Are you fucking trash at video games?
Need an easy way out?
Wish you didn't need this "skill" thing?
Go Bastion! This merc is so easy, a caveman can do it! What's that? Someone went Genji? Not to worry! Just get two others to go Bastion as well! Congratulations, you're now a fucking talentless faggot that has to use a cheap character to go positive and are the cancer that kills lobbies!
Are you fucking trash at video games?
Other urls found in this thread:
Somebody's mad.
>someone went genji
>just dont shoot for literally 2 seconds then eviscerate him
>Roadhog can pull him out of turret and practically kill him in one shot to the face
>junkrat practically kills him in one hit
>widowmaker can also kill him in one hit
Bastion is pretty fucking shit half the time. I guess you just suck at this piss easy game and wanna complain?
but WAIT! you can get TWO of them at same time! Guarantee WIN in no time!
I always play bastion when im defending and have my buddy healing me with mercy the entire time
Check my 7
>mfw i just went 32 eliminations with 24 of those being legit kills as Bastion with over 20k damage and gold medal in healing as well
>mfw when i say "gg ez" at the end of the match and trigger autists like you
get good
>mccree and pharah nerfs incoming
welp time to main them all day tomorrow and enjoy the easy fun wins while it last
Sorry I can't hear you over my NOOT NOOT
>can't kill a stationary target
>literally easymode the game
this game revolve around the same chars, it's annoying and i don't think i ever won an attack because of this, there's just not many way to flank in some maps
I like how in splatoon, the devs made it so they could easily modify the map when its not well designed enough with certain parts to change the flow of the game
lets see if blizzard can create some simple block assets that could work with the level for balance
I love playing vs Bastion because he is always a free kill for me.
He also make it easier for me to give wall-hack to my entire team.
Keep crying bitch ass nigga and git gud.
Just drop the game and play Tf2 instead.
those nerfs have already happened. this is old
>Scope charging is practically instant
>No Unscope on shot fired, very spammable.
>Given a fucking AR as her close range weapon, the AR is only slightly worse than Soldier 76's
>Poison traps + AR can take out enemies at close range pretty reliably
Why the fuck aren't people complaining about how broken widowmaker is.
This game is unbalanced as fuck anyway so who cares
I'm glad I got the beta with my friends because otherwise someone of us would've bought the damn thing
Her AR is pretty shit. The bullet spread is too great but her trap is insane for offense and defence
because the whole game is broken lel
Best character hands down
time well spent
it's a cartoon shooter, it's not supposed to be taken seriously imo
because there isnt ANY good widowmakers in the beta
all the faggots who play her use cause she is a sniper or cause shes their waifu
which means that they are terrible at the game no matter what the reason for picking her is
if a majority of the people in this game were half decent with her people would probably bitch about her more than they do about bastion cause she can rape fucking anyone
They should have done the tf route and made a balanced cast of a small amount of characters instead of a large cast of unbalanced characters.
Bastion IS good of you don't expect him which you won't half the time unless he's a dipshit who stands still.
didn't even know the game had Samus Aran's cousin
It works well enough, especially when people are forced to get close to you. The damage is almost identical to s76.
Theres a reason the TF2 sniper was given shitty SMGs.
I really wouldn't find bastion bullshit at all if they decreased his range when hes a turret
>we don't give a shit about fans, we have our own secret club!
You know that fat as fuck kid that use to camp like a little bitch? They grew up to play Bastion
I primarily hate Widowmaker, Hanzo, Mcree, and Soldier 76.
I play Pharah.
>No Falloff Sniping Minigun for Bastion
>D.Va is plagued with terrible falloff and shit dps because of it.
One can move and one can't. Please get good. Creaming a team full of Bastions will make you realize there's more to life than being an insufferable faggot.
The only character who I really despise is Mei. Her abilities are so irritating, and the freezing shit is so easy to get off and is just a free kil, not to mention the fact that her icicles can basically snipe people. Plus her ult is absolutely ridiculous, while I haven't played much of the game, I haven't really seen an effective counter for her in the 12 hours I've played. Usually if a Mei is even decent on the other team, she can shut down a lot of characters and players, mostly also because half the people playing this game are garbage.
>there isnt ANY good widowmakers in the beta
So you haven't been playing the beta then? Not to mention the russians probably have their aimbots ready now.
