Bayonetta is too tumblr of a game

>bayonetta is too tumblr of a game
Has there ever been such a wrong opinion as this?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know what board that is, because it's certainly not Sup Forums, but fuck off back there.

>falling for bait

C'mon OP, you should know better than that.

Welcome to modern Sup Forums, where literally anything even remotely positive towards women or racial minorities or LGBT people in the slightest is instantly hated and despised for being 'tumblr' or 'sjw'


Also probably faggy consolewars.

yea im still trying to comprehend why they think overwatch is an SJW game.

Anti-SJWs are fucking cancer. As soon as a female character is doing anything other than sucking dick or making food, they're 'le SJW pandering'

Tumblrites hated Bayo, even though she was designed by a woman as her own power fantasy.

Great games, but trying to make Bayonetta political will only lead to confusion.

It's not vee you retarded knobgobblers
look at the date and the post numbers

It annoys me more that they don't critque the gameplay or blizzards pay model over that.

It is from Sup Forums actually

>getting so butthurt about someone's opinion that you make a thread about it


no, i don't understand

you can really thank identity politics for this

badass women, people who were just gay rather than WE HAVE GAYS IN OUR MOVIES AND VIDEO GAMES LOVE US YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS, or fantasy stories involving afros playing what should be a white or oriental character were fine and dandy until recently

thanks millennials

Are you serious you absolutist faggot?

Two extremes in your mind, eh? That's it? It's either sucking dick and making food, or Mary Sue for you?

There is a goddamn grey area, you unbelievable cuck.

Bayonetta kills GOD in the first game, and she's NOT an overpowered STRONK WOMYN DON'T NEED NO MAN character?

We're asking for some fucking compromise here. Bitches don't have to just suck dick and make food, they can do other things too, faggot. No one is seriously suggesting otherwise here.

The problem is when they do shit that's just obviously over the top.

>Post was made 1 hour ago
>Find out which board is up to Post No. 825XXXXX

Wow, so hard.
Anyway, I'm not surprised that someone from Sup Forums said something so out of touch with the reality of events.

Whites are the only racial minorities, tho.

And you're acting like Bayonetta literally being so OP as to kill God isn't a *bit* too much.

>The problem is when they do shit that's just obviously over the top.

your shit bait aside:


Tumblr loves bayo though

That's the problem, idiot.

A group of people got together and decided, "you know what would be cool? If we got a super sexy, skin-tight suit wearing female badass witch character who fights with ridiculous, overtly sexual, and over the top moves, and is powerful enough to kill God!"

It's okay to not like how ridiculous the premise is, whilst still accepting it's a ridiculous premise, even for a video game.

Sup Forums is getting really desperate for people to stop calling them Sup Forumsmblr.

Yeah but a man actually has the power and body to do lots of killing.

Women don't. It's unrealistic on all levels, whereas, replace the character with a male, and a semblance of believability is added.

>shit bait

You mean the fact that white people have ALWAYS been global minorities and STILL kick everyone elses asses? You mean the fact that every race runs to WHITE countries and not the other way around, because we have the best shit? Fucking suck it up and deal with the fact that whites have been demolishing in every category since the dawn of time, and second fiddle isn't all that bad.

Women haven't done anything because they've been oppressed, not because they could not.

Culture and society define race, not biology.

Okay see
Or dante. Or any OP hack and slash character that is male.
Why is it only bayonetta that triggers your autism when these faggots do the same shit she does but with a penis?

>This video game is too unrealistic!

Autism we meet again

Kratos is a literal god
Bayonetta is a literal witch

I wouldn't expect a US marine to do the things either of those characters did

> whites
> kick everyone elses asses
> scared of every other race
this shit is hilarious please continue user

>man actually has the power and body to do lots of killing
>I have a dick so I can kill god with it
How does kratos killing gods with magic and bayonetta killing gods with magic differ in any way?

