EA office building went down in flames, more news at 9

EA office building went down in flames, more news at 9

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what the fuck is this shit

Verdun devs sure are desperate.

No one wants to play your trench simulator.

verdun is kinda boring, every gun kills in 1 hit and gameplay revolves around going prone in one spot

>what the fuck is this shit

Battlefield 1 (they're actually calling it that) is set in WW1 and features an African-American protagonist and what seems to be alternate-reality technology.

Verdun is a more realistic WW1 game, the above image is a character from it recraeting a Battlefield 1 promotional image.

sounds like ww1

>attempts to make fun of Battlefield 1
>posts a picture of an absolute beta cuck scrawny cancer patient of a male
Yeah, no, I'd rather play as Kanye West.

>what seems to be alternate-reality technology.

Why don't you learn more about WW1 before spouting retarded false shit

Also there are multiple people you play in the campaign like in classic COD

>alternate-reality technology
There is literally no indication of this.

Average British soldier, really.

>the above image is a character from it recraeting a Battlefield 1 promotional image.

They could have done a better job. His hand isn't even grasping that trench club.

Gettin' cheeky, you smarmy wanker? I'll deck your gob.

Looks like a malnourished Russian to me.

>features an African-American protagonist and what seems to be alternate-reality technology.

There is nothing worse than fags that talk a shit about things.

It doesn't feature a black guy, he is just one of the several protagonists from the game.
He is part of the Harlem Hellfighters who were an all black american unit who spent more time in the trenches than anyother american unit.

And there is no alternate-reality technology in the game.

>its the alternate reality meme


>He is part of the Harlem Hellfighters who were an all black american unit who spent more time in the trenches than anyother american unit.
They did jack shit except haul ammo and supplies around until April 1918, then spent half a month fighting before going back home.

There's like 6 protags, the Hellfighter is only one.

Also where is this alt reality shit? All the weapons in the trailer existed in that period.

>They did jack shit except haul ammo and supplies around until April 1918, then spent half a month fighting before going back home.

Stop being a butthurt faggot and go read about them.

They did fuck all in the scope of the entire war.
DICE already said they don't give a shit about facts but explicitly want to focus on diversity and progressive showing of only the liberal propaganda parts of WW1 aka 1918-only beduins and niggers.

>1 year out of early access
>Still unplayable stutter on majority of machines
>Still looks like ass
Couldn't refund your shitty Unity shooter faster. Next time use a real engine.

>DICE already said they don't give a shit about facts
Why are you telling lies?

>The Harlem Hellfighters were an African-American infantry unit in WWI who spent more time in combat than any other American unit. Despite their courage, sacrifice and dedication to their country, they returned home to face racism and segregation from their fellow countrymen.


The end of the trailer suggests that the game's zeppelins are like gunships that blast weapons at infantry on the ground (singleplayer boss fight), in reality they flew at high altitude at night, and their purpose was surveillance and bombing, not using machineguns to light up the lone warrior aiming a bazooka at them, or whatever will happen in said boss fight and multiplayer.

Also, the devs have confirmed it's set in an alternate-reality.

>It doesn't feature a black guy, he is just one of the several protagonists from the game.
>There is nothing worse than fags that talk a shit about things.

That's ironic, considering you don't know what "feature" means. Also, I never commented on the realism of the black protagonist, although I am sure he will cross the globe and play a decisive role in turning the conflict (just like a COD protagonist), as opposed to lurking in trenches.

What kind of shitty PC you have thay you get stutter?
I have an ancient 570 GTX and it runs flawlessly.

>that model
>those textures
>those fingers
>that face

is this game a UT2k4 mod?

>Also, the devs have confirmed it's set in an alternate-reality.

No they haven't

And they only joined the war in 1917 you inbred cockmongler Hellnigger.

Protip, WW1 ran from 1914, and this game is focusing entirely on late 1917 and 1918.
It's garbage.

But go suck that EA cock you fucking shill and give more money to EA, jews and libcuck propaganda.

I honestly don't give a shit, go play your shitty AAA garbage.

>Also, the devs have confirmed it's set in an alternate-reality.
Where did they say that?

Getting 100fps+ @ 2560x1440, but the game still hangs up and stutters ever few seconds because the devs are incompetent fuckwits.
These kind of problems are all over the forums. It's what you get when amateurs make a shooter in Unity.

Shit son really? I'm not denying the problem exists but fuck I never ran into it and I'm glad I haven't.

does Verdun have tanks, biplanes, cavalry, and niggers?

>No they haven't

According to google it looks like I was wrong about that, my bad ;^)

>w-we're still relevant guys, please play our game
kinda feel sorry for them

>EA later made it official: the next Battlefield is called Battlefield 1. It will be out on October 21 (PS4/PC/Xbox One) worldwide, and it’s set in a realistic version of World War I — despite rumours, they’re not doing any alternate history. (Unless you consider the fact that it’s a video game to be alternate history.)


>Also, the devs have confirmed it's set in an alternate-reality.

Later this afternoon, EA made it official: the next Battlefield is called Battlefield 1. It’ll be out on October 21 (PS4/PC/Xbox One) worldwide, and it’s set in a realistic version of World War I—despite rumors, they’re not doing any alternate history.

Those tanks and biplanes in BF1 trailer were hella fucking unrealsitic.
WW1 tanks were slow as shit, 10-20 km/h at best slow.
Biplanes were also considerably slower, but they could make sharper turns than WW2 non-biplanes.

Why did you reply to me you retard? I'm not the faggot saying it's alternate history.


See Not a single Battlefield game was ever realistic.

