D44M is slow apparently
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>player is locked in a small arena
>enemies drop all the health and ammo he needs
Playing the game at a proper FOV makes a world of difference.
I will never understand why they always Demo'd the console version in the marketing material.
Because they know how the casuals function, and that's it's not such a good thing to show them fast stuff because their brains won't be able to comprehend, while they know that the gamers will take time to know how the game is before shitting on it like clueless idiots? Oh, wait
so is this going to support SLI or not?
Looks fantastic desu
yeah that looks slow as fuck
also ugly too lol
>people will say this is completely different from original Doom
>only difference is momentum build up
Game looks fun to be honest. Really reminds me of the late 90's/early 00's shooters like Serious Sam, UT'04, classic Doom, etc.
im stoked I preordered my copy
They don't even have enough faith in their own product to give out early review copies, why would you?
That chainsaw kill tho
Looks better than 3, but that aint saying much, nice to know it uses vulkan though.
Didn't they say in that 50min gameplay video that you can increase the gameplay speed in settings too?
Fast run and guns shooter demon framerate. Old school redefined, you can snapmap? Blood and gore ammo pickups! Preorder yes
Where's the music, there's music in this one right?
I had money in my steam wallet and I wanted to try doom. If its shit at least I got wolfenstein the old blood as well.
Changes weapon every shot. Showcases are so stupid sometimes.
I might buy it just for supporting vulkan. Fuck DX12.
Yeah, there is
>If its shit at least I got wolfenstein the old blood as well.
I hope that 4-hour $20 game will be worth all the money you spend in this one.
>There are still people who haven't gotten the memo regarding how fucking fake this is
The uploader closed the comments because they were called out for trying to pass off something they found on the internet as a Doom track. Before they were outsed, they were talking about it being a bonus that you unlock from beating Ultra Nightmare, which is also something that would never happen.
This sounds like something from Warrior Within
Oh wow, they got rid of the weapon wheel?
Really? Huh, I didn't know that.
Why didn't they show this off at E3?
They'd also uploaded other tracks claiming to be from upcoming games that are mysteriously gone from their channel now.
doom is going to have good singleplayer, I even enjoyed the beta. I knew a beta would have limited content and its not going to be exclusively loadouts in multiplayer. I had some pretty fun shotgun jousts in the beta that reminded me of playing doom2 dm
There was a video on YT during the beta days when a cool guy datamined stuff. There was some tracks from the OST, and they neither were that long, nor they sounded like this. It was some industrial stuff.
Never mind, just checked & they were talking about FoV
>reminded me of playing doom2 dm
you never played doom 2 dm
Why? Seriously, what's the fucking purpose in doing this retarded shit? I'm pretty disappointed too, because the song sounds pretty good.
OP, you are not allowed to post copyrighted material on Sup Forums, delete this.
yes I have kid I'm a god
>locked at 60 fps
I guess that means Industrial Metal only, huh? Fuck.
>some modern shit
>not actual doom 2 dm on dwango or dialup
lol. you never played doom 2 dm
Hard to tell enemies from the background. Why can't most modern games get that right?
it isnt tho
Does D44M has Denuvo?
I've played vanilla too kid, and would stomp you on dwango5 played those maps to death just didn't have any footage of that. Just keep moving the goalposts though shitter.
>youd stomp me on dwango5
i played against chunkk on dwango5. youd get fucking rekt kiddo.
>Why can't most modern games get that right?
detail and lighting have increased but they haven't altered art styles to compensate
for instance in quake 1 models are lit in a different way than the environment, so they always pop out. game directors these days don't understand that even though that's "technologically inferior" it works better
wanna duel me right now nigger
no because i dont have namby pamby modern doom mods installed. my experiences happened in fuckin doom2.exe breh.
I red somewhere that on the higher dificulties that`s gone
>install zandronum or whatever, no mods, doom2.exe
not OP, but I'm not sure how you can be this much of a faggot. The only thing different is you can probably play it without having 326 ping on your piece of shit dial-up.
>on higher difficulties a core gameplay element is gone
It's a shame it isn't real. That actually sounds fairly Doomy.
playing with a 326 ping is part of the skill of doom
It sounds like wank that'd be more befitting of some epic mythological action game like God of War or whatever. What the fuck do you think is "Doomy" about it? It doesn't sound similar to a single piece of music id has ever used in any of their titles, let alone Doom.
Even on the footage of mid difficulties they're scaled down to health bonus tier occasional 5hp or 5armor drops with a melee kill guaranteeing one. That could've just been because of the "pinata" criticism immediately following the e3 reveal, though.
the most recent video shows that you get a shower of drops from chainsawing and that is the purpose of the chainsaw.
Sounds good honestly. I like the executions in brutal doom every now and then, but i shoot everything dead 99.9% of the time. With them giving ammo and health in the new doom, ultra nightmare will be more fun without that cheese. Regular nightmare should have them removed as well.
>ultra nightmare
you dont want to play ultra nightmare. don't take the fun of the game away from yourself because of perceived clout.
a lot of people here will probably try to play on nightmare without realizing that nightmare isnt for generally being played on. its a specific challenge once you already know the game
I'm pre-ordering for console because the poster looks bad as fuck and it's going up in my mancave.
Plus, it was the first FPS I ever played in my life. I wasted so many hours of my childhood on the original Doom, this title is a must have for me.
Also I'm a grown ass man with a half-decent job so Ive got some extra money kicking around. Fuck it. I'm just waiting for no mans sky
>im a grown ass man
>I played doom back in the day
>im ordering it for console
? youre not grown or youd order it on pc.
