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I've never gotten the context for that pic

That dude's gf cucked him by fucking 3 guys at sgdq 2014

look in the background, it's hard to see

The guy is a desu


Think NASA will be any good? I hope to fuck it is.

What date does it start OP?

Post the JUST version


I like that jump

lmao is this a meme or did he really get cucked?

so why are you bringing up 2 year old drama? Why do you always post the same image every few weeks?

Is it autism?

That's not what cucking means you fucking fagget.

How do you know she kekt him? Also was it three guys at the same time?

>2dos running DK64
Come on now

Also no big john again?

It happened
poor mother fucker

She cheated on him and they broke up or something. he wasn't cucked.

It's weird how someone cheating has become synonymous with cuckolding.

You seriously don't know what that fucking word means do you? How can the majority of Sup Forums be so fucking illiterate?

IIRC it was something like she hung out with three other guys because he was being a whiny bitch, she got drunk and flirty with the three of them but only banged one.

Pretty sure that's exactly what it means.

Weird how the word has become synonymous with so much else.

do you know what the fuck does cuck mean inside Sup Forums? have some brains

>No AdamAK


He was cucked.

No that's not what it means. Cuckolding is when someone allows their woman to fuck other people because you get off on it or something. It's not cuckolding if she cheats on you and you dump her after.

>more tetris crap
It was fine the first time, when no one knew what to expect, but then got old fast and took up way too much time.

So, let me get this straight since I'm not a native speaker: cheating on someone is just having sex when in a relationship with someone who's not your partner, and cucking is the whole humilliation thing that happens in porn?

>Cuckolding is when someone allows their woman to fuck other people because you get off on it or something.
Yeah, no.

Like I said, weird how the word has become synonymous with so much else.

Being cheated on and being a cuck are different.

Holy shit are you just trying to write the least comprehensible sentence on planet earth now?

He basically let it happen, he was fucking cucked to shit and back.

>Letting your gf hang out with guys
>letting your gf hang out with guys with alcohol involved
>having a gf that would go hang out with guys when you guys are fighting

happens to the best of us. That's like a guy rite of passage. We all date that hoe at least once in our lives

It's the same shit, in the end you're a worthless loser

Yeah, yeah. Go look up a dictionary sometime you ignorant fuck.

Cuck comes from the cuckoo bird because it lays eggs in other bird's nests. It's literally the fetish of getting off to watching your partner be fucked by someone else.

Yeah. Cheating is adultery. Cucking is the same thing but with consent of the mentally handicapped partner.

So if I let my girlfriend fuck a big black guy then I'm not a cuckold?


Does adam even stream anymore? Been fucking ages since i've watched him..

A cuckold is a husband to an unfaithful wife. Cuckoldry porn is porn for people who get off on that idea. That doesn't mean getting off on the idea is part of it. It's part of the porn.

He didn't let it happen he was just too much of a wimp to stop her. That's cheating, cuckolding would be if he was in on it.

Being a cuckold by definition is being cheated on. Being a "cuck" nowadays means getting off on your partner having sex with someone else


Yes so that is the modern definition.

>he was too much of a wimp to stop her

HENCE, he let it fucking happen. Why are you defending the beta cuck anyway?

>Miles isn't running Metroid Prime for the 12th time in a row



How on earth can people not agree on the definition of 'cuck'? Have none of you niggers read Othello?

the way these people act and talk seems highly irritating to me
>smileys everywhere
>friends leaving! omg so sad i'm nearly crying ;A;

they're acting like 12 year old girls despite being 20+ year old men. how the fuck does that happen?

>Go look up a dictionary sometime you ignorant fuck.
Funny, because if you took your own advice, you'd see I'm right.

>getting so triggered you have to make a video about it

>watching the inferior event
>when our boii chibster had his own marathon like a week ago
you faggots missed some pretty entertaining shit
especially when the channel got compromised and put goatsee on it making twitch shut it down

he got triggered by trump supporters and made a video

When did I say I was defending him? I'm just sick of Sup Forums turning into a fucking chicken coop that doesn't know any other word than cuck and using it constantly to describe everything. I live here too, and I don't want every fucking fat piece of shit here being a fucking moron.


The key element of the "cuck" meme is that it is always used incorrectly. For example:

>Louis CK is a cuck
The meme is used in this context because Louis clapped at something funny a black male has said on stage during an award show while a white woman was also present.