But can I play a negro?

Not saying they didn't exist, but that's the same link you keep spaming in every one of these threads, we get it Sven you love nigger cock but stop pretending that my countrys niggers contributed anything major to the war, you act as if they ended it

>game is called Battlefield 1 because it's based on World War 1
>Battlefield 2 is not based on World War 2

hella fucking epic, thanks EA

>unironically using cucktaku

This malnourished Putin-looking motherfucker actually is more ugly than the nigger, good job.

For a start those planes could fly at 140 mph and non of the tanks in the trailer were moving fast.

Why do you people make this bullshit up and talk about things yo know nothing about?

American troops didn't do anything but guard duty until the very last two months of the war

See David Stevenson, 1914-1918 - The History of the First World War

Microsoft picked the name actually.

And in the trailer they fly at Mach 2, gj shill.

>unironically trying to fit in

If only it were the truth this time.


I don't remember slav monkeys fighting in France

>And in the trailer they fly at Mach 2
Stop being retarded.

>Eastern European dev is racist

News at eleven



>Literally tumbrl posting,
All I hear is slurp slurp

>I'm not the faggot saying it's alternate history.

Don't be rude, I have feelings you know.


Honestly, all of you faggots trying to whine and complain about BF1 being SJW seem to forget that BF hardline storyline was literally about a diverse cast of rag tag heros fought against LITERAL libertarian fat white guys who hated dem libruls and ther progressive attitoods

>being this triggered by le racist 4cham users

your tumblr is showing

HAHA, let's see goobergate defend this one now!

Yeah, way less than 1%, you sure showed me

>black person on cover of anything
>people flip out
>jump through hoop after hoop explaining why it's wrong, the SJWS taking over the world, and why black characters can't do the same video game shit any other one would.

Truly, this is the real curse of Ham.
I can't even escape this shit via video games

There is nothing to defend, as usual they get BTFO with facts.

Nobody played Hardline dude, you can't expect people to know these things.

Can you explain this "racism" to me user? You seem so knowledgeable


>forget that BF hardline

everyone forgot that game

also the developers are swedes so that's enough right there

>the developers are swedes
No, Visceral made Hardline not DICE.

Their post literally says "Our game is better because the protag isn't a nigger"

But the embarrassing part is that they do it in a """subtle""" wink wink nudge nudge way, since like most whites, they are too scared to be openly racist

and since BF is a property of DICE's, they obviously had to greenlight every artistic decision

I meant BF1 devs

just furthers the point that the games are separate anyway

>Its set in a realistic setting!
>ever realistic
I dont think you people understand the concept of realism

HOL UP, Russia isn't even in the fucking game? For what fucking purpose?

I love how the extend of tumblrs arguing capability doesn't extend beyond the "WAAAAH" sarcastic caps shit.

It happens every thread and it's too fucking obvious.

Does it fucking matter what site it is when it proves "alternate history" retards wrong?

Nobody likes russians

The setting is real, as in times, dates, events, places, equipment and weapons etc.

But there is always going to be a break in consistency for gameplay reasons, this is what the artists don't understand and have a mental break down over.

What happened to Visceral why no more Dead Space or Dantes Inferno?

The Whites were pretty shit. Reds are certainly better.


Commie scum please go.

They are working on a Star Wars game.

Ah, any info on it?

this is false-flag
and this probably is as well

dis guy

>Nobody likes russians
And nobody like ameritrash but they are still in the game.

A game about WW1?!

Damn, facebook is still a thing huh

Its impossible to insert Russia and do it in a way that wont make russians be butthurt.

It's odd that the only people annoyed that there's a black guy in Battlefield are the same people who scream cuck at everything.

>Fraction is named Austria
>Not Austria-Hungary

Personally I like Necrovision.

You regressive faggots have turned the word 'Racist' into something no one gives a shit about being called anymore.
You've eradicated the original meaning and now it just means 'word I call you when you disagree with me'.

Maybe for retards sure.

Just consult a few russian history professors and advertise them as people who helped with the game.There will be no butthurt russians i guarantee that.

>Muh last 8 months

America missed WW1 stop trying to act like they won it when they were fighting an enemy that already knew they had lost the war.

Talks of peace were already in motion by the time the U.S joined.

>Just consult a few russian history professors and advertise them as people who helped with the game.There will be no butthurt russians i guarantee that.

You portray czarist Russia not in a bad way - 50% of ruskies get angry, because commies are the good guys.

You portray revolution how it really happened - commies get flustered.

You portray czarist Russia as bad and revolution as good - other 50% of ruskies get angry, because they suffered through communism and Russia today is continuation of czarist Russia's legacy.

Its impossible. Putin himself keeps jumping around from
>im orthodox, here me kissing our orthodox priest
>fall of soviet union was a mistake, communism helped us

Its a clusterfuck.

>The setting is real, as in times, dates, events, places, equipment and weapons etc.
None of this has EVER been real in any BF game

Try again

It's simple. You just portray the Russians as Russians and have them defeat some Austro-Hungarian scum.

It really is getting hilarious that Sup Forums gets triggered just as easily as SJWs.

>EA office building didn't actually go down in flames
>It's just OP baiting people into going into his copycat game shill thread
This is worse than the 40+ Overwatch threads we get daily nowadays.

This. Or if you're going to do a campaign about the revolution then have the choice to play as a White or a Red.

not alternate reality but its going to be filled with shitty prototypes that barely saw action in ww1

They are going to portray some supper negro that gets an officers pistol from somewhere and a bedouin warrior woman. You think they want to risk anything? They are going the easiest route one can find.