The World War I setting is confirmed...

>The World War I setting is confirmed, though reports of this being an alternate history are completely inaccurate according to DICE. Battlefield 1 will feature a full campaign, though details are vague beyond its existence.

Looks like DICE was lurking Sup Forums and Sup Forums guys. You did it. You made them admit it's not actually World War I.

Other urls found in this thread:

>The World War I setting is confirmed
>them admit it's not actually World War I

What did he mean by this?

Might want to improve your reading comprehension m8

Lay it out simple Sup Forums
Can I troll vehicles and be an asshole?

>though reports of this being an alternate history are completely inaccurate according to DICE.
did somebody said Kaiserreich?

>full campaign
Why do they even bother?

>You made them admit it's not actually World War I.

Can you read?
They said it is WW1 and not alternative.

Watch the next COD game be world war 1/2

Probably just in case they can get the extra buckaroos off the people who prefer a campaign rather than running autistically around a field for hours on end.

if they're accurate to WW1 you're safer outside of a tank than inside one and shooting down a plane with a rifle is a distinct possibility if you're good and he's flying low

>Reports of this being an alternate history are completely inaccurate according to DICE.

Looks like you can't fucking read, and again, OP is still a fag.

>authentic ww1 setting
>Not trench simulator

trust me Turks and Germanboos would love to see alternate timeline where Central Powers won the war

I prefer the alternate timeline where Versailles was significantly stricter and also involved the dissolution of the german empire into 4 or 5 smaller states

Sounds cool, but will there be enough dakka?

>OP reads thing
>somehow thinks it says the exact oposite of what it actually says

Only on Sup Forums

Come back when you learn English

Syndies a shit


The only thing they can possible do to make up for this agenda-pushing bullshit is if there's a german campaign with an unnamed protagonist who you learn at the very end is good old Adolf.

mah fellow monarchist bro
death to anarchist scum

>heroric german soldier
>fighting against impossible odds every mission
>in every between mission cutscene there is an obvious jew undermining the war effort/belittling your accomplishments
>final mission is beating the allies so badly they ask for a ceasefire, you are about to lead an offensive to push the allies out of europe but the traitorous jew runs off with german money
>finally see your mustached face swearing revenge

>thinking all of ww1 was trenches

I'll be steaming with rage if my country isn't represented properly.

Can you imagine the media backlash?

What country?

belgium probs

One of the 3 that did most of the fight, France.

>le toklen epic female badass soldier that modern AAA games are not allowed to have included in their games anymore
>not alternate history

pick one.

shit meant to say "not allowed to not have in their games"

well just like in world war 1 you must collect tokens to call in vehicles

>Not wanting qt soldier waifu

gurkas did more in ww1 then niggers but you will never hear about them

Sup Forums is for video games not social politics
take your faggotry here

All BF games are already technically alternate reality with made up maps named after locations and some games having plots about super weapons and hijacked nukes and shit.

Blame the SJW for forcing politic in vidya.

it is when social politics are being pushed into games


They literally saying the exact opposite, although if they just copped out and said it's some dumb alternate WW1 I'd at least not care that they need to inject their natural Swedish impulses into the story

>All BF games are already technically alternate reality with made up maps named after locations and some games having plots about super weapons and hijacked nukes and shit.

You're wrong though. The games that were based on fiction in the first place (and never claim to be based on real life events) of course have made up map names, but go play BF1942 and the original BF Vietnam, and you'll see every map, weapon, vehicle, etc being based on IRL examples.

Why is she looking so closely at the smaller anime?


>reports of this being an alternate history are completely inaccurate according to DICE

>You made them admit it's not actually World War I.

Sup Forums please.

Serbia literally was in the centre of all this and doesn't get represented.
I bet my left kidney that the fucking abkhaz niggers did more than the american ones.

>mfw there's an alternate history ending where Africa conquers Sweden

This just pisses me off even more. At least fucking admit it's alt history instead of trying to pass this bullshit as authentic.

I love this kind of thing.

I love seeing Sup Forums tears, I love seeing SJW tears.

Seeing the two sides tear each other apart makes me rabid with joy. I just love the chaos.

Never has there been so much butthurt to laugh at on the internet.

It's like a perfect storm of everything petty and stupid about humanity coming together and providing endless amusement.

>alternate history
They already have.

WW.5? The fuck is that?

without firing a single shot

Watch that edge son.

Russo-Japanese War

Not all that unbelievable, Africa had a badass army in WW1

>Not the Crimean War

>not balkan wars for ebin banter

BF1 threads are like this

>Sup Forumstards making up a small vocal minority attracting attention through their edgy use of the term nigger to describe people they dislike
>people with good education who actually know what they're talking about on the topic of WW1 angry about the game misrepresenting the commonality of the period, with heavy marketing towards tiny minorities that made little to no impact on the war
>libtards with degrees in liberal arts and women's studies who don't understand why revisionist history and inclusion for the sake of inclusion are harmful concepts

These were supposed to be my (you)'s you son of a bitch!

But user thats not alternative history

read: "marxists are allowed to push their bullshit on my hobby but it's wrong to complain about it, now please put your head back in the sand and let this happen"

Fuck you. Pic related. I'm tired of this shit

1942 had the secret weapons add on, and that's pretty alternate reality if you ask me. When the game went single player campaign as well, it went all alternate reality.

