Battleborn ~50% off

>battleborn ~50% off
2K on suicide watch



they must really be in the red on this

what happens when the day 1 people find out the day 5 people got it for half price?

Activision a shit

Blizzard's Tracer Ass free week claimed a victim.

You could get Mad Max on the same site for $20 on release, there wasn't really any people complaining from what I see.

Does it even have single player? How embarassing

What site is that ma nigga, don't leave us hanging

There was no hype leading up to this game. How did they manage to fuck up so hard to release it within a couple weeks of overwatch.

Fuck, delay the game 3 months and try in the late summer.

Someone at 2K needs to get fucking fired, and I'd think it would start with the idiots in marketing department.

People also have completely forgotten about that game too.

>fresh meat for the grinder
all according to keikaku
user's note: keikaku means plan

Nobody gives a shit about this

overwatch is shit but i'd play it before this.

but is favorite

>day 1 people find out the day 5 people got it for half price?
Except the game's been half-price on keysellers since before release.
I pre-ordered the game from the site in OP's image.

How it's half-price, I don't know. But my key ain't been revoked yet.

how the fuck they do that? serial key thiefing?

It's actually pretty fun

Beat this faggot in two days though

thanks Redbox

How the fuck did you beta the Saboteur mission?

They buy bulk international keys from russian dealers and resell them. Games are incredibly cheap in russia. Though some of the shadier reselling sites probably steal keys.


His design is neat tho

>game so dead that the general fell off page 10 of /vg/ at like 300 posts and it took awhile for anyone to bother making a new one

Good. Fuck Gearbox and there bullshit practices.

What website pham?

fuckin read the thread