Winston and Pudge shit on Pharah as well
I find Winston to be a Soldier vs Pyro situation where it's entirely dependent on who comes at who at what point in the map. Pudge is a right cock.
lvl 30 now and i can recall only a handful of matches where any widowmaker could kill people
its literally rare as shit for any widow player to even be able to bodyshot
>plex detected tier
soldier 76
>Every single payload map comes down to the last point
>Attacking teams only win because they have ults, if not they lose
>Every map besides KOTH maps are nothing but a series of tight choke-points
>CoD kiddies "Main" characters in a TF2 ripoff so half the games you have to swap around because nobody else is countering what's stopping you
>Supports are literally the most boring shit in the world yet are 100% needed because their ults are free wins
I've seen maybe two or three good Widowmakers. The key is not leaving them alone so they can't do what they want to.
isn't that what DOTA did? it makes the game fun having everything be busted, better than HOTS or WoW pvp balancing where everything is just a wet noodle fight.
There're two kinds of games - high ttk or low ttk.
DOTA and OW are low ttk, HoTS and Battleborn are high ttk. The appeal is different.
>Supports are literally the most boring shit in the world yet are 100% needed because their ults are free wins
>Zen Robot
>Music Man
Did you even play
i like zen robo because his ult eats up every other ult in the game and has high damage output/healing
The most frustrating thing when playing Widow Maker is having a Genji that spends that entire game hunting you down.
>dashing to heal teammates while you drive the opposite team crazy trying to kill you while moving the payload forward as well
>not fun
Shit posters never die.
Look up "artificial advantage" for Overwatch. There was a youtube video of it in action as well, but I lost the link.
This argument is instantly moot when you realize almost every map in this game is one big choke point.
If your entire team weren't genjis i feel bad for them.
*throws flashbang*
*rolls behind you*
It's high noon
So are we still pretending that bastion is a stationary target, and that switching in and out of turrent mode isn't almost instant?
Did this last night on the Russia map
Fun as shit roller skating around trying to keep sentries repaired
play of the game.
More like flashbang, fan hammer, if not dead, roll, fan hammer again
case in point
Holding M1 and occasionally pressing Shift isn't engaging. It's the most healslut tier character I've ever seen.
Kek ive been maining widowmaker because of how broken she is for the exact reasons that user mentioned. Her rifle at full charge is basically the awp in csgo minus the 4 second reload animation.
>Holding M1 and occasionally pressing Shift
Whoa, whoa, you mean holding m1 and occasionally pressing m2, then hitting shift and dying
this this, headshots one shotting basically anyone who isnt a tank
and bodyshots being damnear as lethal so you dont even need to headshot someone to still kill them in 2 shots
so like shooting in games or any command on any video game ever?
>mfw used to have problems with snipers and turrets
>switch to winston
>probably caused players of those archetypes to quit
bastion is a fine character that takes skill
genji, on the other hard, is for wannabe tryhard faggots like OP
>thinks Overwatch as a whole takes any skill to play
Blizzdrones everyone.
they are both for faggot tryhards user
>Play Winston
>His gun feels like squirting water at people
>Jump around to avoid being the enormous target that he is
Even worse when I get an ultimate because I cant see what the fuck is happening.
>takes skill
Gr8 b8 m8
>Enemy team has a Bastion, Mercy, and Reinhardt
>Reinhardt and Mercy are competent players, Bastion player has an IQ of over 30
>Love to play Winston and give Mercy the BLACKED.COM
>His ult is just a minor nuisance and any good person will just ignore you as you punch them for 40 damage.
genji spotted. hope you enjoyed dicking about and running up walls whilst the rest of your team were doing the objectives
What if they just stopped shooting for the couple of seconds Genji's counter is active?
He is not suppose to kill alot, he is a disruptor. He has high mobility so he is good at melting flimsy characters, but don't bother go 1v1 against reaper or mccree. With his jump you can pretty much pick your fights, so go hunt genjis, hanzos and widowmakers. Ult is to create havoc and spread opposite team. And also push people to ledges if there's any nearby.
>playing robot monk
>genji goes CHOTTO MATTE in front of me
>launch my black testicle at him and wait a few seconds
>launch my other testicle at him and he dies
His ult is great on maps where you can fall off the side
It doesn't take skill, yet Sup Forums appears to suck at vidya with all these "OP hero" complaint threads
>mei players think they are not absolute shitters
100% of all of them will sabotage their own team with walls while pretending to be good just for getting a couple of kills.
