Will you buy Revolution 60 pc?

Holy fug all this time I thought you guys were just bring mean because the bitch is such a mental case. But it actually was a he! !! Does it still have dangling bits?

It's not out yet

Could fire weapon for 12 seconds with babyman money

Then they could just press Print Screen + Alt to capture only the active window, or hell just the snip tool

command line is now a DOS concept from 80s?
This is a comment made by a supposed "developer".

Jesus, just stop giving him attention.

>be rich as fuck
>get a tranny son video game dev not even a good one

holy shit is money a curse as it fucks your family up?

>hates string commands

Oh wow it's just some mobile garbage
why do we even talk about someone who does nothing important

it's just easier to be a degenerate when you're rich

he looks great in the weight loss picture