Hey, buddy, what about the tip?

Hey, buddy, what about the tip?


Hey, buddy, this is my turf.


Tips are for the white folk


What is this "tip"? I'm european, I assume it's some american thing.

It means you give money to people for """good service""". For some reason, it generally only applies to the food industry and taxi drivers.
Civilized countries recognize that tips are just a scam so that employers can get away with underpaying their workers.

It's this part of a mushroom.

Here's your """tip""", m'lord.


Paying someone a few dollars to bring you your food.

Whip? OH right.


>Sup Forums is now remastering old memes

poetic really.

Careful not to cut yourself on that edge, kiddo.

*teleports behind you*
*unsheathes katana of 9001 folds*
*slices you 9 billion times in a millisecond for 5 seconds straight*

nothing personnel,kid. I dont allow racism in my block.

Oh so tip is another word for the fee already included in the cost?

Yea, we have a decent minimum wage where I live so tipping isn't really a thing either.
Is America even trying?

Nope, you still have to pay a delivery fee as well as a tip.

Hey,you got a problem with my friend?

i'm not tipping since you should get paid by your employer

Here you go, bro.