
Not even a week in and already dead.
What went wrong?

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next is overwatch

just let it die no one cares

Gearbox will be fine
They re independent so no studio shut down... for now

I'm guessing not enough advertising, not enough shills on Sup Forums and a major lack of waifu porn.

I didn't even know the game was out already until yesterday.

Flavor of the week game chasing that ADHD dollar, this week it's Overwatch.
Since everyone took a look under the hood during open beta it is now about speculating about Battlefield Uno.

Game is already dying though?

Isn't that just Overwatch?
Which is just TF2?

It got overshadowed by Cod hate reveal and BF hype and Overwatch open beta.

Full priced game with the content of a f2p

>2K games.

Same reason Evolve was dead on arrival.

It's a MOBA that you pay sixty bucks for that has the same basic gameplay of Borderlands, just without multiple weapons or ammo to manage.

How COULDN'T it be dead?

So when you get a MOBA like DotA or LoL, you play catch-up getting all the characters, but you didn't have to pay anything when you got it
With BB, you pay $60 and still have to play catch-up.

Another 2k multiplayer blunder

>le epix memelands humour XDDDD
when will they learn?
didnt they fire burch already?

>he thinks battleborn is dead

7,428 In-Game for a saturday night is pretty fucking weak, it was around 8k earlier today.

Also Owners: 66,797 ± 6,213 for its launch week. That's unusual to say the least for a AAA game from a known developer.

Of course that's just PC numbers. No idea what it's like on PS4/Xbone.

I'm having so much fun with this shit, matchmaking still instant for me but I play with 2 IRL friends. I hated borderlands and I hate MOBAs but this game is reminiscent of the old WoW for me. The PVP just gives me the same feeling PVPing did in vanilla, not sure why, but I'm enjoying the shit out of it. Wrecking everyone with Miko/Galilea/Marquis and 2 random people.

>only 66k for launch week

No wonder devs hate releasing games on PC, jesus.

You cancerous piece of shit, you.

>minimal marketing
>game released RIGHT in the middle of an overwatch (insanely marketed / advertised game) open beta
>literal direct competitor
>expecting it to somehow do well

Defending shit games.

Nice job retard, check your privilege.

I fucking hate the art style of the game so bad that I can't play it just based off that alone.

Balance went wrong. It's a design mess and they had a beta that showed how broken it is just to fix none of the issues.

Let's start with this clusterfuck of a boxart. what the fuck is going on.

Galactus offering a giant mushroom and velociraptor leg to star wars expanded universe characters, obviously

no SJW characters


Maybe people are finally learning that they produce nothing but shit

It's not dead. I bet nobody in this thread has even played the game

Stop liking what I don't like etc etc

poor timing for release

would love to play but dont have the extra cash

It was poor timing only because Blizzard countered them hard. Gearbox made all their announcements first, then Blizzard coincided those dates with their releases.

But blizzard hasn't made a good game in many years

Blizzard hasn't made a new game in 17 years. Overwatch is the result of that sobering reality and failure of the Titan project. There was a 3 part video on it a little while ago, they realized they can't make good games anymore so they tried 110% rather than just saying "WoW is successful, so is everything else we do."

Blizzard counter-announced every step of the way, and has been controlling the conversation ever since.

Gearbox didn't release at the same time as the Overwatch beta, the Overwatch beta started at the same time as Battleborn's release intentionally.

Blizzard wants people to see it as a competitor because then they can beat them with casual numbers and fanboys.

The reality is they're not competitors. The games play in nothing even approaching a similar way.

Overwatch is low TTK - you can kill multiple enemies very quickly with minimal effort. Matches last 5-10 minutes. Single objectives are active at a time. Objectives are taken by killing the enemy team. Combat is a series of small skirmishes which quickly lead to victory. It's an extremely polished game with good performance, and it's easy to get into. It's a pleasant game to play in short bursts, but ultimately lacks substance. It's not a game that you can pump hours into without getting bored.

Battleborn is low TTK - killing someone is a big fucking deal. Matches last 15-40 minutes. Multiple objectives are active simultaneously with many sub-objectives. Points are scored by escorting your minions into a grinder, and preventing the enemies from doing the same. Combat is an endlessly sustained battle over all of the objectives, where players must rotate to support allies and apply pressure on the enemy team to open opportunities to score - killing is only one method among many. It's an extremely unpolished game with shitty performance, and it's hard to get into. Your first few hours of play will not be fun. It's ugly and has questionable design choices, but the gameplay has a great deal of depth to it. Because of this, it's a game you can play for many hours, and will keep you interested for a long time.

