TES and Fallout are skippable trash games laughably labelled RPG's with the most uninspired writing ever gracing an...

TES and Fallout are skippable trash games laughably labelled RPG's with the most uninspired writing ever gracing an entertainment program.

If you disagree with me you're a Bethesda fanboy and a child that needs to grow up. End of.

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I agree.

calm down toiletflush supper is almost ready

i also agree

I've never understood people who do this. Who pays $60 for a game, doesn't even actually get to the gameplay or past the tutorial, then breaks the disk and posts about it on social media. are they that attention starved that they have to waste that much cash?

This is fake right?
Why would you break a game you can still refund?

and I agree

While i agree that FO3 and 4 is trash, that is just being edgy,

New Vegas is good

its literally worse than CoD and i hate cod
atleast activision delivered quality with Black Ops 3

Sorry, I can't hear you over the 15 million copies sold.

I play Magic. Sometimes people will play a "game" where they buy a pack and rip the rare in half without even looking - potentially a $50 card.

There are people out there who will literally burn money and record it.

Yes, attention-starved retards like this exist everywhere.

The fact that he bought Fallout 4 is proof enough that he is retarded.

wasn't that pic about a girl tired of his boyfriend playing FO4 and cut it apart?

Then she got extreme amounts of hate and as an apology she shared a paypal link for others to buy FO4 for him.

this turned out to be a scam and the guy got away with over hundreds of bucks


Found it


They're good if you don't consider them Fallout

>People who like what I don't like are retarded!

Man this is a great way to make money off retards

I legit want to see someone do the same with Uncharted 4. see how many will fall for it again

What did they mean by this?

I ripped up a foil troll ascetic once for lulz. I was pretty sad when it got reprinted.

I hope that that guy dumped his stupid gf.

My wife have to buy me some game day one and it will be war if she doesn't do it.

Clearly, we need toddlers to start headbutting things again.

We'll make men out of them soon, user.

Where was Sup Forums when Reddit started waking up and realizing Fallout was trash?

dude it was a scam, the game was a fake and it was just one man alone. he got away with lots of money

Can you prove it?

It's like Bethesda literally doesn't learn anything ever. The same shit broken with fallout 3 is still present in fallout 4

The only thing I can say good is the shooting is a bit better and they atleast tried to differentiate the enemy types


Explanation videos are for retards. I'm not retard. Do you have a text with pictures instead?


I got a chuckle out of that, even if it should just be 'Sarcastic',

Do I fit in yet: The thread

You know that most of Sup Forums likes Fallout/2/NV, Morrowind and Daggerfall, right? I know you're just parroting what you see for secret club points, but you should really give those games a chance.

No. The entire TES series is completely forgettable and skip able.

i play bethesda games as "hoarding simulators"
amass sing digital clutter is fun

fallout 4 was not an rpg, even an action rpg
tes games are often shallow action rpgs, but they can rightfully be called rpgs
story doesn't matter in games
the "r" in rpg is for role, not in a story, but role as a character type
you assume a magic role, you assume a fighter role, you assume a supportive role
these are the roles in the games that you play

>They're good if you don't consider them Fallout
Then they're just super generic 'rpg' games with trash tier dialogue and gameplay, wouldn't really call that good

Not even casuals like F4??? Are they like 5 years behind hard core gamers opinion? Do they even know about new vegas?

Morrow 3 had a good story though.

Fallout started at 4


>tfw when they won't sell the zombies maps separately
Not gonna pay for useless multi maps

>breaking things because you cant control your emotions
>breaking things to show you are breaking an "addiction" because you are weak willed
>putting up pictures of this for attention

Literally children.

I agree!

I only play epic, Sup Forums-approved games like The Witcher 3!

>ruining the disc instead of returning the game and getting your money back
I don't understand.


People with too much money probably still leeching off his parents

Also, I liked FO3 and NV.

Who is this ejaculation maiden?

>Kaylin Maree

>after that, she knew what real abuse is

I agree.

TES needs to get his shit together and introduce a better fighting system though.

Miss Alice

She's a cam girl

>"I didn't like the game!"
>"You better not like it!"
Fuck, I'd buy the game just because you sound like a manchild and I love to spite people like you

How old are these posts? I really don't go to reddit often but every time I've checked they'd have nothing but praise for that game. Also what subreddit is that, it looks specifically FO-themed.

>Buying games on Xbone
Found your problem chief

>mfw I bought FO4 on Steam so I can't break the fucking disc even if I wanted to


i disagree with you and im still gonna play TES and fallout and enjoy them,and most likely their next games. what are you gonna do about it?

>tfw I can't fap to her because my ex gf had the same name and she was a massive bitch

She's probably also a massive bitch, honestly.

It takes a certain type of person to put up with the level of shit she likely has to deal with.

I'm sure most of these retards just buy two copies so they can do this for attention and still play the game anyway.

I swear she didn't used to look that asian?


holy shit xToiletFlushx