>scoreboard doesn't show my awesome K:D ratio as Widowmaker
>play of the game is always an undeserving noob getting lucky with ultimate
Garbage game.
>scoreboard doesn't show my awesome K:D ratio as Widowmaker
>play of the game is always an undeserving noob getting lucky with ultimate
Garbage game.
ha iktf XD
found your problem
its an objective game, no one is supposed to care about k/d
push the cart shitlord
Not playing the clearly superior thick Zarya
>playing Widowmaker
I hope you die of cancer and aids
so basically the game isn't a cancerous dick length contest?
Sniper is always the highest skill ceiling of any game. I don't play noob classes.
>objective game
Oh, I get it. So that normies who play this shit don't get their feelings so hurt that they suck ass. If a shit player is playing like shit on my team, I want to be able to see that easily and vote kick them out.
Genji has a higher skill ceiling. Wall running and using terrain while fighting is top. Even tracer has a higher ceiling.
But that's wrong, Widowmaker is literally the easiest class in the game.
Can the overshills move to >>/vg/ please?
I disagree to an extent but OPs a faggot so I'll say nothing.
>Oh, I get it. So that normies who play this shit don't get their feelings so hurt that they suck ass. If a shit player is playing like shit on my team, I want to be able to see that easily and vote kick them out.
This is like the most casual FPS released in years and that is saying something. Of fucking course it is so people don't get their feelings hurt. You should probably play a harder game if you want anyone to stroke your dick about how good you are.
The community is shit too, one of the first games I play and some tryhard starts cursing at me for letting him get killed. Same faggot keeps telling me how much I suck for two more missions before I quit to unbox some loot.
Hopefully guys like this are rare.
If you're this "competitive" you really should be playing the new Unreal Tournament instead of an anime waifu game.
Yeah, I don't get why people think a paywall will help any, seeing as how pissed off Americans can still buy it anyway. At least I can't tell what the fuck BRs or Slavs are saying when they get angry.
People are nice in Europe.
Some guy told me I was the best Pharah he's seen c:
I played in Europe too, though the last three games have been amazing, we lost but had a lot of fun coordinating plans and testing out how some abilities work together
Ayo i wouldn't say THE easiest.
But she's up there. Nothing about her kit is "hard" sniping. No recoil on fire that matters. no sway. 2 body shots will still kill most anyone but tanks because there isn't much of any charge time for damage ramp like in tf2.
she has a built in wallhack so that she doesn't' have to think about enemies. and she has a vertical movement ability.
the easiest character in this game is roadhog
Did he proceed to suck your cock?
What? I've gotten a shitload more kills with Bastion than Roadhog
Assists count as eliminations. Your k/d was not as high as you think it was.
You should still care about KD in an objective based game moron.
The average person puts too much weight into KD, but then pretentious online hipsters go to the opposite end of the extreme and claim that it doesn't matter.
Is Overwatch really anything more than a waifu simulator?
Why do people get so asshurt about PoTG?
It's what I hear the most when people are complaining about the game.
I mean sure is my triple kill as D.Va more worthy of a PoTG than Reaper's single kill, yeah.
But it's not a big deal.
Genji and Tracer are the two highest skill ceiling characters in the game.
I think it's just the mentality that the play of the game should be something like won the game for the team or something actually skill based. I wouldn't consider a reaper popping invulnerability into a group and hitting die die die as skillful and is really game changing.
Muh ego.
you personally getting more kill's with a hero doesn't make them easier.
i'm dope with junkrat and shit with bastion. it's how well you synergize with the hero. bastion is really good but much easier to counter than road hog. standing still is a huge weakness.
>Kill bodyshot people and kill them
>High skill ceiling
Top kek
Widowmaker is fucking broken.