A history of Sup Forums and vidya throughout the years

1995 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
1996 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
1997 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
1998 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
1999 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2000 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2001 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2002 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2003 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2004 - old memes & Sup Forums & videogames
2005 - Sup Forums & videogames & old memes
2006 - newer, original memes & fewer videogames & fewer Sup Forums
2007 - Rickroll, smash dojo, billions of new "epic memes". The beginning of the end. Sup Forums starts to get hated because of the influx of new people, and ostensibly less videogames
2008 - Same as 2007, with some good OC but the board is already starting to smell
2009 - apex of "Sup Forums HATES EVERYTHING XD". 40% of the boards hate Sup Forums
2010 - HARMONY arrives, for a small moment, Sup Forums gets bearable. But because of the Puddi Incident, Sup Forums is overrun with Sup Forumstards
2011 - Sup Forums truly turns into Sup Forums2.0, especially after El Vidyo
2012 - The shitposting about everything and the release of Katawa Shoujo gives birth to /vg/. Quality of the board drops dramatically.
2013 - Shitposting is rampant, all boards agree that Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums. Videogames & Sup Forums content are shunned, only seen for a few rare moments.
2014 - The impossible happens: The board gets worse with the whole GamerGate shitshow. It's literally impossible to have good threads.
2015 - Sup Forums shares a huge userbase with Sup Forums, and leaks all over Sup Forums and the internet. Any and all games that get any kind of popularity/goodwill is instantly despised by the boardmind. There's no more shitposting, just posting.
2016 - ??????????????

Prove me wrong:
You can't.

>It's unrealistic on all levels
>Arguing about realism in a game with witches, angels and demons the size of stars

That's not an excuse. The oppressed are such because they are weaker. It is natural. The strong use the weak, because the weak cannot fight back.

Women haven't done anything because they can't do anything, and you're wrong, biology defines culture and society, because biology is defined by environment. It's causality. You need nature's natural processes first before you can artificially decide cultural and societal norms. The ability to even comprehend or think enough to decide these things is determined by biology, which is determined by environment.

Maybe some of us dont like that concept? It's like disliking a visual novel, or a gritty dark shooter. Some people don't enjoy that. What's the problem?

Because there's literally no difference between a SJW and a goobergubler/pol/ack

>having hot sluts kick some ass is tumblr now

>Use literal weak-ass bait with buzzwords
>Always get a reply like this

It works everytime, thank you Sup Forums user

In terms of what?

I can't stand Bayonetta but it's because I find women unattractive

now DMC, that's a good series.

>the concept of playing a woman in a video game
Jesus how awful
Lucky for us enlightened individuals FFXV is coming out soon.

2011-2012 was the worst era for Sup Forums. I was so disgusted by it that I didn't see foot again in it until 2015. I can tell you that the board has increased dramatically in quality since then.

Because due to the insane nature of the game her being female in comparison to literally everything else going on is normal in comparison to say the least.

I know this is bait but I'm bored and wanna see where you go with this

Sup Forums only managed to acquire this "Sup Forums userbase" the moment SJWs derailed the discussion of gamergate from video games journalism to "it's just gamers hating on women"

I think that guy you replied to is retarded.

The problem is treating it like anyone's problem but your own.

Of getting outraged at stuff.
See the BF1 bullshit.

It's literally videogames, and Sup Forumscucks are literally getting angry at videogames because the main character of a game is black
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b--but only 0.00000001% of soldiers at WW1 were black!
So fucking what? It's a fucking video game, what is the fucking problem? Some of them were even saying it was "offensive".
I mean are you fucking serious you fucking cockglobber? That's literally what a SJW likes to say.
But noooooooooo, globbertrotters aren't like SJWs, nope.

It's sad Tumblr has poisoned their minds to the point where they can only see what Tumblr would want. This place is slowly turning into Tumblr for gay white guys.

>talks about SJWs derailing something
>derails something himself
Like fucking pottery

Playing as a woman is fine. I love Metroid. I enjoy Beyond Good and Evil. I thought Super Mario 3D World had fun co-op.

The problem is when the game spends every waking second telling me how awesome the character is, and dedicating cutscenes left and right to showing me how "badass" and "epic" they are. And you know what,it wasn't cool when Dante did it either. It was annoying. So the "woman" part only played a small part in the issue.

fyi, I'm not the guy arguing for realism. I'm just asking that I not play a masturbatory fantasy.

>retards who believe there's no differences in the sexes

You're all retarded. There's a reason the military standards for women are FAR lower than they are for men. We're physically superior. We fight, we kill, we take hits, we're built for power, conflict, death.

Kratos is HALF GOD, and a MAN, meaning he embodies everything it is to be in a body capable of such wanton destruction.

WOMEN DON'T HAVE THE SAME CAPABILITIES. Their bodies are NOT made for that. They're made to GIVE BIRTH TO LIFE, not to be as efficient as possible in KILLING IT.

Stop letting stupid fucking SJW bullshit warp your view of reality.