As you can guess, I'm biased. I'm having a lot more fun playing Battleborn than I did playing Overwatch.

I mean, fuck people, come on.

People are welcome to hate Battleborn, but at least do it because you know what the gameplay is like and didn't enjoy it. People hate it for no other reason than "it's not Overwatch," and "lol Gearbox" which is exactly what Blizzard has been going for. Congratulations, you're a gullible shitlord.

People hear FPS MOBA and roll their eyes, but I swear to god. There's no drawn out farming. There are no locked roles for different lanes. Imagine a MOBA that encourages you to be in a constant team fight for the entire match from beginning to end, and you've got something approaching Battleborn gameplay.

You can hate the artstyle and Gearbox humor all you want, but the combat is solid and the PvP is satisfying as shit. You can get it for $30 on keysites, and it's worth it.

You forgetting about Blizzdrones?
And all of Blizzards marketing?

I'd actually like to see the amount spent in Gearbox's and Blizzard's marketing department for each game. I'm positive Blizzard spent more to get uninformed normies, horny teenagers, and Blizzdrones bombarded with their game just to get more pre-orders and day-one sales.
Not saying what you said isn't true, it's just that getting the masses to notice your product helps the sales immensely.

>Overwatch is low TTK

>Battleborn is low TTK

I think playing battleborn have made you retarded.

Sup Forums makes up maybe 0.01% of gamers. Nobody shills to an extremely irrelevant group. Get over yourself

This can't be a real post. Is this copypasta?

It's just fucking boring.

So that's what your pic looked like before it 404'd in that one thread.

>What went wrong?

>The reality is they're not competitors.

That's like saying a Pizza Parlor and a Burger Joint across the street from one another aren't in competition. They are in the food industry and are offering a similar service. If someone wants lunch they have to chose. Eating a burger is a lost pizza sale.

At the end of the day if your time is consumed by Battleborn, you're likely not going to go play Overwatch and visa versa. If you're consistently having fun with Battleborn then even more so. If you hadn't purchased them both already, one will personally overshadow the other.

After enough people have taking a side one will have to "die" as the playerbase thins out. It's not likely that they'll coexist well.

And dead games hurt. Vermintide: 383 In-Game

There are no memes in this game, just dumb humor. It's hit an miss, but not as bad as BL2.

Numbers have been going up everyday and Overwatch beta is still on. If I were working at Gearbox marketing, I'd be doing exactly what they're doing now. Do some minimal marketing before release to get their target audience interested, and then save the rest of their money for after May 9th.

If they don't have a massive media campaign rolling out on Tuesday, I'd be really surprised. Hit all of those blizzdrones who finally played got to play Overwatch and are realizing how boring it is. Show people what the gameplay is actually like and have a sale, boom. They're rolling in it.

Either way, the game is fun as fuck. It'll survive with a decent community as long as there are servers.

Im sorry but no one can be fooled by battleborns awful graphics.

Its pretty fun. Sup Forums hivemind is pretty shit sometimes but thats usual.

And the fucking awful UI/weapon size.

Pink parts are lost space thanks to terrible choices.

and the uncovered screenshot

>release same week as overwatch open beta
It's like gearbox wanted their game to fail

I meant to say high TTK, shit. You know what I mean based on context.

Yes, the Battleborn Shill bot has returned well rested and recuperated.

I think you're dead wrong. They're games with utterly different audiences that quench different thirsts.

It's like a Milkshake joint versus a full restaraunt, if you want to play that metaphor.

Overwatch is a pleasant snack. It's smooth and sweet, but it's not a whole meal. Most people don't play videogames all that much, so it's great for them.

Battleborn is a game I played for like 7 hours yesterday without noticing. It's a game that will fully engage you. It's an acquired taste, and will taste like shit at first, but once you come to appreciate it it's a very satisfying meal.

The trouble right now is that people like you genuinely believe they're the same game, and that Blizzard is doing that same game better. They don't play anything alike, and people saying it over and over doesn't make it true.

