Every other meme is in the game

Every other meme is in the game

Every fucking meme. Except the best one.

Why did Myazaki leave out the Mask of the Father?

Pinwheel was the hardest boss in the series

Other urls found in this thread:

xboxdvr.com/gamer/Huragok Slayer/video/17326002

your mind has been corrupted with the notion of memes

They call me the meme-ager


Im honestly kinda disapointed there wasnt a Giantdad invader.

DaS3 would have given Giantdad the peace he wanted, with the Hunters Ring he could have 5 extra Dex without ever actually leveling it up.

Pinwheel is the boss that I always defeat first after entering firelink I unequip everything and just run to his room and kill him with my fists just to pretend he can be difficult.

In general, none of the equipment had "special effects" in dark souls 3 for some reason. I think the only piece of equipment that had any unique property at all was the magic boosting hat. Just one hat. That's all. Pretty fucking disappointed, especially compared to DS2 where there was tons of unique and interesting special armor properties.


the word meme has destroyed this world. i want off

Im glad someone else feels the same way.

Mostly I hate you only get fuckload of boring helms and not more weird or silly stuff like the sack or the family masks.

I was so sad when I got the Evangelist hat and turns out you dont get the jolly mask the fat bitches use

Sneering Mask and Aristocrat's Mask are both golden masks, kind of look like a pinwheel mask.

At least we still have Smough's Mask if you want to look like a massive fucking faggot

I feel you man, I liked those gloves that gave you a chance to do more damage on hits. It made my dual daggers build feel less shitty.

You do get the golden glasses on the evangelist hat. It's just hard to see because it's just a little mask and the brim of the hat covers it from the normal camera angle.

There are a lot of silly helmets I like (Morne's gargoyle face, Ornstein and Smough, Sneering Mask, Xanthous Helmet although it's not as cool as past versions, Thrall Mask is cool but a bit overused, some others)

Its just that none of them have any mechanical difference, they're all the same in game terms, especially since defense value is pretty much irrelevant and there's no poise. I liked how in DS2 you had a hat that improved hexes, a hat that reduced falling damage, a hat that increased strength, a hat that increased con, a hat that gave spell slots, a hat that gave spell casts, a hat with a poison aura, a hat that increased equipment load, a hat that increased bow range, a ton of hats that increased some random stat point by 1

in Dark Souls 3, all armor is NOTHING but a fashion statement

Actually, on second thought, the Armor of Thorns is also has a special property, so effectively that's 5 armor pieces with a special power (thorn helm, thorn chest, thorn arms, thorn legs, crown of dusk)

oh, and the mimic hat. That makes 6

Post clips

xboxdvr.com/gamer/Huragok Slayer/video/17326002

I loved wearing the poison butterfly set in DaS2.

>Having decent magic damage output in DaS3 is dependent on equipping as much magic-boosting shit as possible
>Magic Clutch Ring, Young Dragon Ring, Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring, Sages Ring, Scholar's Candlestick...
>One piece of armor that boosts magic damage
>It's one of the dumbest looking pieces in the game

I would honestly prefer if the Crown of Dusk did nothing. At least then I wouldn't feel like I was gimping my mage character by choosing fashion over function.

I'm glad they brought this back. Though why is Kirk a finger now? I thought he was a Darkwraith secretly helping Quelana's sister? Is this explained in game if so I missed it.

It had a ton of effects, too.

That set alone gave slowfall, a unique jump, poison aura, +1 int (from the hat), and it reduced falling damage. That's more special effects than all the armor in DS3 combined (roll damage, increased souls, increased itemfind, magic up/defense down).

Use the Pyromancy crown instead. It's the only other thing like the Dusk crown.

do you have any source that pyromancer helmet increases pyromancy damage?

The item doesn't say it does and that sounds like bullshit


He obviously can't help her anymore. Maybe he just keeps doing what he does anyway to not lose his mind, that's a pretty common thing with undead it seems.

