What would you like to see in the next STALKER game?
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Your mom
A black stalker on the cover
A game
Get it on consoles desu. I would like all of my more pop culture centric friends to enjoy it as well.
Otherwise just more comfy and spooky exploration and good side quests.
dat boi
A release
I would actually like to see the game come out.
doesn't bethesda have the rights for that now?
prepare your anus
>Voiced player character
>Dialogue wheel consisting of "Yes", "Yes but sarcastic", "No, but I really mean Yes", and "More Info?"
>Two types of guns (Firearm, Rifle), one type of ammo (Bullet)
>Enemy AI worse than ever
>Three types of equippables; Clothing, Mask, and one Artifact slot
>No Cheeki Breeki at all
>No cheeki breeki at all
More like
>Constant forced cheeki breeki forced memes
>It's funny cause memes guise
Never Ever
And honestly its good that way
Better dead than casualized and dumbed down
a next STALKER game would be enough, if it is indeed a true STALKER game
Yeah, pretty much. Stalker is already a unique franchise in that it was in development hell for like 7 years while being hyped up as the slav equivalent of Episode 3, then when it came out despite the bugs it managed to meet and even exceed the expectations, it saw 3 solid games that explored the setting and then finished peacefully before the franchise got run into the ground and casualised.
It's finished, not every franchise has to be whored for money until it turns shit user.
Itt fucking retards trying to look superior
Unless it is under a massive budgeted and marketed to hell there is no reason a sequel would sellout
>Never Ever
Doubt it. GSC is working, though it's Grigorovich's brother doing shit now. I don't think they have a decent budget for that as of now, of course.
More faction-related stuff.
I'd rather be forced into cheeki breeki than having no cheeki breeki
sequel was going to be on consoles and female stalkers were going to be a thing
For it to exist
This is a joke, right?
Nothing wrong with a console adaptation famalama.
Also, you've never been to Slav countries, but female stalkers does not mean it will promote female sjw empowerment.
No, it was a rumor proved proved thankfuy
The original was going to be on consoles too
>No, it was a rumor proved proved thankfuy
>No, it was a rumor proved proved thankfuy
the ukranian mafia boss still has the rights
>No, it was a rumor proved proved thankfuy
An executable file.
next STALKER game
10-100% more vodka and salami
Fuck no, that would be an awful thing to happen. It would essentially be fallout 4 in russia.
>not diet sausage and "bread"
What's the best version of STALKER to get these days? Like a Sup Forums-approved torrent with mods and whatever. I downloaded a shitty release when it came out and got fed up with all the crashes to desktop, but I think I'd have really enjoyed the game if it was stable.
Oh hey Todd, I thought you didn't go on the internet anymore because people were bullying you
That doesnt make sense. A new release, no matter how shitty, doesnt change the originals. Wouldnt it be strictly better to have a good game and a shitty game than just a good game?
Something polished
Everything that was scrapped for that game. I liked every idea that leaked.
It was slaved enough.
Cheekier Breekis
If you didn't finished, patched shoc is stable and the best for first run.
If this won't suck you in, no mod will help.
it's existence
Thanks, man. I feel the need to drink wodka and shoot mutant pig-dogs.
GSC is back and they are working on Cossacks 3. If they make good money with it, they will eventually make STALKER 2
I wonder if anyone who worked on stalker is still working for GSC after getting fucked by Sergai
They could jump on kikestarter thing.
I don't think any of them went back for Cossacks, the team that made Call of Pripyat made Survarium.
All 3 stalker games have had completely different teams