psssh...nothin personnel...kid...
*teleports behind you*
*starts spinning around with dual shotgun, killing everyone*
heh...that was easy...
*turns into a ghost and soars away*
Psssh...nothin personnel...kid
Other urls found in this thread:
>*unloads my bow and arrow and flanks your head*
>*shoots you*
Hehe...not so deadly now...
>Every CoD players favorite character
Which is hilarious since they'd probably fare better with Soldier 76, transition-wise, but no they're all gaga for Reaper's appearance.
Every person on my friend list is some stoner uploading "Epic Reaper Killstreak"
play genji?
Sounds like you need better friends
I hated Reaper in the whole minute I played. Dwarf too. Soldier 76 seems way too good to not play so I'm just there right now.
This game is pure F2P. I wouldn't pay 19.99 for it.
mfw I deflect his ult
"DIE D-"
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>be reaper
>be tremendous edgelord
>teleport in and press Q
>I'm... so skilled...
>counter-buttons and renders me useless
>*teleports away and broods in a corner*
Also is it me or is Pharah's ult really underpowered?
>Teleports behind you
>"Nothing personal kid"
>Gets frozen solid and head shot.
its so satisifying
playing against shitters as this guy is so fun
>kill enemy team with stun + right click combo constantly
>have ult and camp near their spawn when they get wiped
>they run out and get HIGH NOONed
*slow claps* hmmmmph..... not bad, kid
He's not that popular of a champ
Nerf THIS!
>enemy reapers able to sneak behind our lines with no problem
>team mates outright ignore him while I'm getting shot up
>I play Reaper and try to sneak behind enemy lines
>entire enemy jumping down my throat as soon as I get spotted
Fuck it, I'm just going to squad up with some friends on release
>DIE! D-
Right click. Bye.
>playing genji and destroying on shitters and gaijin
>*flings hook*
>Arrow overloads with power
>''Psh, dont fight it, let the dragon consume you.''
I don't think the thread is about mechanics and how to counter them, but about how ridiculously childish those designs are.
you wanna pick a fight kid?
*walks over slowly, throwing over tattered cape, unsheathes dual katanas and uses forbidden ninjutsu to empower them with dark flame*
you've got a lotta nerve, i'll give you that...
*activates eternal mangekyo sharingan, unfolds single black wing, cracks neck*
this could be fun...
My name by the way is Reaper, The Overwatch Killer, has a nice ring to it.
Typical slant eyed motherfucker. Had one chance for a body reconstruction and had a white body made for him.
Fucking gooks, tell you what, they want to be white so bad, pathetic, you should be proud of what you are, even if it is a manlet failure of a human being.
I sexually identify as Roadhog from the Blizzard game Overwatch.
*unzips katana*
*reflects your bullets back at you and slices you in half*
heh....try harder next time
>edgelord in ult
>Zenyatta Discord Orb
>volley normal attack at mid-range
>edgelord goes down like a bitch
One of the best vocaroos Sup Forums has produced
>naruto background theme
massive kek
Only problem with that image is that zenyatta doesn't have any armor, he has shields instead.
meant to reply to
Does he even have shields?
I swear that he's just a robot and has neither
>pick mei
>some guy from our team tells me I'm a faggot for picking and that she is too op
Is there a problem with picking mei? Is there some sort of universal hate for her?
He has mostly shields, it's the part that regenerates.
Why do you say this? I really want to know why people like you say this kind of shit. What does a game need for you to pay money for it? Is it because TF2 went F2P?
Fucking Mei picker.
>oma wa shinderu
if this game becomes safely moddable I really hope someone makes a mod for Dukeyatta
Mei is a cancerous piece of shit with irritating abilities, and the ability to kill most characters outright, if she gets up close. A lot of characters (Hanzo, reaper, etc) are dead against Mei, if they can't kill her in the 1-2 seconds of time it takes for them to freeze.
Her ult is incredibly good at breaking defenses, and capturing points, as it leaves the entire enemy team as free kills.
And she's great. The rage other players feel when you pub-stomp as Mei is truly euphoric.
Never before has a game had a character that shoots such pure cancer at other players.
Her movespeed is way to high for someone that can slow if she clips you at all, you're dead.
>Chinese so her native language sounds like gargles assholes.
>Stupid fucking "Haha we're within 5 meters? I win faggot" gameplay.
>Fucking retarded ult that lasts forever.
>Fucking retarded iceblock MUH FULL HEAL that last forever.
>Fucking zero cooldown wall that does nothing but kill your own teammates
>Literally "I tap W+M1 to slow you forever AND run faster than you at the same time kekeke" bullshit
>When you get frozen you have to sit there and watch somebody that literally can't aim take their time, line up a headshot, grow an icicle, and kill you instantly.
No, Mei's fine, why do you ask?
Fuck you.
played with a team of 5 meis....never again. fucking cancerous griefers
got any funny/anti-climactic stories Sup Forums?
