Will you buy Revolution 60 pc?

Will you buy Revolution 60 pc?

no, since it's shit.

Before anyone asks, yes that is command prompt and he ran a .bat supplied by Valve because he doesn't understand computers.

how can (s)he be surprised that developing games requires the command line?
And how is that a "DOS concept"?
I guess this proves (s)he's a hack.

I'm going to buy it then get a refund for it, and I encourage everyone to do the same.

>t. Windows "Developer"

Did he fucking take a photo of his PC screen and not press the Print Screen key

Like come on, and we're supposed to believe Wu is a game dev too

The fucking "how tot upload your game to Steam" wiki page is open in the background. Wu literally copy/pasted some generic template and edited the parts it instructs you to.

How gullible does (s)he think people are?

>post yfw it gets shit reviews (upwards of 75% negative)
>he'll do something to censor/stop/remove reviews
>this will lead to another shitstorm
>he'll only get more attention

Op here, stop talking about Wu please. She's not video games but her game is.

Very few people know about the Print Screen key, believe it or not.

>at work
>company uses a lot of computers
>people are always asking me how I'm able to take screenshots
>they're witnessing new foreign technology unfold in front of their very eyes when I show them how
>even though this shit has existed for decades
>both old and young are amazed by this
>except for the IT guy, who is literally the only other person who knows more about computers than me
>huge gap in knowledge too, because I generally consider myself a dumbass with computers
>can't believe other people are allowed to use a computer around here

that'd probably hurt them more than boycotting


I know what you're doing

Fuck off Brian Wu.

I'd fuck her.

You're forgetting that this guy is a game developer. He made a game, yet somehow he doesn't know how to use print screen?

The power of pre made game engines and "tutorials".

I work around engineers, designers, technicians, and accountants, and not even they knew about Print Screen until I showed them how.


You know, maybe we can give Wu some woman credit after all.

He may be a dude, but his approach to computing is woman-like.

I just don't understand. It's literally as easy these days as saying "gee, I wish I could do . I bet someone else has already figured it out."

In the 90's, sure, the fact you had to go to a library may have stopped you. But goddamn it it's 2 0 1 6 and you can use motherfucking Google so what's the big hold up here?



Shitty indie games get released every day on Steam, why is this one being spammed?


I dunno, man.

I once had to show a guy at work how to use the "End" key.

>"hey user, there's a file I need you to look at"
>"go into this drive, then this folder, then that folder, etc."
>"the file is at the bottom, so you're gonna be scrolling for a while"
>press the End key
>boom, I'm at the bottom
>"How did you do that?"
>do what?
>"How did you get to the end so quickly?"
>I pressed the END key

Can anyone please tell me if Brianna Wu is actually a guy or is she just a very ugly woman?

A man.

Sup Forums has to pay reparations for GamerGate war crimes.



100% a man. Google John Flynt.

More like iOS.

It's actually a very ugly guy.



The reparations were not worth the couple of years of shitposting.

If only we could go back.

Considering that it's one of the better games in the 2010's of course I will

If my lesbian nigger dad/wife let's me.

This game cost $400,000 to make


no fucking way

>>"the file is at the bottom, so you're gonna be scrolling for a while"

Alternatively you could grab the scroll bar and just pull it to the bottom quickly even if you don't know about the end key. Don't tell me he just uses the wheel for everything.

Photo of your screen looks more "emotional" when you want to combine it
with a story, prictscreen is for for "logical" posts, like asking a question or showing a proof

Wu is a creepy weirdo and this game is dogshit, but there is nothing wrong with taking a photo of your screen in this situation

It's actually Weird Al Yankovic experimenting with a new online persona. He's just gauging reactions for his next polka medley project.

Who cares about budgeting when you can just spend daddy's money?

SHE has to make up for the lost $400k somehow.

Holy shit. The END key has a use?

>Don't tell me he just uses the wheel for everything.
I wouldn't put it past him to be the kind of guy who holds the down arrow on the keyboard. Or even the kind of guy who holds his left mouse button on the down button of the scroll bar.

Either way, there's no more of that. I showed him the End key, so that's the end of those days.

Sounds reasonable, 4 friends plus you, three years worth of Cali salary and a Cali office rent

>using a command line
>"DOS concepts"

Unity game developers are as proficient as tech support curry niggers

Her parents are millionaires, and gave John several hundred thousand to start a failing comic strip

His newest project Rev60 was financed by his husband, Frank Wu, notorious wife beater and all around cuckold

Thank god she was able to get that small loan of half a million dollars from her parents. She truly is a prodigy, doing so much with so little.