I will expound the differences in as much detail as you like, if you're having trouble understanding.

wow retard

50% less players than the first Borderlands.

How do you fail this bad?

What is it supposed to be fooling you into believing? The grahpics are utter shit. The artstyle is the ugliest I've seen in any game I can remember. The game runs like shit. The UI can't be scaled down nearly enough. It's definitely got some questionable design choices.

That doesn't change the fact that it's fun.

Yes, the UI is shit. That's also a screenshot designed specifically to make it look even more shit, though.

You get used to it.

>Battleborn: It will taste like shit at first, but once you come to appreciate it it's a very satisfying meal.

I hope you're not a shill, because if you are, that's the worst tag-line ever.

>You just died like a **** xD

shit like this is cringe maximum

>the biggest OW weapon is still smaller and less obtrusive than an average BB one
Congrats on your retardation, shitposter-kun.

Iv never even heard of it till i saw it on steam today.

Everyone is aware that gearbox just got lucky with borderlands 1 and they will never create a game that fun ever again

>It's an acquired taste

People usually say that when they're eating ghoulish food like liver or balut. Also you missed the point where I said they offer a SIMILAR service, not the same. They're both stepping foot into the FPS genre and going different paths, but that first step is the most important.

More people are open and receptive to a largely straightforward FPS (Overwatch) and less interested in Battleborn and its mishmosh of genres. Also, big surprise, but Gearbox doesn't have the best reputation around. They remade the same game 3 times and butchered Aliens:CM.

But you can save the explanations. I've seen enough to know I have zero interest in it.

You don't unlock characters in Dota if that is what you are implying. You can play all of them from day one.

They fixed a third of the problem characters (overpowered and underpowered) in a matter of days during the beta, and did further adjustments between the beta and launch.

Currently the two standout characters are Galilea (still too good) and Whiskey Foxtrot (still crap), though I'm in the camp that Whiskey's actually great but has a higher skill requirement than Oscar Mike.

So I think so far they're doing good, people panicking about balance in the forums mostly arises from a general anxiety about how the game's performing.

Anyways, I'm enjoying it a lot.

Tinkering around with gear loadouts for specific characters is pretty deep. I wish Gearbox had trusted people with hard numbers a little bit more, because there's some pretty important info hidden by the way they present the effects of character passives and skills (like Kelvin's passive being actually based off a percentage of his maximum shields instead of a hard number like they claim, which means gear increasing shield max improves the effect of permafrost).

>Yes, the UI is shit. That's also a screenshot designed specifically to make it look even more shit, though.

A promotional image mailed out by Gearbox was designed to make the UI look like shit?

What the fuck am I reading.

It's not supposed to be a good tag line, it's supposed to be an accurate one.

I hated the game after the first hour or two of playing. I paid $30 for it and regretted even spending that much. It's a mediocre console port.

Once I found a character I enjoyed playing and understood what the fuck was going on, I started enjoying it. A lot.

Which is why I think people should stop behaving like ants and decide for themselves instead of listening to people like you who've clearly never played it.

Unlike the Blizzdrones I'm not trying to shit on Overwatch. I think that, much like Apple products, it serves a consumer need. Most people will enjoy Overwatch more than they will Battleborn.

It just bothers me that people who would actually enjoy it are writing it off for the wrong reasons.

Not to mention a lack of an interesting single player game

If its SP was as interesting and long as Borderlands, it'd be worth it.

I'm having a lot of fun. Thorn is the tits.


Liver and onions are tasty, though, user.

I don't give a fuck why people usually say it, I was just fitting it to his metaphor. I already explained exactly why I said that, so separate interpretation is silly.

Well, it's a console screenshot to begin with, user. It's displaying an unrealistic situation of the character with the biggest gun, who is almost always using iron sights.

>Saying anything good about LoL

The harder you try to fit in, the more you stick out.


>people think Battlefield 1 will be good after seeing Battlefield 3, 4, and Battlefront

Nah man, get your story straight with your superiors then come back. Your desperate shill time here is done.

If the game is as great as you say it is, why are you here posting about it?

To be fair they did a ton of promotion for PS3 (earlier beta access, etc.) I expect it to beat Overwatch on console

>implying Sup Forums is not for videogames, objective discussion or otherwise

Not that I disagree with this notion, but it should be taken as a disparaging criticism of Sup Forums rather than an innate attribute of it.