It makes more sense, lends more credibility, gives more believably, allows for more immersion and realism, when the sex that's designed to fight is fighting.

It is unbelievable, unrealistic, unimmersive, ridiculous, and inherently gut wrenching to see the sex designed for attraction and birth of life fighting in the same ways.

You're all cucks. Or dumb women yourselves.

yeah but unlike the ironic
>Sup Forums is one person
posting, here it's generally accepted to act as if tumblr actually is one person

So much homobait.

Maybe GamerGate brought that onto themselves by making death threats towards people

>Sup Forums was only shit back in 2015
I mean it's become shittier since then but you must be some sort of newfag to think that.

>It is unbelievable, unrealistic, unimmersive, ridiculous, and inherently gut wrenching to see the sex designed for attraction and birth of life fighting in the same ways.

For you.

>my only purpose on Sup Forums is to make nothing posts of lies and posturing in an attempt to lure someone who thinks I'm being serious into replying to me so I can chuckle

You're welcome, retard. ;^)

God bless Tumblr, I suppose.

I don't think men have god-killing powers either. Or the ability to throw a 60-yard pass while running 20+ MPH, so fuck Madden too.

Then don't play it?
Why are you whining and whining and whining about a type of game you don't enjoy?
If a tumblrite cries about games they don't enjoy, Sup Forums laughs at them. Your shit is honestly way too fun for me to watch.

How was 2011-2012 bad?

Those were trolls in spirit of Sup Forums's "le epik trolle."

Blame Sup Forums.

I think you forgot the part where magic exists in both of those franchises. While Kratos relies more on raw strength, Bayonetta's moves focus more on using her guns and her magic.


It was nothing but memes/shitposting. Similar to /r9k/ during the Pepe boom that happened a few years ago.

>I'm not sexist, I just state the facts

Spoken like a true red-piller. It's a fucking video game, it doesn't need to follow your gay biology narrative.

Bayonetta is the least Tumblr thing of all time. It's about females actually being themselves, doing what they love regardless of what society thinks, and revelling in the fact that they are sexy statuesque stunners.

For those who didn't see it before it was pruned for being off topic, it was a thread about why people like Steven Universe.
That user went in and said he hated it for the same reason he hates Bayonetta, claiming that Bayonetta was just sexy outfits and being a flawless super stronk womyn so it's too tumblr.
He said the gameplay was boring and repetitive and that you're "never really in danger" so it was just being an OP character and everyone who liked it ignored that the gameplay was shit through blind worship.

In other words, he was a retard that never played the game.

Sure, and black men are on average much stronger than white men and do lots more killing,
yet the majority of male protagonists are white dudes.

Complaining about believability of Bayo doing all that shit is dumb. She's a witch, not to be held by human standards. Hell,s he even doesn't look really human with her spidery ass proportions.

I didn't say that it wasn't. It's the type of shitposting that changed.

are you okay

You're the guy that was calling Bayonetta tumblr.

actually: unironically, thanks millenials.
because without their constant bleating representation of the things you described would still be dramatically under-represented.

sure, growing pains right now mean that we have to endure things like "I KNOW I'M A WOMAN BUT I HAVE A WIFE" dialogue as writers overcompensate, but frankly shit writing has always been around in games and this is no different.

The net result of all this shit is a bigger palette for videogame writers to draw from, which I like.

Race is biology, dumbass. That's like denying the difference between an Alsatian and a Retriever.

Gamegate was fucking annoying either way, and all it did was allow Anita to capitalize on the victimization she's made a career of. GG was probably the best thing that ever happened to her.

This honestly got me to laugh loudly. Thank you user.
Sup Forums shitposting never fails to give me a chuckle

Meh, it's more common now sure but it's honestly more of a slow build up with Gamer Gate as the final straw then Gamer Gate being the one to explode it all together.

You are a millennial you idiot

>Muh realism

Consider suicide please.

I'm not saying the game doesn't deserve to exist, and I'm not saying it has to change just because I want it to, I'm just questioning why it has so many issues with it that get in the way of gameplay. I'm a purist who argues for games above all else, which means I can't stand walking simulators, or visual novels, or games laden with cutscenes and quick time events. Would you like it if games like Undertale and Firewatch and Gone Home saturated the market? No? That's how I feel about Bayonetta. I just wish people wouldn't praise the non-game sections of it so much. If you like the gameplay, fine. If you like Bayonetta because she's sexy and you can masturbate to her, then you've missed the point of a video game and likely don't belong here.

