Well damn
Well damn
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Battlefield fanboys setting themselves up for disappointment.
I don't get it.
Battlefield is about to crash and burn while CoD just watches
If I had to choose I'd buy COD this year bcs at least that one isn't made by cucks and feminists
its poetry.
I'm buying Titanfall 2. Infinity Ward is dead. The actual talent works on Titanfall now
Pretty sure I saw a black guy in the IW trailer though.
But that's future so it's okay if there's one token black guy
But I'm not okay with nigger statues and nigger on cover of a WW1 game
Battlefield is about to crash in flames and CoD is enjoying the view and white.
That's in a completely fictional future war, so they can throw whatever races they want into that.
this was better
Future stuff needs a black guy. Aliens set that bar, Halo copied from it and set that bar.
Yes good goy
dont buy americaloving COD
buy niggerloving BF
The black guy is British, it's just making fun of Britain and the fact that it's not a white country anymore.
IW also had a big terrorist attack in UK in MW3
It's kind of sad really, people are reacting so much better to an entirely prerendered CG trailer over one that showcases gameplay, locations and various scripted sequences throughout the singleplayer campaign.
The main character is a British nigger on the next cod
EA's marketing department finally managed to break through and make hating CoD a meme like they've been trying to since BC
Congratulations marketers ITT, it only took you almost 10 years
ahahah cuck feminist sjw aha
Yeah, that explains the immense popularity and success of titanfall 1
>forced black diversity
>in a WWI game
Next CoD isn't even about America.
It's literally Gundam, earth jews vs space colonies
>Popularity determines which game is better
C'mon now m8.
WTF happened? Sup Forums used to despise AAA shit shooters
COD is still manly though
Battlefield is pussy WE WUZ SOULDJAS N SHHHHHEEEEEEEIIIIIIIT muslim woman fighter
I'll be okay with Battlefield 1 as long as the black guys suffer from racism.
I don't want any shit where the whites and blacks just magically get along together. If they put period-accurate racism in the game, then I'll consider buying it. If they can show people getting their heads caved in, they can drop the word nigger once in a while.
Just to be clear: I'm not endorsing racism. I just find it incredibly disjointed and immersion-breaking whenever a period-piece suddenly has unrealistic diversity. It ain't meant to be nice.
Just like how your mom crashed and burned onto my dick while your dad just watched?
Sup Forums is for discussing video games
Take your social crusades off of Sup Forums
But CoD has a grill too.
Not until lefties take their social crusade off video games
It's quite funny seeing how Battlefield fans are claiming they've won based off of a CG trailer.
I don't care for either but at least COD showed gameplay, didn't they?
That's more like DICE smacking their fans from BF2142 and before.
Is that Starkiller?
>didn't they?
Only bits and pieces but I guess it was more than Battlefield.
That doesn't give you the right to shit where you sleep. Take the offtopic faggotry somewhere else
starkiller? more like shitgame (TFU)
I'm sure going to enjoy 6 vehicles 10 weapons 5 maps: the $60 game
>tfw the game has a 'disturbing content' warning just for that scene
Why? The only game in the whole series that warranted a warning like that was World at War, and was just because of all the limbs flying everywhere.
>tfw COD will never have glorious gore like that again
BO3 kind of did but it was scaled back and MP only.
It's a joke for a 12 year olds.
I fixed BF1 teaser.
How did I do?
>devs literally say diversity and being progressive is a keynote
how are the swedes not cucks and feminists?
>MGS soundtrack
>t. alberto herrera
>based on fiction
>COD isn't rewriting history
I know there were blacks in WWI, but you know EA is going to bend their importance.
>Shitty electronic music
>Looks nothing like WWI
>No fucking gameplay
Battlefield fans are the dumbest fanbase in the industry.
>its a Battlefieldfags forget about Hardline episode
Gore is dying user and I'm sad about it. Only a handful of games even have gore anymore. Some games would be objectively better with gore to (I'm looking at you dark souls).
Gore is a PC thing. Different dying animation and KI reaction on limbs hit by bullet is a pic thing too.
Because a kid dies, its unnecessary in the UK version as the BBFC made them edit the kids corpse just disappears
It's going to Battlefield 4 with different weapon skins and new maps. which is fine because bf4 is a fun game
>race is part of feminism
>Lt. Salter
I bet both of these games will turn out shit
>battlefield is just another yearly AAA release now
>hardline wasn't great
It'll also have significantly less guns all of which could have been included in BF4 anyway.