It looks dumb as fuck so I get the criticism when it'd look less retarded to drop a few boxes, but it's a minor complaint so whatever. It's like they're trying to recreate the satisfying loot explosions from a loot-based game, but in something like Diablo or Borderlands the stuff that flies out of enemies actually counts towards some sort of progress so it's less "oh cool, money everywhere" and more "oh fuck all my ammo just fell off that ledge in 20+ individual pieces and now I've got to run around picking it up".
dont chainsaw people on a ledge
youre searching for things to complain about because they chose to put in a visually appealing/satisfying element. its pointless dude. complain about things that affect the game
I've been playing consoles for so long for the simple fact that they're cheaper and easier to deal with. I work a lot, so I get more bang for my buck in the limited amount of time I can play.
I'd like to get a halfway decent rig someday, though. Pc definitely has some slick ass games I'd like to try.
>early review copies
are cancer. they will give it out to shill anyway. or some e-celeb wil make a fuss how they dont give it to him.
wait till real game and real reviews come out in 1st week
>i work a lot, so when i'm home I like to settle for less instead of putting forth effort to turn my money into an immeasurably better experience
two types of men in this world i guess
the song would never gain traction otherwise
>immeasurably better
It's all about what I get out of it. When I get home from a 12 hour shift I just want to plop down in my recliner and play a game for a couple hours. I could give a fuck less about graphics as long as it's a fun experience, because I'm not a hardcore elitist cunt. Some of us actually contribute to this world and need a temporary escape, instead of being elitist NEET faggets who use mommy and daddy's money to buy computers to tell strangers on the Internet how much better they are than them.
>I settle for less
>mommy and daddy
LOL you're a settle-for-less type. Like I said, two types of men in this world.
Sorry you work at a factory.
The best PC games already came out like 10 years ago so you dont even need to shell out to get the most out of the platform.
Unless you really enjoy console ports.
If done right it's a front loaded effort in setting up.
After that everything is as much effort as installing a game on consoles these days, maybe less considering steam.
>ultra nightmare will be fun
Does playing a game non-stop for 10 hours while only being allowed one death sound fun to you? Not to mention that you'll probably have to play it safe so a lot of encounters will be incredibly boring, too.
you meant the best aaa games?
because strategy games, rpg and fps are still unmatched here on pc.
And not one of them is so demanding that you cant just get a prebuilt from CostCo to play them.
>I didn't watch long enough to see when they uncapped the framerate and it went to 160
I kinda like harsh consequences and playing it tacticool so I dont mind.
When a game actually forces me to use cover I get excited.
It's good for an hour or two, but 10 hours? You're crazy user.
i get that alot
Settle for less? How am I settling for something I legitimately enjoy and am not even remotely ashamed of? I played d44m beta on ps4 and loved every minute of it, shit was cash. I'm having difficulty seeing your point.
That having been said, I do understand that Pc does have hardware and controls that make different and sometimes better games happen that you simply can't do on console. I played KSP on my brothers rig and i loved it. Someday I'll get a Pc so I can play more involved shit but for now I'm cool with what I can afford. I'm not going to waste my money on a rig + a couple games when Ive got a console + a BUNCH of games. It's called living within your means and enjoying what you've got.
I'm a cop, not a factory worker. Sorry you're a fat neckbeard neet. Enjoy your parents teats.
they are not demanding as long as you dont crank up the setting or mods.
It's not necessarily even that 100%. All my friends play console, so having one means I get to play with them. Plus, I've already got a console, no need to go for more right now. I'm good with it.
Like I said though, Pc does have some slick ass games. My brother is a pcfag and I played some on his rig, and I loved them. I really liked KSP but ill never see that on console which is a bummer, but meh. I can live without it, I'm easygoing
Wait they released a Doom 44?
Extreme autism.
It was always optional on PC. I can't imagine them not supporting key binding. That would be dumb.
You PC elitists are the fucking worst. I'm glad the industry has learned to not give a fuck about you guys.
t. pete hines
>t. pete hines
What's the origin of this "t.___" meme out of curiosity?
Probably reddit.
This legit makes the game look fun
bethesda what the fuck have you been doing with your marketing, showing only console gameplay and the shitty multiplayer.
dont question shitposters
Origin: Finland
t. finland expert
I just want the challenge even if I never beat it. Ive been playing fps since i was a kid (born in '90 with a father that let me play doom and wolfenstein 3d at single digit age). Never competed or anything but i played a lot of quake and doom continuously until college. Not many shooters out there challenge the player or have a million checkpoints in SP. Being punished for fucking up is the fun part, it doesn't frustrate me having to replay levels when I die.
Doom should be like this, being swarmed by fucking hellspawn from all directions, not big mclargehuge running up to big slow dopey assholes and punching all their throats off
Just play Blood on Extra Crispy. It's sure to be much more difficult than Doom 4 while also not being exhausting as fuck because the episodes are fairly short.
The game doesn't become faster just because the player jumps around pointlessly. There was like three enemies max at once, he could have just stood in place but he ran around to make it look flashier
that doesn't look fun that looks autistic
Non autistic "fun" is code word for casual shit
>Hi im buzzword mcfagshit
>Do I fit in yet
It's not. Those defrag videos look neat but it's tons of repetition to get that one good shot. But my point still stands about OP's video, it looks fast because the guy is constantly climbing around and switching weapons like it's a tick
>The game doesn't become faster just because the player jumps around pointlessly
>posts defrag
Am I missing the joke?
>anything I dont like, understand, or requires effort is autism
wew lad