>Let me smith y' weapons
What did he mean by this?
Let me smith y' weapons
what do you think that he meant?
He has no weapons to offer.
Smashing titanite onto your sword hardly counts, and infusions are basically magic
He means he has fucking nothing to do so for the love of god let him help you.
Excuse me good sir, but please allow me to forge you an instrument of battle.
That's what he meant.
What was the point of him having a weapon repair option? hell why was durability even in the game? has anyone ever had their weapon break on them during normal use?
Nah, only time something broke on my in DaS series was first time I found out durability was a thing in DaS1 and then DaS2 prepatch at 60 fps got real close a few times and even broke a sword or 2.
Durability in 3 is just garbage, just like poise its useless and makes you wander why they even have it
its important for whips and weapons whose special attacks drain durability
I like duribility in 3. you have to fuck up so many dudes to break a weapon. WAY better than 2 where you killed to guys and the sword was in danger of breaking.
The fuck does prithy mean? pray thee?
>you have to fuck up so many dudes without using a bonfire to break a weapon
he is calling you a pretty boy
a prithy
he has a fucking speech impediment. he means 'privy' as in, youre a shit.
>find a boss
>fight boss for the 1st time
>do really well
>almost kill it
>don't do NEARLY so good in subsequent attempts
why this?
Prithee means please you sack of used ranch dressing.
Were you embered the first time and didn't re ember for subsequent attempts? If it's not that, it just means you should stop playing and try again later
Literally the epitome of why DS3 is rehash souls
No reason to bring Andre back the way they did
Yes, that's exactly what it means. Translated into modern english, it means "please"
I usually don't ember for bossfights until I feel that I've REALLY got their patterns down, otherwise I feel that I just waste them.
Exceptions: the Nameless King and the CHAMP. Fuck those guys, needed every pixel of embered HP
I literally never had durabiloty problems in ds2 and i got the game on release on ps3 and pc
Could've reached the boss with the ember you gained after killing the previous one, tho
Well yeah, ignoring the times when I stumbled on a boss with the free ember from the previous one
It only really becomes a problem if you use low durability weapons (that is, any katana ever) or purposedly avoid bonfires when clearing a whole area to avoid clearing through certain pulls again
Even still, shouldn't need much more than the repair powder you find around to counter those very specific situations, or just spice down the repair spell and get 10 int to be able to cast it
Why does this game not let me just play against the champ constantly?
I've beaten it twice now and I don't think I want to go through dancer and the consumed king again before I can kill the champ again each ng cycle
Zero levelskips or world shortcuts.
Kills the whole experience to me.
Same thing happens to me. I think it's a combination of cockiness ("I almost beat this guy the first time, he shouldn't be any trouble") and increasing impatience ("god fuck I am so sick of running to the boss, okay I'm here let's just get this over with, I know this part by heart oh wait I'm dead")..
Is Andre a god?
No i mean NEVER
Not once did my durability ever get low, using str or dex weapons, katanas or whatnot
Never had to use a repair powder, never had to rest at a bonfire and i have several hundred hours into it
I never understood why everyone complained about it
I didn't have MUCH of a problem, but shit does get a chance to break. Try clearing through all of No Man's Wharf using only one weapon and without going back to rest or placing a small summon sign. You'll reach the boss with a sliver of durability on the weapon, no matter which
He knows the blacksmith giant in anor londo so ye its basically fucking confirmed suck my dick
>he doesnt know
This. Only time I ever had a sword break was in the begginning wildly swinging r1 with 60fps prepatch.
If you stop attacking like a madman its a nonissue
hes not even real you fucking slowpoke
I have
Seriously dude ive done virtually everything you can do in that game
>hurr you can skip this area by jumping here
Not the same as das1 or 2.
>he hasn't attended the pan-Lordran blacksmith conferences
>he hasn't exchanged tips and learned from the Giant Blacksmith and Vamos at the food court
lmao pleb
you havent even broken a weapon you fucking casual
Why is he the only NPC with lip sync ?
>filthy casual
Fight me bitch
What did he mean by this?
he meant