Yes. It jumps to the end.
It's the opposite of the home key. Which jumps to the start.
In text, they usually work line-based, but ctrl makes them document-based.

How do people not know this? Don't you look at your keyboard and wonder what all those keys are for?

Yes. Humanity has yet to find a use for the NumLock key though.

>actually using Microsoft Edge

Save us Trump

People don't use them unless they have a need for them. If scrolling or arrows works for them, why change? It's how most people function.

would you Sup Forums?

At least he is not fat

You know the 10-digit keypad on the right of your keyboard? It enables and disables that, so you don't accidentally press a number when you don't mean to.

That's a really sad thought. They have an instrument in front of themselves for hours, every day, yet they never bother to explore it at all.

"Oh, I have everything I really need, I don't care about the rest" isn't what got us where we are.

There is zero reason to ever turn it off

He looked less repulsive when he was a fatass

isn't Wu mainly a mac user? How has he never run into a command line before?

Not really, there is nothing more disgusting than fat

>willingly waking up to that every morning
>willingly fucking it every night
that man is mentally damaged

He looked like he had Down's.

Wait a minute...

I know what it does, I just don't see how it's useful. What do you mean "accidentally press a number"? I could accidentally press any key on my keyboard but I don't see any key named "LetterLock" or some shit, nigga.
And yes, I do know that the numpad keys have double functions, but no one uses those ever and they already exist as dedicated keys anyways.

like in laptops with no dedicated numpad?

>Could look like a normal looking dude
>Instead chooses to like an abomination of a "woman"

Why do trannies do this? I mean, would you rather look like a pleasant looking person than to look fucking hideous knowing full well you cannot pass off as a woman despite how hard you try?

it's made by a tranny Sup Forums has a crush on.

Dos is even that fucking hard. It doesn't even have anything complicated and ofc you are using a fucking prompt. You are uploading something to a FTP server. God people like him make me fucking mad. Learn the fucking basics and don't be shocked if you are using something from 30 years a go. the reason why it is still around is because it still fucking works.

>Wait a minute...
That chromosome...

I hadn't laughed so hard at a meme since years ago.

More like has a rageboner for.

Jumping to the end of the line, I couldn't survive without and I hate when laptop keybaords put it away, somewhere on edge.

Doesn't want you to see the 'how to upload your game to steam' wikihow page thing in the background.

brian wu is a fucking idiot. It's like me saying 'wow, surprised that flushing your DNS cache requires a healthy understanding of DOS concepts from the 80's.'

It made more sense before separate arrow keys became common. At least it still does something, unlike scroll lock which is ignored by most software.

In gaming at least I can guarentee there are people that double macro those numpad key

MMOfags and extreme-simulator autists don't matter though.

>40 dollars

>cosplaying with a tranny

>man cosplaying as a woman


What games has Wu even made?

Holy fuck! He looks like that tall monster that ate the entire film crew in that Ito story.


Most numpads have a double function and for the nav key group (Arrows, del insert etc.)

Numlock mainly switches between them.

I can't wait for Broteam to purchase the game, play it on stream then refund it.

You know Wu is a man, right? It's the reason he tries to hard to be as SJW as possible, he must compensate for being born with a cock.


It's literal confirmed fact. Dude has a sex change.

Holy fuck that's ugly

Why isn't the game showing up for me on Steam?
Is xe selling it only to Americans?

>Guy feeling so good about himself because he uploaded something to Steam, muh transgender power us girls right xDDD
>12 year olds do this all day every day

Holy fug all this time I thought you guys were just bring mean because the bitch is such a mental case. But it actually was a he! !! Does it still have dangling bits?

It's not out yet

Could fire weapon for 12 seconds with babyman money

Then they could just press Print Screen + Alt to capture only the active window, or hell just the snip tool

command line is now a DOS concept from 80s?
This is a comment made by a supposed "developer".

Jesus, just stop giving him attention.

>be rich as fuck
>get a tranny son video game dev not even a good one

holy shit is money a curse as it fucks your family up?

>hates string commands

Oh wow it's just some mobile garbage
why do we even talk about someone who does nothing important

it's just easier to be a degenerate when you're rich

he looks great in the weight loss picture