How did they get away with this? He's literally doing the "suck it" movement and then pelvic thrusting.
How did they get away with this? He's literally doing the "suck it" movement and then pelvic thrusting
There were no SJWs or tumblr back then
Oh shut the fuck up, you don't know what you're talking about. Now we call them "SJWs", back then we called them "soccer moms", and they sure as shit were trying to get suggestive and violent things out of games. There have been people against content in video games ever since Custer's Revenge.
"Assholes with megaphones" had very, very, very small megaphones
Now you have fucking twitter
I used to do this dance all the time as a small kid and my family thought it was hilarious and had no idea where I got it from. In hindsight it's pretty embarrassing as it is pretty inappropriate.
I imagine esrb didn't get any gems when they were deciding the rating or just didn't give a fuck.
I'm going to do this dance when new crash gets announced at e3
Why did you make this thread OP? You asked a question and I gave you an answer, there was no outrage culture back then, soccer moms would have saw that and laughed. Kill yourself.
>Soccer Moms=SJWs now, not your average feminist
Because you going "m-muh tumblr" shows a huge amount of ignorance. There was an ESRB back then and they usually were supposed to notice things like that.
Soccer Moms unlike SJWs were mostly concerned with tgings that actually mattered, IE violence in games marketed at children. There were some that would go after Pokemon and such for being satanic or whatever but nobody took them seriously. Soccer moms wouldn't give a shit about a cartoon bandicoot doing a retarded dance.
No it's the truth, this soccer mom = proto-SJWs meme is retarded and only spouted by the underage, there were worse things in Disney movies and cartoon shows back then, no one gave a fuck and there was no tumblr for legbeards to enter a negative feedback loop with other legbeards and blow things out of proportion like what happens now, like what you're doing by making this thread. Grow up, kid.
Because Japan.
Really. The Japanese came up with it.
"it's ok when my side does it!"
No, church's all over the entire country had lists of games, music, and movies that parents were instructed not to allow children to have and most of it was for insane reasons they didn't even understand. People like Marilyn Manson exist entirely by riding negative media hype from soccer moms. This phenomenon has died off hard but in turn was replaced by not insulting Muslims and other "victims" of some made up persecution or another.
There will always be babies calling for censorship of stupid shit, and you shouldn't defend it regardless of whether you perceive your "side" is the one doing it.
I remember Fox news having pieces on gta then, now it's tumble calling it misogynist. Same content, same call for censorship. it's wrong either way.
Nothing wrong with a good ol' crotch chop.
it was the 90s user
But Crash is American made.
>I got bullied for having a Gaycube: the post
>shy pooper
I giggled.
True. But Japan loves him even more. They had plush toys, guys in costumes, music videos for Japanese TV... Crash is hands down the most successful Western video game in Japanese history.
>ratshit and stank
I'm going to use that one in the future, hope you don't mind.
You're the ignorant and should lurk more before creating shit threads, if you get offended by an animation from a 90's game you should go back to tumblr or just kill yourself.
This game is old that's how, nobody really cared...
>mfw sonyponys think their shit fur bait excuses for franchises are in any way shape or form anything other than complete and utter dirty brown water trash
Rehash bandisloot, shy pooper, ratshit and stank, ballsac and haxtar, and so many other shitty franchises are complete ass and the only reason anyone thinks they're anything close to not the functional equivalent of a heaping mound of garbage is because they were the few games that took more than 20 minutes to beat among the mountain of shovel ware shit that got dumped on the wobbleststion 2 which is all you played with when you were kids because your family was to fucking poor to buy anything other than some two bit nip cuck mediocre DVD player
Fuck off faggots
>nobody really cared
>soccer moms would have saw that and laughed
Underage faggot, it didn't work this way.
>shy pooper
It's not the true Suck It if he doesn't cross his arms to make the X imo
Thanks chef, delicious pasta.
Man I don't know what you're talking about but looking back Marilyn Manson was the fuckin shit.
Underrated post