>OP got cucked by 3 guys at a con
In this context, the target was cheated on by his girlfriend.

>how the fuck does that happen?

same reason 30 year olds act like highschoolers in movies and tv shows. it pays the bills.

Nobody likes people who are emotional drama queens. It's shitty to cheat but he drove her away. She was probably desperate for someone to show her a fun time without being emotionally manipulative and bipolar.

I know because I was that guy once upon a time

It's even funnier when you read his comments below.


>all the categories are arbitrary
what did he mean by this?

>Poltards: KEK KEK KEK
>Maddox: Do you faggots even know what that word means? You're not funny or original.
>Poltards: lol he mad

Cuckold in porn, is watching a man fuck your wife.

A cuckold in general is a man, who's wife cheats on him. If your wife fucks other men, no matter what, you're a cuck. She cucked him.

Weren't they married?

To me a cuck is a man who got cheated on but stayed with the cheating partner.

See that's at least close.

You expect too much.

Agreed. Anyone who tolerates being cheated on.

>Poltards: lol he mad

Except that's what Maddox himself is doing.


What a cuck. :^)

A cuckold gets enjoyment out of seeing his woman be fucked by someone else. Getting cheated on doesn't equal being a cuck. Stop spouting memes like a retard.

That's what cuck has come to mean, but no cheating is cheating. Cuckoldry is if you are okay with and allow your wife to cheat, usually watching or participating in a limited fashion.

holy shit please don't use that gif, it's actually terrible

imgur can make a section of a youtube video into a webm/gif, use that instead

Nothing inherently to do with fetishes, you tards. Maybe try taking your own advice and using a dictionary (no, not urban dictionary).

You're both spouting memes.

You shouldn't learn your vocabulary from porn and Sup Forums.

That goes for this entire thread.


>tfw no stivitybobo or banjo-kazooie AT ALL

Finally. Thank you. When is SGDQ this year?

>SGDQ thread
>thread devolves into people debating what cuckold means
bravo Sup Forums, bravo

>getting so mad at memes that you make a 3 minute video defending cuckoldry

who even is this dude

Are there more pics of her? A full story? I wanna fap to this.

True enough. I've fucked around with a girl in this chicks scenario, then found out she had a BF that was basically making her miserable, and been that BF myself, so I feel u, user. But honestly he probably dodged a bullet, once a cheater always a cheater. There's better ways to handle that kind of stuff, and if u don't want to put that effort in, you leave.

Going and getting drunk and fucking some other dude because you're too unhappy to face your problems is the sign of a coward imo

Are there any other pictures of this slut?

He Le Epic Genius that proved people who like pepperoni on pizza are idiots


What people don't realize is that the term 'cuck' is the new 'fag' of Sup Forums. People have even started to add it onto other words or phrases like 'PCuck' and 'cuckservative'. When people say it here they are not referring to someone as a cuck in the literal sense (usually) but as an insult like calling someone a 'bitch' or 'pussy'. If you are are getting butthurt by the way the word is used on Sup Forums that means it's working as an insult.

That's a pretty big mouth. Did she suck the 3 guys' dicks at the same time?

what happens if you send that image tho any of those fucks? Do they get triggered or something?

I hope the threads aren't stickied.
AGDQ threads last time were pretty decent but the sticky made the threads into, well, the shit you see in this thread where maybe 3% of it is about video games.
Or I wish /vr/ had a thread for it. Just anything to get away from the gossiping faggots.

Is that the face she made when Chibi was coming on face?

except its not


its either that or the threads are about chibi/cosmo
which is still better than this shit

>GDQs will never EVER be comfy like they were in 2013 and before again

Cuckservative was a thing way before retards started spouting cuck every second word on boards.

Even by that definition it's STILL used wrong most of the time anyway. Half the retards using it seems to use it in place of fuck.

>Something bad happens say a game is delayed

But we were talking about literal cuckoldry here

they were married and did streams together, then at SGDQ the girl (tolki) fucked a banjo speedrunner, stivitybobo

stivitybobo then "apologized" to the guy in two letters, saying that tolki was really special girl or some shit


Can you stop?

/vg/ man.


>The term originated on websites such as Sup Forums (specifically the Sup Forums imageboard)