ITT: Games where you were the villain the entire time

ITT: Games where you were the villain the entire time

Except Wander literally did nothing wrong.

Every GTA

I loved how Wander knew what he was helping an evil but he didn't care as long as he got Mono back.
Any other games where love trumps morality?

except slay majestic creatures to free an ancient evil to resurrect a dead girl and break his horses leg in the process

ur mom

Did someone say Trump?
>mfw he'll lose the election
>Southerner ass damage


>majestic creatures
big whoop, peta fag

The last of us

Ahh come on, he didn't kew he was evil. And the broken leg was an accident. Only thing you can accuse Wander that he can't control his hormones and does all this shit for a girl. I mean what age is he? Are there seriosly no other girls out there?

I could understand if he was a grown man or something. He is probably just a Sup Forumsirgin who is afraid he can't dick his dick into something else than Mono. Maybe he should have upgraded to stereo instead



Altough, not the entire time. The last part you are the good guy again.

He should've been murder/raped like most other critters in that game.


>this is what Berniefags actually believe
>no competition from Reps
>no one likes Hillary
>Sanders is buried by Clinton's delegates

>Sanders is buried by Clinton's delegates
actually is the opposite
go back to Sup Forums

Fucking retard


Which part of "Forbidden Land" didn't you understand?


>He just assumes that since Bernie won in one state by a large margin that he's winning in total delegates

> upgraded to stereo instead

Just a reminder to report shit like these posts:

Well looks like someone is triggered

SOTC doesn't really tell you much, does it? I mean clearly Wander was some kind of trained bad ass to do what he did and he definitely knew what he was getting into.

lol where's the stamina?

>break his horses leg
What a villain.


I have so much it can't fit in the screen.

I heard a lot of people called Good Hunter asshole, but Ashen One is the worst.

Bernie shill cry baby detected
>can't stump the trump

is Alucard from Castlevania a villain? i mean is a vampire



oh i dunno, he fought countless amounts of creatures, defeated his own father, helped the belmonts for ages.

But nah im sure he's a villain

>do something stupid and irresponsible
>best friend seemingly falls to his death because he tried to save your life
>he's okay but has a seriously injured leg

>kills own father
>he's not a villain

Dracula's his father

>luke skywalker is a villain
>simba is a villain

Brad did nothing wrong

I'm not even memeing

So it's been literally Years since i played any Castlevania games but:

Does Dracula do anything? Like, AT ALL? Yes yes he ressurects and shit, but i never heard of him wanting to conquer earth or some shit.

Maybe, just maybe he had to go to the nearest village to quench his thirst here and there but that explains why a whole family is after his dick?

Someone explain to me why Drac is the villain here.

Nier Replicant did nothing wrong
The ones who did everything wrong were the androids

He was an alchemist originally who was best friends with a Belmont, they went on Crusades and shit, when he came back - the love of his life had fell ill and died, on that day he cursed the God and swore to oppose him for an eternity.

He soon acquired black stone (That's why he has Death under control) and crimson stone (Immortality/Vampirism).

The original Belmon who was his friend opposed him and was the one to kill him first as well as swore the oath that his family will always deal with him.

Later on, while under one of his reincarnations he fell in love for a girl who was identical to his original beloved one, she was also a herbalist/medic and eventually mother of Alucard, but she was burned as a witch by peasants who thought she was a witch for helping and treating people.

On that day Dracula swore that he will kill every single human being.

Other than that, there's no real important shit to know about Dracula himself, except maybe that he later reincarnates as a human instead of resurrecting, but w/e.

Depending from what perspective you look at it - he can be a villain or he may be not.

So wait, somethign seems to be missing here. Maybe you do got me curios that i look up myself later but, from what i read it goes like this

>Bros go on Crusade
>qt3:16 gf dead
>bohoo fuck gods
>suddenly bro turns on him and kills him

So Belmont betrayed his BFF because he played a bit around with Death and friends? Or did Dracula already harmed anyone? From what i understood just now he was just bitter and was playing around with weird shit, see black stone and crimson stone.

Yeah, more or less.

He manipulated Leon (his bro, who was Belmont as I said) in order to acquire one of the stones and then stated that he betrays and curses the God.

As they were men of Gods (see Crusades), Belmont faced against him and up we have thousand of years of reincarnation of Dracula and Belmont family killing him.

Granted, Leon lost his fiancee too, but she was a naive girl who sacrificed herself and bind her soul to the Vampire Killer (the whip you use through the games) to help Leon.

Fair enough, still sounds more like it's the Belmonts family fault. Just because Dracula didn't want to be faithfull anymore after losing his beloved one. Only thing i can understand is the fucking around with Leon to get the stone. But no reason to kill someone over and over again.


He even wanted Leon to join him in arms as equal.

Same as he wanted Alucard to rightfully join him as well and help avenge his own mother.

Through hundreds of years though, he has done shit to Belmont family too though (Curse Simon, etc) and most Belmonts don't know the background, they just know their duty and that Dracula is pure evil.

It's pretty classic clash of ideals and values, we've seen similar stories many times.

Shishio and Kenshin, Ken and Raoh, Cloud and Sephiroth, Genesis and Zack etc, from shit that would be known for Sup Forums ppl.

Villains aren't purely evil, but the heroes are made to be purely good, as far as ideals/values go.

>Villains aren't purely evil

he was fucking pantsu on headu retardu. Or how wopuld you explain his motives?

Existential crisis.

All his life he was lead on to a lie, eventually catches up to it and his "reality" shatters, he doesn't have a "meaning" in his life anymore, so he wants to find one - here comes his mommy, who wanted to destroy the planet.

And up we go the crazy train from that point on. Just that none of that would've happened if "humans" wouldn't have used his mother as a lab rat and killed her.

If you analyze it - He's not purely evil, but he's made appear that way, same as Castlevanias Dracula, same as even Bram Stokers Dracula, same as countless characters really.

Vampire D has similar shit going to Castlevanias Draculas origins at times, just that D isn't "pure good" character (Classic example being Superman and by Sup Forums standards - Kenshiro).

Bram Stoker's Dracula was 100% legit evil though
Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula dindu nuffin

With that said I should re-read Dracula by now.

Fable 2 with the love choice. I preferred my dog over the stupid fucking villagers. Do lots of trade and they repopulate out the yin yang

Spec Ops: The Line.