I honestly feel bad for Zarya. Ever since she got announced, the beehi/v/e shat on her for being tumblr and sjw. She didn't choose to be designed that way. You know that, right? She's just trying to hold her own in the game. I fucking hate it when I see a bunch of Tracers and Widowmakers gang up on her, laughing at her expense. It has come to a point of Zarya getting bullied, both on messageboards and in-game. Mind you, I'm not in love with her. I don't think she's cute or anything, but she deserves to exist in the game without people having to take jabs at her every fucking second of the day. Hell, just think of all the porn out there of Mei, Tracer, Widow, etc. And hardly any of Zarya. It's purposefully done, because people love to hate her as a person, and that is straight up wrong. I just felt like sharing this, because there's no reason why she deserves so much shit. I'm not asking you to love her, but stop with the blatant bullying of a character that just wants to be part of the gang.
I honestly feel bad for Zarya. Ever since she got announced, the beehi/v/e shat on her for being tumblr and sjw...
She's a shit character.
Other tanks do what she does better.
lol who gives a shit as long as she's a viable character to have on your team
Mei got shat on a lot initially by Sup Forums as well ("Pandering to overweight tumblr hipsters!" etc.), until the THICC posters promptly appeared and drowned them out. But still, look at any Mei thread here and you'll still see there's a sizeable portion of posters who very much dislike her.
She's op
git gud
The difference is, even if she's not overtly sexy, Mei at least a cute.
Zarya is the heavy from TF2 with tits and a pink dyke wig.
I like this character a lot.
She's pretty flexible, has good range, her ult is super useful in payload matches, and her shields make her an amazing asset.
Her arctic model looks fantastic too
I want to fuck her in her asshole and cum on her face
>Tracer and Widowmaker ganging up to bully Zarya
Could be potential here.
They dislike because she is like 2007 TF2's pyro.
w+m1 for days on end any way too much fucking health
Nah, I meant following her reveal in November last year. Don't you remember all those threads complaining about how Blizzard was supposedly pandering to fat chicks with her?
Zarya is literally unstoppable if you have a decent team
She isn't a person that makes decisions. She is a fictional fucking character, designed by people who CAN make decisions, terrible decisions like pandering to Tumblrinas.
If you see anyone with dyed pink hair it is an immediate red flag that there is a 100% chance of them being an insufferable cunt.
>mfw I like the playstyle of a hero but loathe them as a character
She's good at defending objectives but she easily gets countered by Windowmaker or Flashbang + Hammer fan burst from a McCree
Hes a interesting hero
but hes so goddamn edgy it makes me sick
So basically, any tank but Reinheart?
You shouldn't be allowed to play, she is OP as fuck as a tank.
i wanna vomit when i see her default skin
must fap when i see every other skin that doesent have the pink hair
Why even hate Zarya? She's harmless and friendly and has cool gameplay with a bitchin ultimate?
I mean yeah her hairstyle is retarded but it's not like she's spewing tumblr propaganda constantly. I find Edgy McEdgelord, Hanzo and Genji a lot more offensively generic both visual and personality-wise.
Reaper is just some dude who grew up playing too much Hatred.
1. you are posting a pasta
2. people getting triggered by her design are morons.
I'll only play her once I get the arctic skin to cover her face
>feel bad for Zarya.
It's a fictional character created by a pink haired hambeast and a balding bearded dude in glasses.
>mfw like the character of a hero but hate their playstyle
Hanzo, you could have been mah boi
how does her link gun even works?
i'm not quite sure when to use the ray and the alt, primary seems to have an awfully short range and not so strong compared to other weapons at close range
You charge them up through the shields, user.
It goes from shit to godlike Quake grenade-launcher + lighting gun in one.
She looks fun as fuck and I like her VA. Sure the hair is dumb but that doesn't stop me being cordial even towards real people so why would I get autistic about a fictional character.
Granted pic related would be 10/10
>people actually care about character design in a video game
I always thought this was a meme
This looks so much better already. No dyke color, not short and fucking standing up. Looks more lionessy now.
bitch she ain't a pussy she's a BEAR
I'd play the shit out of her if she looked like that.
jesus fuck that hairstyle is x1000 better.
Should be the default, she looks dumb as hell with the short pink waxy hair.
If I unlock that skin I might actually play her.
how the FUCK did this not become the default skin?
Lionesses are not pussies, sir. They do all the work after all.
It's not real, it's shopped.
Just a simple recolor would be enough.
I don't see why some russian military bull-dyke would ever dye her hair bright pink
>i have no sense of humor
Anyway, as a Zarya player, this made me kek.
Because a Russian dyke soldier would never exist. In Russia they remove homosexuality. Pink hair is a sign of homosexuality, therefore must be removed.
FacialAbuse when tbqh
Paper bag skin when?
are you fucking serious?
damn, this character is offically fucked in terms of being appealing in any way.
That's why no one plays her.
>She didn't choose to be designed that way
If you want to reason in-universe, she did choose her hair, so she's a retard lore-wise.
The only reason as to why there are female characters mimicking male characteristic in the first place is because of white nerd cucks, they are the majority of video game players so this is targeted to them. However, tumblr characters are only targeted towards tumblr and the unfortunate thing for them is that they are an extremely small minority of they don't care about video games.
So you alienated your main audience: the gamer and the white cuck nerd.
>mfw am russia
>mfw Zarya represents my country in the game I enjoy
>mfw pink hair
>mfw accent for russian phrases
>mfw literally, worst skins in the game
I just want to see her in tight pants.
Those pants she wears in game give her elephant legs.
Not every woman has to be attractive. Junkrat is an ugly mother fucker, but you don't see anyone complaining about that.
I really hate tumblr.
There has been a massive influx of tumblr faggots lately. Some speculate that it's because of a college meeting that some Unis had that mentioned Sup Forums and other red pill sites.
They might as well just say Description: He's black.
I don't think anybody would hate her if she didn't have that disgusting pink hair.
If she started with literally any other color, or better yet just natural colors, everything would be different. She would be seen as stonk sexy woman and Sup Forums would have huge boners for her.
Shitlords would still shit on her though
I don't hate her because she's a tumblrina with a gun. I hate her because of that fucking damage absorbing shield that juices up her gun and wrecks me like the bitch I am
>take a generic SO BALD, WHITE GUY SPEES MURINE design
>put a tumblr/trigglypuff haircut on it
>make him a "she"
>SJW dipshits gobble it up despite being everything that they complain about before he became a >she
I ain't even mad, Blizzard is just proving how stupid this "progressive" market is. FemFreq & the merry band of neofags would be shitting all over Zarya if he hadn't of been genderflipped.