So, who here replaying DOOM 3?

So, who here replaying DOOM 3?

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Were the textures always this low res?

you can spice it up with a few mods and make it look quite good.

I saw that sikkmod or whatever it's called and it seems cancerous. Just adds a ton of bloom and lens flares and shit.

I think they're all around the same resolution but some have that resolution distributed worse over the model.

>Only one level actually takes place in Hell.

What were they thinking?

you're replaying it wrong

its not 2004 anymore, treat yourself

>hell looks like bland shit covered rocks in DOOM 4

What were they thinking?

I wish a game similar in style to this one would get made today. What they can do today for a game like this would be absolutely incredible. I would also like to see them make it so monsters don't almost always just teleport into the level.

trying to.
replaying on normal without godmode on and i fucking die before i complete the first level

Weak b8 m8.

i wish i was baiting i tried 3 times this past month and nadda

>weapons don't have attachments

It still blows my mind how badly the flashlight was integrated into the gameplay. If you aren't using the duct-tape mod you pretty much have to quick-swap between the flashlight and your weapon in certain sections.

>People give nudoom shit but 3 still gets barely shit on

i think it's the jump scares behind it

Is the BFG edition worth buying?


No, there's something wrong with your game.


get regular version and mod it.

>bfg edition


It's the same game and assets unless you want to fucking fight about it and end up being wrong

No, I pirated it and immediately uninstalled it then installed the original and modded it.

for the time, yes. but not THAT bad as in the picture
fuck no. they killed the lighting

I finished it a couple of months ago after shelving it for a decade.

I tried to play the expansion but my screen goes completely black whenever I try to use the slow down time power, making the game unplayable. I tried to find out why this was happening but never fixed it. Maybe I'll finish it in 2028.

>but not that bad as in the picture

I have the game maxed out.

that made the gameplay a lot more interesting and fun

i may be misremembering then. i havent played unmoded in a long time

I think there is some problem with the game being unable to properly recognize graphics cards made after it came out, so even if you can play it maxed with full FPS, it downgrades the graphics. it happened to me with Quake 4, try looking up a fix for it.

the game is not that dark you memeing tool, and in the two actual extended dark sections all you have to do is stay near the stasis tubes and not let mr lantern die like a scrub

and 90% of the enemies have glowing eyes, aim for that

sorry meant for

no use sikkmod

I don't remember there being anything fun about it, even rooms that had all the lights on still had corners of them in pitch-black darkness.

>the game is not that dark you memeing tool

Clearly we didn't play the same game, vanilla Doom 3 is really dark

man i still get over how people think source engine looks like crap compared to this.

every fucking thing about doom 3 is ugly outside of the amazing lighting. all the character models look low poly, objects look like they are made out of rubber, and the texture work is so bland.

at the time it was fucking amazing. so what youre saying is wrong and based on the opinion of now

and the game runs like crap in comparison to HL2

I always considered d3 to just be a glorified tech demo, everything about it felt half baked

the level design is significantly more detailed, and of course the lighting

otherwise, in stock form, hl2 did produce much more realistic and pleasing visuals, especially regarding people.

though a lot of the plasticness could be alleviated by downloading one of a zillion various 50kb shader mods that came out in the first month that didnt even hurt performance

Both engines have their highs and lows, especially in their respective debut games. Generally you are right about the low poly cone head models. Everything is meant to have a metallic look like Alien Isolation, which looks fantastic.

Any recommended mods?

I've only played Doom 1 and 2.

>and the game runs like crap in comparison to HL2

on what, a toaster?

Too scary for me I couldn't beat it

for 3?

perfected doom

talking about when it first came out

it looked visually inferior and was a massive resource hog on top of that

it literally ran like shit on all the hardware at the time and then some time else, all while looking like shit.

>massive resource hog

this i agree, but saying it was visually inferior in 2004 is wrong. they both looked great, but they both did different things. source for example was abysmal with lighting

>all while looking like shit.

clearly we existed in different universes

>people put it on Ultra with 8xAA on their 2001 Dell's
>Why does it run bad?


d3 ran like absolute shit unless you had one of the top cards on the market, and even then you couldn't completely max it out


it ran acceptably on my 9800XT, which was a top tier card at the end of 2003

I had a Geforce 4 Ti 4200 64mb back then and it played. Not 60 fps, but I was able to play it as is.

if you don't care about mods the BFG edition will work with less fuss. Just pirate it

I had a 9600 ATi and the framerate would drop into the single digits at times. Meanwhile my old PC that had a 9200SE could run hl2 at an acceptable framerate on medium.

I didn't trace the thread back far enough so I didn't know you were comparing it to Half-Life 2. But yes Half-Life 2 was definitely a lot less taxing to run. Doom 3's bump mapping and shadows were much more intensive.

HL2 was the perfection of last-gen workflows by using some next-gen features, while Doom 3 was the pretty rough looking dive into an entirely next-gen workflow at the time. While Doom 3 is technically superior, the unfamiliarity with using these new features resulted in a less pleasing game (visually) and the full switch to next-gen rendering features also made it run worse comparatively.

Can you disable the flashlight in the BFG version? Relying on your muzzle flash to see the enemies swarming around you was half the appeal of the original game.

>Relying on your muzzle flash to see the enemies swarming around you was half the appeal of the original game.

and imp fireballs

Shit yeah, nigga. The game honestly oozed atmosphere, people who complain that it was too dark totally missed the point. The game gives you the right amount of light.


can't mod BFG edition.

journalists are who started the whole pitch black thing

and we all know how journalists are are casual trash

You can.
Carmack released the source code like 3 months late and patched the game as well to include more options.

Heck, the best DOOM 3 engine mod is BFG-only.

>True 64 bit HDR lighting with adaptive filmic tone mapping
Stopped reading there

How is that bad you retard? Have you even seen how good it looks?
Directional volumetric soft shadows add a ton to the atmosphere as well.

i just got it ive played all of the dooms except this one

>game runs like crap in comparison to hl2
>meanwhile doom 3 can be ran on a fucking voodoo

quick save nigga

>le BFG is unmoddable meme
>le BFG is censored meme
>le BFG has lower res textures meme

The only thing censored in it were the Doom 1 and Doom 2 wads, Doom 3 itself was untouched in terms of any kind of censorship. Carmack actually improved the textures due to a better rendering algorithm for them or something ported back from idTech 5 engine, he added more dynamic light sources to the levels, proper widescreen that doesn't stretch the interface and crosshair among other improvements + the whole built-in expansion in form of Lost Levels.
The only valid complaint regarding BFG is the increased amount of ammo and health pickups by roughly 25% and the 1.0 release of it lacking some visual options that were later patched in.

Duct Tape Mod was the most popular Doom 3 mod by far and everyone criticized Doom 3's retarded flashlight and having way too dark levels, giving you a shoulder flashlight is an objective improvement and if you want muh darkness simply don't use it.

Also here's BFG modded.

>that motion blur

>I have no counter arguments so I will resort to cherrypicking an optional feature actually introduced by mods rather than the game itself

No I agree with him. I saw motion blur on Fallout 4 for PS4 (inb4 hurr get it on PC, I did not buy it so fuck off) and the motion blur is fucking very noticeable on it. Motion blur is a absolutely credible complaint.

>b-but it's optional!
He still has the right to complain.

It's not part of BFG itself you cancer ridden imbecile.

I'm not trying to counter anything, I just think the motion blur in that video looks disgusting.

I don't disagree with you on that.