Bought the humble bundle for the 3DS game

>Bought the humble bundle for the 3DS game
>Left with a couple of Wii-U game codes
>when I have no Wii-U
So what would happen if I were to register these code? Will they just be there on a list ready to be downloaded at any time or is it a one time download only?

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't know, but I am going to dump my own leftovers.

All codes are for EU.

Affordable Space Adventures - Wii U: B0LXCY2B37XML15Q
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse - Wii U: B0LGGY8R4Y8KPMYV
Darksiders II - Wii U: B0LV1R2Q44NF439V
Swords & Soldiers II - Wii U: B0LK6NLW0TW3JSNM
Runbow - Wii U: B0LS7TML5QH2CLR9
Retro City Rampage: DX - Nintendo 3DS: B0LJ1VWX39L52MDJ
Citizens of Earth - Nintendo 3DS: B0LKPLHP15YCV77Q
Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition - Nintendo 3DS: B0LBF0NV30BL9T0W
Nano Assault EX - Nintendo 3DS: B0L9D03P52PSK7K9

I don't think they will register on a 3ds. But If it was through the web store, they would just be tied to your nnid and be ready to download if you ever got a wii u and logged into the eshop with a nnid. There's a spot in the shop where your previous purchases are stored.

just dump em

And it seems that trying to redeem one game answered my question, can't register a game if I don't own the system.

Tried redeeming one or two t

and it says not recognized.

Do you have a European system? I might have messed up here, sorry.

probably redeemed for the wrong system or the code is from a region you're not in

Nah, I'm a Leaf.

Don't really know, If you don't want them I'll take them

Does anybody need a EU Affordable Space Adventures code? I've got one I don't need.

Anyone have any other codes they don't want???

You have to use them as soon as possible, or else someone will generate your codes and use them.

Eh, might as well throw it here:
Affordable Space Adventures - Wii U (EU)






do code generators actually work?



Redeemed Affordable space adventures
Thank you!
The other games I already own or I'm not interested in them, good luck to other anons.



At least Citizens of Earth and Nano Assault are also redeemed, I tried using them earlier.

He's a big code for Wii U

For how long are the codes valid after I have purchased them?

Any one got Shantea for Wii U?
I want it so bad

idk but like that other user said its best to use them quickly so no one snags them via generators

Retro City Rampage - 3DS NA

Shantae - 3DS NA

I don't know if it's possible to have codes for these, but fuck it, I'll try. If anyone wants a Wii U or 3DS Shantae code, I'll trade it for one of these:

Axiom Verge
Rabi Ribi
Guacamelee: STCE!
Valdis Story

fuck, this game sucks. should've let someone else get it

you can't activate WiiU codes if you don't have the console
i tried it

what game

>trading a $1 code they can still get from hb for one of those

Get the fuck outta here.

just picked up both bundles for the shantae games.
You nerds can have my leftovers.
Affordable Space Adventures - Wii U
Retro City Rampage: DX - Nintendo 3DS
Human Resource Machine - PC N28TN-Q508M-JBKB2
The Nintendo stuff only will work on US consoles.

olli olli

I sure hope no one posts a rhythm thief code. I just bought one from someone.

cause i cant find the game anywhere and im poor af

Rhythm Thief (EU)

fuck i need a NA code




Fuck you rhythmfags I want runbow



shit brb if anyone has NA code send them if you want [email protected]

Wii u games pleas

Pretty pathetic t.b.h

>tfw got all the games in the bundle just by lurking Sup Forums

Try harder, cucks. They all suck except for Shantae and Rhythm Thief anyway. Maybe Freedom Planet gets a pass but damn that story christ no

Anyone got Freedom Planet for EU spare?

does anyone have a Darksiders II EU code plssss

i only wanted rhythm thief but everyone always beats me to the codes

btw i lurked for about 2 days no sleep



>tfw no Nintendo sugar daddy to buy you xenoblade and virtual console games


>tfw no one lives in europe

Wii U can be hacked on last the firmware and it takes like 10 minutes to set up. you can pirate games

3DS has been able to be hacked on the latest firmware for ages and you can pirate games too

why the fuck are beggars still here?

Let's be honest, what pirates are going to pirate THESE games?


Would you hack a car?

Pros: free games
Cons: much more complicated to set up than Wii

Turned on my 3DS for some of these codes
I hope they aren't all taken by now

>get into eShop
>system update

Wait I did the sdcafiine shit to my wiiu to play modded smash. I didn't know you could pirate games, how do I do that?

how do i do this i want free 3ds games

do you keep them after you update too?

for Wii U the only con is that DLC(currently) doesn't work with it and games cant be played online. Nintendo has no way of banning. Takes like 10-20 mins to do.

for 3DS they're literally is no cons unless you count the somewhat lengthy set up. Other than that it is the most open console in the 8th gen

go here for tuts: for wii u its literally putting files on a sd card and going to a website

too scared of ninty catching on and coming to my house to bust my kneecaps

I could give you a PC code


ok i read the guide i dont get it i need the retard version please

Sure, if you wouldn't mind?

[email protected]

I already spoonfeed you enough. either fuck off to somewhere else or ask questions over in the /vg/ thread

All taken as expected

Well I'll just lurk this thread for a short while if anyone's willing to drop any EU 3DS codes

loadiine gx2 my man

go here

I will trade a few codes for Citizens of Earth, Nano Assault EX, and Retro City Rampage: DX,

I have Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons, Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered, GRAV, Knight Squad, and Ultimate General Gettysburg

Add me on steam if you want to trade.

Do you have an email?

Yeah but not one I want to give out on here

No throwaway?

Screw it. I don't like tossing any emails I use but I only use this one for MMOs

[email protected]

Check your email.

Thanks man