>claiming that Bayonetta was just sexy outfits and being a flawless super stronk womyn so it's too tumblr.
Okay, I got a challenge for you then. Tell me how many cutscenes are dedicated to showing her off as a sexy badass. Then tell me if anything in the game warrants that.

That user is saying the exact same shit from the deleted thread. Almost certain he's the post from the OP.
Feel free to point and laugh at his shit taste directly.

Maybe you should actually try considering what their actual complaints are. Putting a black man in the cover is a bit of a misrepresentation of who fought the war wherein the majority of the people that did fight in it were white. It's just as offensive as putting a picture of a cigarette tycoon for the cover of a book about women's suffrage.


>being 40 on Sup Forums

kill yourself my man

Yes. It's the people that say RE6 is better than 5, it's the people that say Mass Effect died at 3, and only because of it's ending and that ME2 was amazing. It's the people that say TLoU is all movie.

>point and laugh at a guy who doesn't like cinematic experiences

Whatever makes you feel better.

too busy fighting the man

If you like God of War because Kratos is a big macho man, then you've missed the point of a video game and likely don't belong here.

As I said, I can only read a bunch of sjw tumblrfied words
>Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah they are doing things I don't like waaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Grow the fuck up nigga, it's videojuegos.

>scared of every other race

speak for yourself

I wonder who's behind this post

You're all idiots.
I'm superior to every one of you.

The market is self-regulated fucknut. If it ends up with more games like Bayonetta and less shitty games that you probably like it's because you have shit taste, you mongoloid piece of cockmuncher.

I don't think you understand how far escapism media goes to affecting the minds of Humans, especially as they grow to maturity.

People are having difficulty telling reality from photoshop, or CGI, or honeypots, or even fucking trolling anymore.

People are stupid. Everyone here knows this. Right? And what do stupid people do? They ruin things for the rest of us like goddamn idiots.


Stop being an enabler. Realize that media CONTROLS MINDS OF ENTIRE POPULATIONS and realize that Dark Souls 3, Game of Thrones, and The Revenant are all a part of that SAME media designed to make everyone conform to an ideal or agenda.



>Okay, I got a challenge for you then. Tell me how many cutscenes are dedicated to showing her off as a sexy badass. Then tell me if anything in the game warrants that.
>Alot of her executions are kinky shit
>Constantly does sexy poses while fighting
>Gets naked when summoning her demon
Pretty fucking warranted.
>claiming that Bayonetta was just sexy outfits and being a flawless super stronk womyn so it's too tumblr.
>the site constantly bitches about being sexualized
If this doesn't prove tumblr is a buzzword, nothing will.

I didn't say it was offensive on its own. I did say just as in the context of another hypothetical situation wherein cigarette tycoons are put in emphasis in a book that covers the topic about the history of women's suffrage.

Like I had said in the original Sup Forums thread;

Bayonetta and Metroid are two different games with two different types of storytelling and tone.

Samus's character is subtle because the games are designed for you to take her direct spot, just like a Mario or Zelda game.

Bayonetta has you play as Bayonetta, Metroid as you play as yourself in Samus' shoes.

True but people will still fall for her antics anyway with or without GG.

Oh no, -ONE- game set in WW1 has a black guy on the cover!
How can that be? It's the blackening of the industry! Soon the history books will be cucked with the negros!
Surely that's the work of dem darn eci jew dablios!

>Stop being an enabler. Realize that media CONTROLS MINDS OF ENTIRE POPULATIONS and realize that Dark Souls 3, Game of Thrones, and The Revenant are all a part of that SAME media designed to make everyone conform to an ideal or agenda.

"Kill everything"?

>Then tell me if anything in the game warrants that.
Warrants it how?
Why does it need to be warranted?
She's an ancient witch trained in demon summoning to fight angels.
The game starts with her demolishing wimpy little grunt angels.
As it goes on, she realizes she has powers she's completely lost and starts to regain them while fighting big boss angels in huge combat and getting pulled around by the bad guys.
And meanwhile she realizes what happened in the past with her being sealed away by her friend in order to protect the Macguffin she had.

Regardless, the story of bayonetta is shit. Everyone knows that.
The point of it is the tight, fluid gameplay that you seem to be completely ignorant of. The rabbit hole goes pretty fucking deep in that game, especially when you want to get all those platinum trophies in each level/boss fight.

Could you triggered any harder, faggot? Christ.

That's because people are spending more time in isolation or in virtual reality instead of interacting with real people in real life.