So either pay $160 for the full version of this BF4 DLC or pay $30 for the full version of BF4
If you look closely you can see Elsa and Spiderman on the zeppelin
I thought it was souls fans?
battlefield hasn't been good since BC2, and I really hope they return to the 1942 roots
It's also fucking pathetic how people still give a shit about the cod vs. battlefield internet war. Anyone who engages in that childish retardation is clearly not 18 or older
As a souls fan I agree.
>race isn't part of "feminism"
It's not even feminism anymore. They won years ago. It's just Marxism now, which race is definitely part of.
>waaaah there is an icky black guy on the cover waaaah
Reminder to make sure Sup Forums stays in Sup Forums
spotted the nog
>looks nothing like WWI
What the fuck did you expect?
Sitting in a trench while some guy gets his legs blown off from 1910's shell-shock Calvary?
>No fucking gameplay
It still looked more promising then CoD "None of this shit will be in the game lol"
>It still looked more promising then CoD "None of this shit will be in the game lol"
??? Are you saying the BF trailer is somehow better in this regard???
Nigger spotted.
or battlefront, enjoy floating tokens instead of vehicles and them saying it makes it more authentic and that the enjoyment of it in battlefront made them bring it to battlefield
Because all the shit we see in the trailer will be in the game
This surpisingly syncs up nicely
>No gameplay looked more promising
How do you know that? And how do you know anything in the CoD trailer wont?
>ur a niggur lol
Nah, just sick of all the autistic shitposting from 8gag making it hard to discuss the game
Why are people getting so triggered and upset on here that there's a black guy on the cover. He's more than likely the protag of the shitty side story they put on these multiplayer focused games. So it's not like they're saying: "Wowzers fellas, black people did everything in ww1." They're saying : "Here's our protag. "
dam dude...... i dont think heel recover after that 1....
Because its some of the most basic WW1 elements that practically define the era of war, they have to put it in the game
Meanwhile, the spaceships in CoD will be used once in the singleplayer
Announcing your report is against the rules.
This. I don't get how BF continued to get so popular after it's many notorious fuckups.
I have been playing aince 2, and BFBC2 was the last solid game they made. After that you got shitty map design, casualized gameplay (DICE literally made it public that they want COD players), horrible unbalances (50+ weapons, only 3 viable), god awful netcode and lag (remember BF4 launch?), etc. The series is as dead as Assasins Creed.
What the fuck? How can one memester so savage possibly exist I am literally dying from how roasted CoD is right now.
LMAO Cowadoody babies on suicide watch!
I get banned and the retarded Sup Forumsfags get banned as well.
Im sure you will enjoy when your wife shoves that nigger statue up her bunghole
>mfw I'm going to buy and enjoy both titles
cuck whitey detected
So then it will be in the game.
And the horse shown in the BF trailer wont be in multiplayer either.
>millions of europeans die over nothing in a brutal and pointless war
>lol let's make a black guy our cover for a WWI game
It's plain up disrespectful.
for fuck sake.
>Being in the game doesn't count as being in the game
>After that you got shitty map design
But Caspian Border and Dawnbreaker are some of the best maps
>casualized gameplay (DICE literally made it public that they want COD players)
Casualized is a buzzword.
>horrible unbalances (50+ weapons, only 3 viable)
Except I can use multiple weapon kinds, and multiple weapons in different scenarios
You just fucking suck at the game. Git gud
>god awful netcode and lag (remember BF4 launch?)
For like 6 months then it god fixed.
Anything else is, again, git gud
>Call of Duty dying
>kids and normalfags destroying Battlefield further
We won, Sup Forums.
Honestly, what's wrong with battlepacks?
I thought they were pretty cool in BF4.
>$100+ for the full game + season pass
>it'll still have a fraction of the content you get in BF4 for $30
>being used in a 5 minute rail shooter section counts as being in the game
I don't get the hype, most likely it's going to be the same shit as BF4 but with no helicopters and shittier weapons/vehicles.
Only reason people are hyping it up is because it doesn't have the sci-fi bullshit that CoD has.
how are niggers supposed to kill themselves when they're too busy killing eachother?