>be reinhardt
>meet other reinhardt during a match
>one has their shield up, the other lays into the others with hammer strikes
>alternate for like 2 minutes
>teammates avoid us like the plague
>decide to charge the guy whilst my shield is up
>other reinhardt has same idea to break my shield
>we both charge at each other
>bounce off each other like two rubber balls
the white part in his hp bar is shields (slowly regenerates after 3 seconds)
basicly: blue = hp, yellow = armor (works like hp but takes reduced damage), white = shields.
>fan the hammer
>fan the hammer
byebye hatred man
me and another were fighting and we both supered at each other at the same time and then while we were fighting on foot one tracer from both teams came in and killed both of us. it was weird
Are people really upset over how edgy he is?
This is a game with a talking science gorilla with a tesla cannon. Reaper is pretty obviously satirical.
This, currently Mei, Widowmaker and Bastion just kinda ruin the game by being extremely unfun characters to fight against
>He doesn't main Junkrat or Zen
Explain your reasoning faggots
widowmaker is ez to kill.
Why does Reaper have two buttplugs in the back of his left hand?
This game has such unoriginal game design that if they made their designs less original theyd have to start facing copyright lawsuits.
Its obvious they ripped off of:
Red Dead Redemption
League of Legends
But I do main Junkrat and Zenyatta
mah nigga Zey is fucking GOAT.
You sir are a man of fine taste and mah nigga
Nigger all you do is use reaper to pop behind her and instantly kill her.
Or use genji and reflect her shot back at her to kill her with a fucking bodyshot.
I like the game but even will admit there's a bunch of classes that are just TF2 ripoffs, nothing close enough where they could get hit legally, however.
>forced to play a different character just because the enemy has widowmaker
I know you can change class at any time but hard counters are stupid and the game shouldn't be balanced around them.
*it was a hologram*
Personally I'd like to see people getting locked to a single character all game
>RDR ripoff
Ever heard about this guy?
Posting so everyone gets the joke
To elaborate, this game has commitment issues and just ends up as a clusterfuck free for all when team comps change drastically at the drop of a hat; if people were forced to sit down and work out a viable composition beforehand (also limit one player per class) while adding way stricter penalties for leaving games we could get some interesting competitive viability.
Bravo! What a display of autism! I bet you tipped your fedora quite many times after you typed that.
>Posting so everyone gets the joke
hi r3ddit
are you legit retarded?
Blue is the shield, like it is silent convention in the videogame industry since times unrememberd. Or you know, Starcraft
or there could be one single optimal team comp and it would turn out to be boring
what are homages? are you really this stupid? you may as well bitch about teh metal slug cabinets and shit, or does the concept of parody not exist in your world?
This would be assuming there was some semblance of balance; given the counter-driven nature of the game people would likely counterpick against core classes. This would at least be nice for a ranked gamemode
toblerone op pls nerf
cant counter stove
Reaper doesn't even reload his guns. He just throws them away.
>has shells on his chest and waist
>tosses shotguns away instead of reloading
Where does he keep them?
>it's okay when blizzard does it
>it's a hologram
they materialize in from the other world
so one team automatically wins because they blind picked the counters to the other teams classes
the competitive game uses stopwatch. if you lose the initial push because your team comp is shitty, you can switch classes and attack again. if the other team picks a good composition to destroy your defense the first time they try, they win.
the only thing i really feel like they should do is maybe selective class restrictions, something like 2 per team of most classes, or 1 for certain classes that end up stalemating the game ridiculously hard.
Why are console babbies such terrible fucking shits?
"Oh we're not instantly ahead? Guess I'll quit."
"Shit, I died? Time to quit"
"Oops, stubbed my toe, time to give up."
PC is objectively better.
Junkrat is literally Patches on meth but he's fucking fun as hell to play.
>MFW getting 5+ kill streak by laying trap cards and shooting nades
These aren't homages. This is straight up committee design trying to appeal to as big of an audience and as many tastes as possible.
There is no cohesive art direction behind it. They're not characters from the same game, they're just characters from other games put in the same game.
Junkrat and Pharah
I love me some explosives
Usually I just phasewalk directly into all of them, which usually results in them being confused. As soon as phasewalk ends, DIE DIE DIE. Works out well half the time.
she has low hp
you just fire on her leave when she cocoon lol
When a bastion player finally learns when to stop firing on a genji
it's supposed to represent warriors form all kinds of different cultures and sub cultures.
... what?
Dude what are you talking about. I went against a full team of Mei and 1 rienhardt and utterly destroyed them. They never got a single kill on our team.
Mei is kind of shit
I agree, the PC version of Overwatch is especially good with an aimbot!
And they all happen to be either stereotypes from other works of fiction or just... stereotypes.
The fact that they literally redesigned Zarya to appease the shrilling legbeards after every female character they released was a slim woman with tits and ass gives even more credence to it.