Ashen One is the

Ashen One is the

Most boring level up waifu. She says the same shit the entire game.

fuck you, you're blind

dumb phoneposter

Best level up waifu. She looks cuter and does cuter poses.

Just because a girl has no eyes doesn't mean she's blind.

It isn't even the second best post.

maiden in black is cuter and doll has better poses

i Cinder

eww no, maiden is black is gross and has an ugly haircut. haven't played BB but wanting to fuck an doll sounds stupid and gross too.

>maiden in black is cuter
Ew fuck off Gehrman.

Hey user now look I have this Bully proof comfy armor!! No more bullies hahahahaha.

>no eyes.

any tips for nameless King?

*unsheathes comfy armor* *parry visceral*
Heh...nothin personnell wimmin

For the first phase don't hug his legs, but stand in front of him, waiting for the NK to strike and dodge it. That way he will rarely use the fire breath.

For the second phase, just dodge in the direction he is swinging from. Don't be greedy, just attack when he does one of his stab attacks where he has a huge lag afterwards. Take your time.

don't be a faso


Roll at the correct time and git gud. I'm not even kidding, you just have to imbed that shit into your muscle memory and recognize his patterns.

Havels shield + estoc

Maiden in Black had a better voice/accent, and the DeS hub theme was so much better

Is there a way to take off her mask?

PC modding will save us right?

don't listen to this guy. two-hand a weapon and roll

Learn his attacks and dodge them
After some hits, reposte him and hit him while he's down

No pickle-pee?
No pump-a-rum in the thread?

Hmmm... Uhmmmm....

Doll is always best.

>Dragonslayer greatshield
It literally makes his second phase a joke because of its lightning defense.

Can someone post #2 of the comic on Sup Forums? I've been wanting to read it and can't find it anywhere. Sold out.