>Africa had a bad ass army

There was a time when all of Africa was united and had an army? What?

>swedefags pushing for a WW1 game based around blacks and arabs being the main characters


That picture is scary accurate.

nice 360 degree katana

>1942 had the secret weapons add on, and that's pretty alternate reality if you ask me.
No, Secret Weapons was based on entirely real world designs. Some were blueprints and prototypes, some were mass produced examples.

>When the game went single player campaign as well, it went all alternate reality.
By that logic Red Orchestra 2 is alternate reality because of it's campaign mode. They're not alternate reality because the game allows for a different way to play the historical events included in the game.

You're just embarrassing yourself now.

this could actually be a really good story, your character starts a young optismic 19 year old who loves animals and abstains from drinking or smoking were you slowly get to see how seeing hundreds of thousands of men die in the mud, losing all your friends even your dog eat away at the sanity and morality of your character, historically after adolf was wounded he became very reserved and depressed.

Where was the confirmation that the protagonist was black?


Can you even fucking read?

Is BF4 any good nowadays?

I just find the whole trailer to be thoroughly romanticized with the whole cavalry charge with swords drawn and heroes beating up a faceless evil faction.

It just rings a bit hollow with the marketing when the war was designed around attrition and minorities being drawn into a fight that none of them really had any stake in while the colonial empires of Europe butchered an entire generation over a hundred mile stretch of godforsaken land.

It's like they're giving it the WW2 treatment that 1942 received. Which WW2 is way too romanticized but I feel when you follow at least the Saving Private Ryan you're showing both the hope and the grit. The whole title of Battlefield 1 implies that this entry is going to have all the wacky antics that the series is known for since BF3 (and arguably 2) entered into the whole pseudo-reality shtick. Wacky just doesn't feel like a word I like associating with any past war. It feels like disrespectful co-option of a real, violent era of human history. Which ironically I felt like WW2 games kinda 'got' how to portray historical wars the further they went on whereas modern-war games have become increasingly more fantastical and disinterested with political or moral gravity in their stories. The dumb marketing of this game makes it look awesome, but also makes it look like just another modern-war fantasy with badass heroes and heroic victories. That's my two cents because I feel it's better than going WE WUZ KINGS everytime a black man is on a cover or some shit.

Bad goy. Don't you know that hitler is and always was evil incarnate and also crazy and had a micropenis? How dare you humanize him and shed light on his backstory.


It's pretty mediocre, but it's fun with friends. I'd say it's worth at 60% off.

I find it weird they showed no gameplay.

I kept on waiting for some gameplay but all I got was TALK TALK TALK.

Can we have some BF reaction faces my folders looking kinda dry

The cavalry charge makes sense in the context those characters are doing some Lawrence of Arabia shit where Calvary was still some of the most OP shit.
I'm in agreement with you in saying this is a ultra anti-history portrayal of WW1 but you never went to Battlefield for realism in the first place


Keep youre two cents m8. You gonna need it to buy this game.

They listed that trailer as no actual gameplay


Wow, a whole second?

>millions of your white ancestors died so a nigger could be on the cover of a WWI game.

I would say that part of the trailer is from gameplay but it's got extra post effects, and being rendered out frame by frame.

If you don't want to talk about video games
Take your faggotry to Sup Forums

>WWI game
>Forced to play as the bad guys instead of glorious Germany

Fucking Anglos

I only have like two

Eh it's an announce trailer. DoW 3 had a similar one like last week. It's standard operating procedure because ironically, showing less gameplay gets people to preorder.

case in point this is like one of only two (i think) segments of gameplay in the trailer.

I know Battlefield, but just find it kinda disrespectful with all the romanticism thrown in the trailer. It's probably because I'm actually versed in the war historically than others. The events on screen don't necessarily bother me as much as the tone and the mood they're shown with.

EA shit is always so expensive. I just don't want another title to have premium and like six dlc packs again.

Has way too much color, can't actually have been taken in a DICE game.

Go to reddit if you want this kind of discussion banned

This. As a centralfag i would pay a shitload to see this.

>Napoleonic Wars
>Crimean War
>Balkan Wars
Pick one

BF2 is still the best, with BF3 as a noteworthy sequel just alone for the absurd 64 man Metro servers.

Redpill me on Swedes. Do they have a master plan or are they just retarded SJWs? Does Swedish leftism always include insulting the memory of millions of war victims?

The red baron was shot in the chest by an infantryman if I recall correctly. They're gonna make it a fucking battlefield game though, you guys shouldn't delude yourselves into thinking it'll be as accurate as that.

>muh poor kikes and mudslimes

only one will be in game

their master plan is cucking themselves into extinction and replacing their culture with Islam

Pretty much this
I'm genuinely excited about the idea of a big budget WW1 game but everything about that trailer from the ultra modern "cool" action choreography, to the bad Seven Nation Army remix instead of some kind of war march or period appropriate music, to the dumb anime pose that black guy is making with his stupid cape and the battlefield orange/blue color scheme made me far more cynical about the entire thing
It doesn't feel sufficiently reverent to the war or the lives it destroyed, it feels like they went with WW1 because they heard people saying that they would be ok with another WW2 shooter and they wanted to slightly subvert expectations and pick the 'more underground' world war

Battlefield 2142 was set in future europe and there were no niggers or women soldiers.

Remember when dice wasn't cucked?