What is the most comfy thing in gaming and why is it chapter 4 of TW1?

What is the most comfy thing in gaming and why is it chapter 4 of TW1?

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>le comfy

I still have dreams of that part. And by dreams I mean nightmares since those undead banshees roam the fields.

>tfw 99% of the witcher 3 babbies have never played the best game in the series

I never got past chapter 2 of tw1 so I wouldn't know.

Witcher is the worst aurora engine game desu

>best game in the series

It might as well be a VN for how awful the gameplay is

the gameplay is great you dumb casual

>played through W1 like 9 times
>never finished w2
>currently playing w3, already lost the motivation to launch it again after the "prologue" chapter


Literally the best.

Yeah I gave Witcher 1 a try last year and absolutely loved it desu. I had to cheat to beat the game because I fucked my stats up but that was only for the final level or so.
TW1 story was great though.

You only think it's the best because of the positive association your brain misinterprets as general enjoyment when in fact it probably comes from all the wanks you must've had discovering all them titties

>hurr duurr this aged like shit

water and lighting miles above witcher 3


>discover the legendary lady of the lake on a quest for a mythic silver sword
>fuck her
>rare encounter with the elusive and mysterious dryad
>fuck her
>stuck in a cave with a crazy cannibal witch
>fuck her
>fuck her
>fuck her
>random maid
>fuck her

Gerald really doesn't discriminate. Probably fucked Dandelion at some point or another.

Oblivion is still the comfiest game I've ever played.

It's a shame but that's what a lot of people does since 2nd chapter drags on teribly, it's even worse without the armband


Holy shit i loved this area, especially at daytime with that music.

The only thing about this was the design of the Noonwraiths and the Nightwraiths (if that's what they were called)

Everything else about it was 10/10, provided you like the dated gameplay.
TW2 gave me none of the same feelings.

>never finished w2

The final confrontation with Letho alone is worth playing the game. Also

Flotsam > La Valette castle = Dwarven city > Kaedweni camp > Loc Muinne

Kaedweni camp had the best storyline though

I was super hyped for #2 after TW1, which I played like 4 times in a row just couple years ago.

And let me tell you: you missed NOTHING.
The Witcher 2 is one of the biggest bastardizations in gaming history. Literally "we want Xbox360 audience - the game". The gameplay is clunky and awful, the UI just terrible console mess, plot just annoying politics mumbojumbo, and you barely do any proper Witchering.

That isn't paper mario

Not comfier than this

Not really, Witcher 2 simply feels like an intermission between two games and doesn't add much to it. Politicking was never a big thing in Witche and Geralt clearly made an effort to stay away from it. It also requires two playthroughs for complete experience.

nah, yeah really.
The game did not even feel like Witcher anymore to me. No wonder tho', as 1 was a fairly pure CRPG, while 2 was a total console-action-RPG, which also tried to appeal to DaS audience, with hints of Mass Effect and AssCreed.

>Witcher 1 UI
>pleasing to look at

nope, you gei-fagotto.

Better than 2 for sure.
The whole quickmenu was a hot mess and so was the combat.
At least 1 was sterile and not geared towards consolecucks.