Because I just woke up and I'm not ready to play yet. I need to get some food.

Yesterday I was posting after playing for 7 or 8 hours before bed.

Also, I'm not simply a shill user. I'm an Automated Battleborn Shill bot. And not a very good one, since I recommend you buy it for $30 on a keysite.

No one can say I'm not trying my best, though.

If its just consoles, expect Battlefield and CoD each to beat the sales numbers of both games (battleborn and overwatch) combined.

This. Some of their choices are questionable (queue is shit) but all in all super fun

>blizzard game
>millions of people signed up for closed beta not even counting dupe emails

>Overwatch beta announced after battleborn release date
Blizzard trying to leech some players. Come May 10th numbers will skyrocket

I do agree somewhat with this
The UI is jankey and the screen can get pretty fucking busy, it's an overall fun game if you want a MOBA where russians don't scream at you.
Also, talking about that Oscar screenshot, he pretty much has the worst UI in the game and one of the only ones that I know of that have iron sights.

im not spending 60$ on any game ever again unless it's something that's been proven to be balls to wall amazing and has years worth of playability.

Battleborn caters to SJW's and white knights.

Literally one of the characters says
"feminism is awesome".

That alone was enough to make gamer***e all denounce the game.

Any game that has catered to feminism has failed, and with good reason.

>Literally one of the characters says "feminism is awesome".
>taking that quote out of context
He says that after killing a female hero as a joke
Meaning he can now kill them

Artstyle is fucking terrible
UI is terrible
Performance is terrible
Bulletsponges suck

oh wait I forgot
animations are trash as well, especially compared to Overwatch holy fuck

That basically describes Overwatch except for the last one.

>not enough advertising

Familam, i've been seeing battleborn posters on buses, phone boxes, subways etc all week.

>Sup Forums makes up maybe 0.01% of gamers. Nobody shills to an extremely irrelevant group. Get over yourself
I really wish this were a banner across the top of every thread on Sup Forums. It's hard to believe how delusional and paranoid some of these idiots can be.

From what I've seen, Battleborn has same problem as Borderlands, with enemies being absolute bullet-sponges.

Not that I would be getting even if that wasn't the case, because it's by fucking Gearbox.

Literally no one even knew it was a thing until it was already out.

gj try hard

Overwatch has a good artstyle though and it runs like a dream. Constant 60fps at 1440 on my fucking gtx 760. How can you say that is terrible performance?

Lmao keep lying pccuck your shitty system cannot even keep up at 60fps, wow at least my $400 Sony system can run it at a perfect rate. Enjoy your frame drop lmao!!

It looks like a source engine game so of course it's gonna run great

Overwatch done WRONG

All the fucking characters in battleborn feel basically the same.

Meanwhile Overwatch has a roster of unique characters.

Battleborn runs amazing though too bad your screen is going to be filled with colored vomit and lights in most fights.

>Battleborn is Overwatch
No, they are different and are going for different feels.
Overwatch is a more TF2, face pace fortress shooter more focused on single objective and PvP
Battleborn is a first person MOBA and it is a bit more slower and focused on PvE than kills
This misconception needs to die now

you can get it for $30 on keysites.

it's far less bullet spongey than borderlands in PvE, but you shouldn't be playing the game for the PvE either way.

PvP isn't particularly bullet spongey.

TTK is 4-8 seconds depending on headshots, supports, and whether or not you're fighting a tank in an average battle.

Standing still you can kill a player in 2 probably. It doesn't feel drawn out, just give and take. They nailed the timing pretty well.

Overwatch's artstyle isn't good, it's just not offensively bad in the way Battleborn is. It looks like a Disney movie.

its going to be the same shallow shit as hearthstone

and people will buy those $10 extra characters

it doesnt even look good, worst blizz artstyle so far

I dont even play either game, but at least battleborn isnt going to be filled with tryhards fagets spamming shit threads on Sup Forums for weeks because they think they're good at some super casual cancer fps


I seriously can't wait for that shitshow to flop.

>That's also a screenshot designed specifically to make it look even more shit, though.
>it's literally just a screenshot of normal gameplay

>Blizzard game