>tfw putting Sentries as Torbjörn on the moving platforms at the end of Route 66
Here comes the sentry delivery
How do you punish Genji at chokepoints?
He usually pops out does his reflect nonsense and fucks off and waits for you to focus on some other enemy before coming at you with his dash.
Can't seem to chase them down because all their buddies will target you, he usually only shows his face when he has his reflect ready.
The game can be easy as fuck while at the same time some classes can be OP as fuck .
What are you actually supposed to do as a tank? I just try and stand in front and shoot a bunch hoping to attract attention, but I don't know if that's actually smart.
play reinhardt, stand on the payload with a bastion and mercy, watch the enemy team rage because they don't understand how the shield works.
the reason for these complaints is that a lot of the counters in overwatch are very, very hard. as in 'if you see this character and can't run away then you're dead' hard. if you're coming from TF2 (which has almost entirely soft counters) then it is jarring
If the enemies are shooting at you, then you're doing your job as your teammates (hopefully) shoot them while they're distracted. I find Reinhardt to be the best tank for this reason.
The weird thing is the game is full of OP characters making it stupidly easy. Nearly half or more of the roster is full of characters with either insane damage output, or an ult that can wipe a whole team by itself. And most of those characters have both.
I hate that there's literally 0% chance to win against McCree in a straight up 1v1. He'll just stun fan roll reload fan me to death before I can DoT him down with my tesla.
Aside from McCree and Mei I shred all the other supports.
Depends on the tank.
Reinhart: hold your shield up and hope your retarded team realizes they should stay behind it and kill the enemy shooting at you
DVa: Fly around and fuck up their backline's day, E big incoming damage and ults.
Roadhog: Try to hook high-value targets and eat them. Absorb hits with your big fat ass and heal through it with E.
Winston: Jump around like a retard in their backline hoping it distracts them enough for your retarded team to get their shit together and maybe kill them
Zarya: Sit around until your Ult pops up and hope you can land it on a good portion of the enemy team.
Some are like that but some heroes are insanely OP in some situations. Especially because of the spectacularly bad level design.
Junkrat and Bastion are way too strong in certain maps. No skill is required to rape the enemy team .
>poor little black human
this ain't quake 3 user. it's more about picking the character and picking the situation than about shooting and aiming. personally i think it's deliberately designed that way. i don't care for it though
>start an attack/defense
>on the attacking side
>step out of the gate
>two bastion turrets and two reinhardts shielding them
Okay, alone bastion is easy enough to deal with, but with this shit it becomes very very annoying.
My team couldn't leave spawn for a solid minute.
>this ain't quake 3 user
Blizzshill detected. Please kill you're self.
>bastion is powerful because of level design sucks so much
>that said if 2 bastions know what they are doing they can cover entire chokepoint
>seriously most of times there is one or two chokepoints which makes it impossible to push without huge support of hanzo or zenyatta
without support your team is guarenteed to fail
>offense is ridiculously hard compared to defense because of bastion and other defensive heroes
>since there is pratically no time between shots of widowmaker(unless you are charging fully of course) she can rape you with scoped. this makes it like using auto-sniper in cs without the high risk
>a good mcree can destroy 1v1 close quarter because of roll and right click and while being a sniper
>some q's are ridiculously over-powered compared to others
>playing junkrat and spamming bombs has no down-side because of lack of ammunation
>lack of ammunation creates a situation of not leaving choke-points (hint: bastion)
>since play of the game counts kills most of time it shows stuff that doesn't matter (double kill by bastion vs 5-men resurrection by mercy)
>mei is balanced, she is incredible at close quarters but sucks at mid and long
>genji is balanced because of high-skill high-reward
>torbjörn needs a rework
>edgy the edge needs buff at his q
>zarya needs buff
these are my main concers, also who do you enjoyed most playing.
ZENYATTA master race here
only on Sup Forums could i be called a blizzard shill for criticizing overwatch
I just imagine the people who play bastion and die by shooting straight into Genji's E just shrug their shoulders and go "well, that's class balance for ya, I guess!"
Nigga you can just NOT SHOOT