Hi, my name is Josh, and I'm an Amiibosexual

Please don't insult me.

Ok Josh.
I jerk off to furries. I don't think of myself as a furfag, though.
And I hope I'll have the balls to bite the bullet if I ever make a fursona.
Please insult me. I deserve it.

Hi Josh, I'm an Insultamiibosexual, and from the day I could form a coherent thought, I found true peace and meaning in my life knowing that I would never be as much of a child as you.

I hope you never leave Sup Forums and ur stuck with depression until the day you die

>this thread again

what is the point of amiibos, i wasn't really following video games when they got big i think? are they big? are they just a meme? i don't get it, please send help

Aren't we all?

You best get the Callie and Marie ones in July.

I'll get everything ;)

mmmm.... h*t....

I am a normal Smash player.

And these are my boxed amiibo.

These are most of my opened amiibo.

I don't understand why you would get the Skylander amiibos but okay.

>always thought amiibo was a scam and I wouldn't buy into it
>slowly getting more and more tempted to get a kirby amiibo
Oh god.

Fuck off faggot, you are not tile fucker.

Because I want a full collection

They're not even made by Nintendo, they don't count.

Have you ever hotglued any of them?

uh just check my thread on /gif/... :)

Yes they do count! Stay mad faggot : D

>never really got the appeal of amiibo
>buy the lucas amiibo because he's my favorite in smash4
>it's a nice amiibo
>don't want any more