I mean, I guess they could explain it away with "He's undead, so he stuck around." The real explanation is just that it's a callback, with him murdering people to help his Katawa Covenant Leader again. I guess that's his type.

I don't think there was much directly about Kirk in DS1 ether.

DS 3 is far in the future that it is likely that it's Kirk is not same person as DS1's one, but just impostor who has taken Kirk's armor and name.

Or it could be a random reference.

Both Kirks are connected thematically as they serve women who seemingly can't speak and take care of mysterious underlings. But there isn't really any narrative connections.

Outside of the possibility that Kirk is white knight and went to look for other damsel to protect after Fair Lady kicked the bucket.

I will be really disappointed if there isn't an npc invader named Father of Giants in the DLC.

i want to cum on afros faggot legs.

>Earns you the achievement "The Legend Never Dies" for killing it

I think he/she/it means that you can see your full head with it on, like the dusk crown. Kinda not helping you since you sound like you hate your head. Mightn eed to visit roasia.

> You fight him at the base of a giant cannon

It's entirely possible Miyazaki has no idea about Giant Dad or Dark Souls memes. He likely never browses Youtube for such videos.

Yet he brought back solaire, even though he himself confirmed solaire linked the flame

How the fuck was Pinwheel hard?

When did he say that?

The idea of unkindled is that they are the ashes of the already dead being reanimated. Undead ashes are the basis of bonfires, so you and every unkindled were likely bonfire fodder at some point

this means that any undead from any era of time could awake as unkindled, and that's why so many characters from past games show up as npcs or invaders

so it probably is actually Kirk you fought, or Creighton you fought.

fight him as first boss and then come talk again

Fuck armor having special properties. Then you'd have to wear those certain pieces otherwise you'd be gimping yourself. I'm mad that the Dusk Crown exists since it forces magic users to wear it


Magic has ONE build in Das3. You need to wear Dusk's Crown. You need Young Dragon, Sages Ring, Magic Clutch and Bellowing Dragon Ring. You need the Scholar's Candlestick in your offhand. You need the Court Sorcerer's staff with at least 54 INT. The only good INT weapon is the Crystal Sage Rapier. You need at least 30 ATT for the FP and slots. Because of the items you have to wear to get good dps, you need 16 FAI, 18 DEX, 13 STR. So if you're going for the 80-99SL meta, you have just 20 levels to share between VIT, END and VIG.

Interesting, thanks user

>references to the other games are now called memes

You get the bonus damage on the candle-stick even without meeting its faith requirement. There are also quite a few much lower stat requirement weapons that deal very similar damage to the crystal sage's rapier.

Yes, having to equip 5 items to make your spell damage not suck dick is bad, but sorcerers can make SL80 builds without sacrificing much at all, and everyone can make a SL100 build comfortably.

Seriously my first character I just mainly did a strength build and it wasn't too hard

I decided to try a magic character since everyone kept saying it wasn't that good and man it really isn't.

There isn't much for magic to have at the start and even then it's better to just go after enemies with your weapon. I had great heavy soul arrow after a few bosses but didn't bother using it really since my sword killed things faster without leaving me open during the casting time. The spell buff was the only thing that was worthwhile but if I didn't dump all my stats into INT and instead into the weapon scaling I wouldn't even need to bother with it for the same damage without the hassle. Soul spear eats up FP like crazy and I had like 28 points into attunement. When I got soul mass and crystal soul mass I couldn't believe that it just did nothing for damage.

I tried farming for souls to buy all the spells by doing this method youtube.com/watch?v=iPdSPbijimk
I had +5 Crystal staff while using its buff, the three magic damage increase rings and like 75 INT cause I was gonna respec later anyway and it STILL barely kills the enemies. If I didn't use the staff skill I wouldn't kill those regular ass knights with my crazy high INT and gear. I always thought magic was really overpowered in the other games and was glad to hear it was sorta toned down but after I realized I hardly ever used magic with my mage character and those enemies not dying easily to my soul stream I realized how bad it was and I figure that's supposed to be one of the strongest if not strongest sorcery.

