Other urls found in this thread:

Every time this gets posted I still have no fucking clue what it means.


Instant classic.

Marvel got fucked over when they tried acting like DC I guess

Oh shit I haven't seen this in so long

buuurn haha

I don't get it

So I don't get it, does the blonde guy have no computer at work and he has to steal others' when they aren't looking or is his job just sitting in front of a monitor that's not plugged into anything? Is there a frame missing?



It makes no sense.

Do you Catan?

It is with a heavy heart that I report that my newborn nephew, Matthew Corbett has passed on. He put up a strong fight and we were fortunate to have him for a full 36 hours. In memory of Matthew, there will be no comic this week – Instead, I offer to you this rendition of a photo I took of Matthew holding my wife’s Troll Doll, Alligator Le’Troll.

Although Matthew’s time with us was short, he was no less a blessing and a gift. He will be missed but not forgotten. In lieu of flowers, Matthew’s parents have requested that you consider donating to SOFT, a organization dedicated to Trisomy support and education.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and kindness.

I guess the joke is that it's not working because of the iron man figurine on his desk


the joke is that while it may be fun it has negative side effects

The original guy was smart and put a virus in his own computer so that if a scumbag tries to steal it, their monitor will display the virus.

I actually never other pages of this comic
I kinda hoped there was a page before the virus one that would explain what was going on, but it seems they're all just one page gags

what is it with bad webcomic artists and failed births



It's because they fail to deliver.





It's part of an arc. There's not much to this "arc" actually, the main story component is just
>blonde dude is bad with computers lel

>my wife's troll

Jesus it never ends.


>she has arms




I don't get it.

I think we may have found the least funny comic of all time.

LOOL this comics aro so randomm XD
You guys sure know how to have fun times!!!! :DDD
Lol hahaha

Tekken is for furries


Comic called reappropiation. Guy recovers his computer {iron man figurine and batman logo match} only to find the virus, causing his distress



Only black males like Tekken.

Faggot detected

>Only Woolie likes Tekken





Is this a parody?


I think the neighbourhood should worry about the terrorist nigger man whore walking down their street on edge if anything

But can she beat ?

>Not the edit
Please Sup Forums


>So you haven't beaten a game then

Is this satire?


this made me smile

why was this made

Strawman so huge it got it's own mecha anime.





>things that have never happened


no chill: the comic

I don't get it.

I think it's time for Dobson

don't we have better things to do than have these threads every other day?


i'm surprised no one tried to kidnap, rape or beat the shit out of Olive Oyl in this one

never gets old

fuckin' dumb bear

>People can tell you're bisexual by looking at you
>They will hunt you down for this

Funniest part of the strip


and yet here we are

>posting good stuff in this thread



Ah, my favorite nedroid comic


I am tomba the mighty.





>not liking Tekken 3 for that stupid ass volleyball mode

They can tell because he/she obviously makes a point to tell everyone all the time



>I'm passable as a trans.
>People can immiedately tell I'm a trans.

You can only have one of these, dear.



Not video games. OP is a faggot.





reddit: the post


user: the faggot

what does this artist have against qt monster girls?
