will this meme end now
Battleborn vs. Overwatch For Dummies
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I hope so user
Why the fuck is this so hard to comprehend?
>OW = TF2 - Blizzdrone Championship Edition
>BB = Borderlands - The MOBA
What meme exactly?
Wow the Division was so fucking hyped and looking at the player count, did the glitches and hackers fuck the game up that much?
Wth is football manager? Do people really enjoy it that much?
He says they're not comparable but then compares Overwatch to TF2 when they have nothing in common outside of class based shooter with objectives.
There's only 1 raid, people are waiting on end game content. There's no real reason to kill people in the Dark Zone so it's a useless area.
Why do people compare both games?
Battleborn: Made by Gearbox
Overwatch: Not made by Gearbox
How is that guy still getting royalties for an ancient game?
TF2 is extremely similar to Overwatch. Though more apt comparison would be Dirty Bomb.
It's my first time actually seeing battleborn gameplay.
Don't want to trigger people who love the game, but please tell, is the game really as shitty as it looks? Movements and animations look really clunky, the gameplay looks uninspired and almost as slow as paragon's. Is it really like that?
Offtopic, but i've also tried out paragon for the first time: went full dmg build and by the end of the game did barely any deamage. Did i do something wrong or is it really how things are?
Gearbox also fucked over Sega by spending Aliens budget on Borderlands. Them being fucking scumbags is nothing new.
Battleborn looks really shitty i think, mostly because theres too much fucking colour on the screen at once. You really gotta try it for yourself to get a better understanding since just like dota or something like that once you actually know the game then you know whats going on. Fun game tho
Both of the games have this problem
The difference is Overwatch outlines enemies on your screen.
If only they both took a page from TF2's design. I never have a problem noticing any enemies in that game.
Ok this post is so full of shit and so are you.
One: Tx is ONE of the creators of eDuke32 which is a source port
Two: The argument is about the release of the android port that is using eDuke32 and over who owns the license.
Three: Gearbox got the entire IP off of 3DR during the last debacle and actually wanted to work with TerminX on another release. He needs to renegotiate the entire thing via novation because there are new owners involved. They wanted to make a new contract but they wanted him to be legally binded to Texas which he refused.
THAT'S what's going on.
The only fucking creator of the Build engine, is Ken Silverman, you dense fuck.
Overwatch is casual shit, forces teamwork way too much for a casual shooter, and horribly unbalanced. I'm going to play Doom and Battleborn instead. Overwatch has it's charm and it's kind of fun, but I really could not see myself playing it past this weekend.
I almost forgot that Battleborn exists
That's pretty grim. I remember left 4 dead 2 being around those numbers when it was five years old.
>Football Manager is on there TWICE
Gearbox always sells more on consoles too. I'm surprised it's even doing that well. Blizzdrones aren't viralling enough or Battleborn is actually fun
Team based shooter forces team based gameplay. Who'd have thunk?
>Skyrim numbers that high
Is Warframe's any good?
the wonders a active mod community can make.
>skyrim is higher than fallout 4
>battleborn reminder:
considering he says that after killing a female hero, it's not a bad joke
Both will be forgotten in a few weeks.
>tf2 numbers still that high
>taking something out of context to stir outrage
Stop acting like a Tumblrite and go fuck yourself.
Speak for yourself, Battleborn is going to pull me away from traditional mobas finally.
is battleborn the dota killer we were hoping for?
I don't think so. Overwatch is extremely popular already.
No, but it's a much better alternative to play than with koreans and russians.
What is the evolve effect.
You got loads of people complaining how they're bored of it already due to lack of depth though. The game will obviously never die it's a fucking blizzard game and look at hots but it won't be hot shit for long after launch
>taking it out of context
He says that when he kills a female character. When he says, "Feminism is awesome!" He means he's glad he can kill both men and women now.
>Hating on Oscar Mike unironically
Overwatch is pretty stale and boring after a while. It's easy to get annoyed by heroes like Mcree and Reaper with their free kills for retards ults.
I liked battleborn's beta a lot, but scared to buy it after looking at the numbers.
i've got 40 hours in battleborn already and if it dies after a month, literally dies and not just have a few thousand players, i at least had fun while it lasted
So I asked my sister (an artist) about BB vs OW character designs, only the designs. Hoping she was unbiased, she said:
>I have heard of both but I know nothing about either game so, yes. I am unbiased.
>After looking at these pictures and the character designs on their websites, I (personally) think that Overwatch has better designs.
>Battleborn has really good character diversity and I think better silhouettes BUT two things really turned me off from the designs:
>A) how BUSY the designs were. (So much extra detail that was almost unnecessary.)
>B) How different the designs were. In some cases I wasn't entirely convinced that a character really fit into the universe.
>Overwatch also had diversity, but the designs were less jarring to look at. (Rounded edges are friendlier! Just as Mickey Mouse, the round bastard. Or round Steven Universe. )
>This one also had diversity but it never feels diconnected. (Plus, props for women of color AND women of different sizes. For some reason Mei isn't in the promotional material, but she's on the website.) (BB has diverse women but it doesn't feel as dramatic as OW.)