When I switched over to my first strength character I realized I could use a bunch of different rings while they would compliment me in different ways but like you said if you are going to use magic you HAVE to use a certain set of items otherwise you're losing out on like 50% damage


>people seriously want more giantdad memefaggotry
I remember when people tried to find something similar to it in DaS2. Surprised people didn't use the Pharros mask more.

beated me to it

Just to add onto this before the magic character I made a lvl 25 for low lvl PvP and harassment. I just used the +0 raw barbed sword with carthus rouge for most of the game. I only have Princes, Cinder, and Nameless King left and I had an easier time with the bosses bleeding them to death rather than trying my mage that I was leveling normally throughout the game.

I kept trying to come up with some fashion for a planned Giant Dad cosplay, this is as good as it got but I never got around to making the character

I dont get it



So were portable bonfires

>Pinwheel was the hardest boss in the series
In what fucking reality is this true? He's easier than the fucking Demon Firesage who's already a complete fucking pushover. You can just run up to him and spam two-handed R2 until he dies, and if you have pyromancy you can kill him with 1 slot of fire orbs.

No they weren't, the fuck are you talking about?

I think it was a joke

Time Distortion in Lordran etc etc

Literally the video from the screenshot you linked youtu.be/dyRJ5u-L8qw?t=203

>you linked
I wasn't that dude, anyways

Where did those guys get the information from?

I've never heard of this sacrifice bullshit

"leaks" So someone emailed them and sent them this info they probably proved they worked at From or was related to them, obviously they don't reveal the source because that guy would get fucked it was probably from an early build in the game since most of the shit was correct aside from sacrifices

That whole sacrifice mechanic sounds like it was just scrapped before release, not actually coming in a DLC

>giant dad invades you early game
>hard as fuck
>you never get his mask and armor
that would have been magical

Alternatively that could also have been a bullshit leak

These guys have talked about the methods for them posting stories they only post info from sources if they can prove it's true, these are the same guys that got info that Half Life 3 is never going to be made from some guy at Valve

>"bosses will have a 'heat up' mechanic"
>it's just a second phase

Sure okay, I'll believe that shit about portable bonfires

that's genuine bullshit bc in ng+ i have 60 int, use the standard equip stack, and a fully upgraded court staff, and I one shot most enemies even without buff with css, 2 (3 tops) with fucking soul arrow. Bosses I hit over 1000 with css (besides aldrich)

its an investment, and yeah, you're pretty much stuck with a cookie cutter build, but it works. ive yet to struggle in pve, and i am kicking ass in pvp

Did Giantdad catch on in Japan?

Which one is him?


> its just a second phase.

A lot of the time its a second phase where they use fire attacks. No promises were broken, the bosses did in-fact "heat up".

Those are some embarrassingly stupid proportions, even for anime

Okay, now apply that logic to why there's no sacrifice mechanic like it says in the video

It was a cool idea on paper but not that great once they actually tested it in game.

Well memed friend. Upvoted.

Exactly, so to answer that one user who thought there were going to be portable bonfires: there will be no such thing

They needed to leave some items for the dlc. Hoping they bring back the silver knight straight sword and the paladin set, loved those in DS1

>silver knight straight sword and spear and the demons spear appear in the game in some way
>can't get them
Suffering ahead.

>he thinks the YATTA! Channeler's Trident gesture is in the game

I wish the dance was at least in the game as a gesture or something.

I hope the DLC is just Dark Souls 1 in it's entirety so people will play that again instead of this

ebin meme lad xD

Kirk was only there for the tits. As soon as spidertits died he went to Rosaria instead

you cna get silver knight straight sword cant you?
swear i had seen somone with it

Greeks look gay.