I have no idea how such an amazing franchise like smash bros managed to spawn such a shitty, whiny, mentally handicapped fanbase.
ITT Franchises that don't deserve their fanbases
No, it fucking deserves it. A premise that autistic only deserves a whiny and retarded fanbase.
How is a nintendo fighting game a bad premise?
maybe he's one of those melee autists that started saying that the franchise is shit after brawl
maybe because most of the fanbase of nintenso are shitty/whiny/mentally handicapped manchildern? It's not hard to figure out.
>fighting game
it's a party game
the real fanbase is normal people
n64 a best
Having a roster always brings cancer
Blame Sakurai for spiting the players who made Melee what it is today. I'd say Sakurai doesn't deserve the fans and praise he has today due to how apologetic people can be towards him. Any other developer that did the things that Sakurai did or stated and most of you would have torn into them nonstop. I'm not even a Meleefag or even a big Smash player and I can tell the game was dumbed down from Melee. Even Brawl for that matter.
It's Brawl's fault.
Everyone liked Melee, except Sakurai, who intentionally shat on Brawl because people were having fun the "wrong" way and so divided the Smash community.
I'm pretty sure Sm4sh, gameplay-wise, would be accepted as an okay, if less competitive, successor to Melee if Brawl was never made
because it's a subset of nintendo fans
So you say Smash should only have Mario as a playable character?
>Blame Sakurai for spiting the players who made Melee what it is today.
the fuck are you talking about
more like smash fans rewriting everything Sakurai says
>because it's a subset of nintendo fans
and 95% of them are filthy secondaries, only know about the franchise they latch on to because they've seen it in Smash and latch on to it because of fandom content.
Mother and F-Zero plays a great example to this, and Shovel Knight is full of underage Smashkids since Liam Robertson made false alarms about the fucking amiibo
what is it then, o classification wizard
Smash fanbase literally tore apart right after Brawl was released later and Wolf/ROB were confirmed as the final newcomers.
I like it when the tl;dr isn't a tl;dr it's an injection of a shitpost opinion. I like this post!
a popular "competitive action game"
from Sakurai's mouth
you sound a bit mad
>and Shovel Knight is full of underage Smashkids since Liam Robertson made false alarms about the fucking amiibo
this is exactly why you don't listen to twitter attention whores
pic related, and the Female Link in Zelda U twitter fiesta
senpai i already forgot i made this post and i'm so mad i forgot to close this tab when I saw a thread about a game people actually play
>Sup Forums
>playing games
There is no fanbase that is not horrible.
Fans are awful by default.
this guy gets it
its a artificially huge roster, its like 5 marths, 2 pits, 2 marios, 2 fox, and the other guys
without those, it's still huge regards
>amazing franchise
It's really not that great. there's only like one and a half good games in the series.