>Like, even with these promotional materials that you sent. BB looks like a jumble of characters. They're different, sure, but because all of them are different It feels hard to connect with them. They feel more like... Patterns on a fabric than actual character.
>Whereas In the OW poster they look like INDIVIDUALS. People you can get behind. You can tell, almost immediately, who the character IS without actually watching them.
>But, arguments could be made for both. Character design (and design in general) boils down to personal preference a lot times.
Interesting getting an outsider's opinion on the character designs, since that's what most people will see first.
We all know BB and OW will be compared because they're both FPS' and have heroes to choose from but the gameplay similarities end there.
Curious what game Sup Forums thinks has the better character design.
>character design
Such an important gameplay element
Battleborn has better character personality but the transition from concepts to models made them messy in the style.
>Plus, props for women of color AND women of different sizes
>BB Has diverse women
>Caring about muh diversity
Stopped reading there
Back to Tumblr it goes
I was just watching this seal earlier
I personally like it. It feels like a labor of love. Like the artists just got together and decided to just do whatever they wanted in the way they wanted to do it.
It feels sincere and less corporate than OW.
You say that ironically but you can't tell me that designing Miko's entire head to be that big *and* a critspot, making Montana big as fuck but having a tiny-ass head, or other designs of the character doesn't effect the gameplay.
Character design is important.
Those designs were made for balance reasons, overall character design doesn't affect shit
Battleborn surprised a lot of people and has new content on the way with a plan to put in cash shop skins and DLC hero packs so it's guaranteed to keep some people around for awhile. Plus the progression system is LOOOOOONG, it's going to take forever to unlock everything. There's still a couple heroes I haven't seen yet since it doesn't seem like anyone has them.
I mean you can always just wait on sales.
because its a rated T game thats actually somewhat good giving a larger audience to advertise it to thats why you see so many promotions.
>plan to put in cash shop skins and DLC hero packs
i know for a fact that all new heroes are supposed to be free
>cash shop skins and DLC hero packs
Everyone knew about the premium skins but heroes will be free.
>It feels sincere and less corporate than OW.
Because overwatch is full of waifushit?
Hypocrite that you are! Saying character designs effect balance then saying overall designs don't effect shit.
why are there no comments under his videos?
Is he one of these youtube pussies who thinks anyone disagreeing with him is literally rape?
Yes. It's pandering bullshit and you damn well know it.
>he plays overwatch
Europeans love it for some strange reason, anything to do with football is eaten up like crazy
I would say two of the biggest games in Europe excluding Russia are Fifa and football manager
>the only Team Fortress 2 advertisement ever
I know but at the same time I think gearbox might be deliberately avoiding putting any "sexy" characters in battleborn
>He bought the Origins edition!
>he plays battle born
Only the first 5 heroes are free, they plan to release quite a few more heroes if the game keeps steam. This is the same company that publish Evolve. They are doing Evolve again exactly like before, this time they aren't throwing it in your face at launch and color reskins are all free.
All new modes, maps, gear, and the first 5 Heroes will be free. After that you'll have to get Season Pass 2 or some shit.
I personally don't mind because truthfully the only game I've enjoyed of this style of moba this much is Gigantic, and that game is still in development. I'll gladly drop money on content down the road if it's a good value. It's not like there is any other games out there like Battleborn at the moment.
2K learned a lot from Evolve, but they still want your money and now are going to be a lot less intrusive about it this time while giving us more free shit. I'm ok with this and truthfully so should everyone else. Evolve was cancerous, this time around it's a lot more courteous to the consumer.
is that supposed to be phoebe?
>They play online multiplayer games
watch out, we got an underaged here
again, souce
what is this supposed to mean
I'm probably straight up wrong actually. I tried to find info on that, coulda swore I heard it from like a dev or something. Maybe it is all free except story content.
I have no source but apparently it's all going to be free except more skins and story content. Any heroes/multiplayer content is gonna be free.
Just what I've heard so far
This is the first DLC character, judge it whichever way you want.
It's pure conjecture, because they keep saying "five free heroes." That doesn't mean there's only going to be five free heroes, it just means they're currently working on and planning to release 5 as part of the season pass, but some people are taking it as there will only be 5 free heroes. Time will tell.
Shes cute, another support or caster?
>The first of the five new free heroes to release will be Alani, a member of the Eldrid faction who was raised as a healer, but forced to be a warrior, and is all that remains of her order after Rendain’s Jennerit Imperium stole the oceans from her world. As a warrior from a planet with vast seas, Alani’s attacks and abilities revolve around her power to control water to dish out pain, or heal her fellow Battleborn.
I already have a feeling I know the answer but I'm still curious nonetheless.
> Alani’s attacks and abilities revolve around her power to control water to dish out pain, or heal her fellow Battleborn.
So...She's going to be a more offensive Miko?
>Battleborn winning
Okay, I didn't expect that.
Yeah it's really good, you're basically a parkour cyborg that's saving the universe. Also it's not P2W because you can literally get every armor and weapon in the game for free.
He says that as a way to make fun of feminists.
marketing is important
Overwatch is more popular because of the blizz drones.