct with everything
>I can name people
>Doesn't name people
I'm offended at his lies. Why not respect your "family members" and tell us who they were and what they did?
Silly little cunt.
that faggot was probably born in 96
Not offended but I hate it. That horrible dubstep and fade to black every 2 seconds.
That guy has a point too, I dislike how they are trying to glorify ww1 when it was just a massacre. Artillery and machineguns were so horribly dominant killing machines.
WW1 doesn't fit for games.
>literally just a war of attrition where soldiers were sent sprinting into gunfire and artillery strikes until the wall of corpses provided enough cover to move the trench line up 1m
That's actually an exaggeration invented by poets and painters.
His avatar is the least weird thing about whole post, and farscape is made out of weird.
>The Great War started 102 years ago
Jesus christ it's been that long? I feel old now
It's accepted because everyone is dead inside anyway, mass media can do whatever it wants.
I can name people too, yet also not by name because I don´t know the name of my great grand father who was an Oberst (colonel) in the K.u.K army who fought against the russians.
typing that out made made me realize what shitty people are posting on this board 24/7
>colonel in the c.u.c.k. army
Great genes you got there jimbo.
But the gist of it is not. people died in droves for marginal gains that changed by the day.
>K.u.K army
I'm so sorry, no one should have to fight in the A-H army at that time, it's a step down from even the Italian army.
Okay that was a bit of a tasteless jake.
>shitty people
Thank you for confirming your subhumanity stante pede.
>I know people who died a century ago
just doing my part
doesnt make sense for you to say people here are assholes and not have at least one person make fun of your fallen ancestor for a dumb reason.
It is kind of offensive to make games based on history IMO, and I'm not a thin skinned sjw, but the thought of EA making millions off the back of war veterans is kinda gross.
>Sup Forums
>where people care for you in the worst way possible
Yeah but it has strong women and them murdering is empowerment.
No, because I'm not some faggot who thinks I need to be offended or feel emotions on others behalves so I can feel like a good person to compensate for my lack of drive to actually do good. Especially those who have been dead for a while now.
What I love is when people try and demonize a celebration of individual achievements during the darkest hours of humanity.
Fuck right off. That poor bastard didnt' want to be there.
But he's there, and he got shit done, despite being mired in a sea of incompetent shit.
surely making a game about a war which is outside living memory is far less disrespectful than a game about a more recent war
this is second generation holocaust survivor tier
This turns my stomach. Just flat out the most offensive game I've ever seen.
I can name family members who were harassed by Mark Wahlberg, wept at the pictures and accounts of the dead and maimed that experienced this spring roll nightmare, was taught all the horrors of it from my bamboo hood school, through my whole life, it's only ever been a symbol of the folly of hamburgermen, the worst, most black and shameful era of American and Vietnamese history. I've been to the actual battlefields and mass graves across Saigon, held the minutes silence without fail every phocking day my entire life, for as long as I could understand the meaning of it.
There was no glory in this war. No thrilling action or daring do, no Forrest Gump, this was mass murder, a scar on the history of our species, and every single person involved in it was triggered.
This trailer, the entire concept of this game, makes me feel physically sick, and just so fucking angry.
How fucking dare anyone make a game like this about the Vietnam War.
I don't know what's worse, the sick fucking emotionless, greedy cunts that would seriously exploit this horror of an industrialised massacre, or the ignorant, soulless bastards that will give them money and enjoy it.
Anyone involved in this, or seriously think of buying this, should be ashamed of insulting us Vietnam fucking shits.
I've always felt like this about these war glorifying games, don't see why this pops up now.
I kind of feel where they're coming from on this one. The Great War is one that we aren't used to seeing dramatized or portrayed in fiction, and when it is it tends to be in a very somber tone. For years now we've had loud action movies and games about WW2, Vietnam, the Middle East and just about everything else but WW1 is something relatively new here.
I don't think there's anything wrong with making a game about it but the tone of the very first trailer does feel a little weird.
Literally every single war is how this guy describes, why doesn't he get offended by games that are based on modern wars, or Vietnam, or WW2, or medieval battles.
This is the exact reason why I think having a black on the front cover, and having le epic strong muslim womyn in the game is fucking disgusting. Agenda-pushing and exaggeration for the sake of entertainment is one thing, but exploiting a war where the relatives of everyone I know suffered to do it is abhorrent.
This fucking autism.
The most offensive thing isn't about the war, it's about the game itself being called Battlefield 1 when it's not even the first game.
Fucking retarded devs why the fuck would you name a game "1" when it's not even the first one ?
Same thing with the xbox one, fucking retards.
Because we're used to Vietnam and WW2 and we're detached enough from medieval conflicts (and portray them so unrealistically) that it's a non issue. This is a war that we don't normally see being made all bombastic while also being recent enough that there's still a sense of reality to it.
Probably some clever dick thinking about it as the first 'modern' conflict.
gaf dude has something of a point. They could have kept the tone more sombre and played up the tragedy of it a bit more and still had a Battlefield shooter, instead of making it look like a Michael Bay film.
What if he's an immortal vampire?
I guess it's that people still have a somewhat realistic view on WW1 as supposed to WW2 which was where America saved the world! That's how it went, right?
Anybody else find it so "North Korea"-ish that everybody on NeoGaf spouts the exact same ideological opinion?
I assume that's for fear of the banhammer. At least here you've got pro/con sides of gameplay.
Creepy as shit that X is bad, Y is good.
People tend to see the first world war as a terrible accident and the second as the closest thing we're ever getting to a fight of good and evil. That's probably part of it.
It's literally a COD-kid trying to brainstorm a SJW-reason to boycott Battlefield. Fucking pathetic.
My great grandfather fought in WW1 and lost his legs.
I couldn't give a shit to be honest , I mean he died years before I even knew about him.
I respect that he fought in the war but I don't see why I need to be offend at this game because of it.
There are some right special snowflakes out there who will do anything for attention.
>daring do
Where is this strong muslim women thing? Is it in the trailer and I missed it?
Chick on the horse in the first 10 seconds, I think.
Second. This is what annoyed me most about the trailer too. That music really was a poor fit. WW1 was probably the most shitty war ever to have fought as a soldier, and somehow playing dubstep over that just really rubs me the wrong way. It's tasteless.
the only thing that i find fucked up is representing the people who fought in that terrible war as a black guy? no shit, there were black people in the way, but by no means enough of them to warrant making a black guy the posterboy.