Playing video game you can't pause

>playing video game you can't pause
>dog sitting next to me and whining for my attention


Other urls found in this thread:

>Dog sleeps on my neck as I play videogames on the bed
Literally the comfiest of feelings lad

Don't neglect your pupper

>not realizing the dog is just an obstacle on your way to git gud

Dogs > cats.

Come at me.

Why are dogs such bros?

Cats don't give a literal fuck about you, but dogs will give their life to protect you.

>dog scared of the vidya
>Feel guilty about playing it when he's around

>literally bred to be insane and cripplingly dependent
>start indifferent, earn their trust and build meaningful relationship
I guess some people just enjoy easy mode.

>tfw your dog will die during your lifetime

Isn't he rather old already user? Shit, it might be happening soon

My dog isn't even a year old yet.

So nah, she's got plenty of years ahead of her.

I got her as a 3 month old puppy. She follows me EVERYWHERE. Seriously, I can't move an inch without her being right on my heels.

I haven't had any pets for 5 years and it's wonderful.


>own a small dog that wouldn't technically be able to do anything to defend you.
>she tries anyways, even getting up on my shoulder or something in a guard-like manner.
small dogs best dogs, but I won't blame you for having big dogs they're cool too. :)

I'm done with pets for life

>playing some vidya
>annoying cat keeps meowing because she wants to eat
>for some reason her bowl is outside in the balcony (I live on the 15th floor)
>open the balcony door to let her eat the goddamn food
>it's cold so I close the door behind me when I get back to play
>cat is done eating so she keeps meowing to get back in
>raise the vidya volume and forget about the cat
>the next day the staff of my condominium found her dead in the grass right below my balcony
>mfw I killed my 18 years old cat that was with since I was 6 because of vidya

My cats sit next to me when I play. They purr and snuggle up to me for warmth. I put up with them because I don't have heating and it's cold inside. They're like furry little hot water bottles.

>cat sleeps on my lap while playing video games
>can hear her purring the whole time

No greater feeling.

>tfw my 15yo car just died last week

Jesus christ you should get him some dog braces.

It's a british dog lad

>female milf cat gives me BJ
>has rough tongue with mini fangs on it, ruining the experience

tell me again why cats are supposed to be superior?

>cat loses her shit when dogmeat comes on screen

Dog died last week, still fucking depressed only friend I had

what the fuck user

>not petting him with your feet while playing


What animal is the best pet and why is it yours?

Cats on the internet are cute
Cats irl are a pain in the anus

>intense duel with invader in DaS3
>cat jumps up in my lap and sits on my PS4 controller

>having pets
>being emotionally attached to furballs

it's an weakness that can and will be exploited. heed my warnings, stay solo anons. you will be better off, the world just gies you shit and you can play videogames in solitude. no need to feed pets that give nothing in return. you gotta stay the lone ranger, playing in the night for your own entertainment. fuck the rest

>tfw my 20 yr old Golf still going strong

>Cats don't give a literal fuck about you,
That's not true. My cat literally comes to the door to cuddle with me when I get home.

But I love my cat irl. I never found him to be a problem since he's an indoor cat.

And then I was forced to give him away due to moving to a "no pets" home. The brother I gave him to got him killed within 2 weeks similar to you did.

My cat is more friendly than my german shepherd ever was that I had when I was a child, but maybe that's because I wasn't her "owner", as my parents fed her, not me

>meows happily and tries to jump into my arms every time i come home
>licks my hand when I pet him as to "return the favor"
>jumps into my lap and chills when playin vidya
>cuddles up to me when I go to sleep
>wakes me up when my morning alarm doesn't (though he does this on weekends as well)
>loves my company, will jump on the door handle to get the door open when it is closed

I don't understand the constant "cats are greedy selfish assholes" shit. Or maybe I'm just really fortunate with a great cat.


that doesn't sound right, cats have very good depth perception she wouldn't just jump off a balcony.

>giving any advice

just keep posting smug anime girls for eternity instead of fucking people up

>Go to bed at night
>Like to keep bedroom door closed
>Cat cries to get in
>Get up, let her in
>Cat cries to get out 10 minutes later
>Get up, let her out
>Cat cries to get in 10 minutes later
>Ignore her
>Cat cries for a fucking hour
>Finally get up, open the door and yell at her
>Cat cries at me

>Dog sleeping on my lap as i play vidyas

Just remember that your dog needs attention and play, why own a doggie if you can't provide that?

You're not supposed to post here when you are only 12 you underage fag

>his cat hasn't learned how to open doors yet
it will happen soon
and you will hate it if you like having your doors closed

>playing vidya
>dog wants me to pick her up and hold her
>can't play vidya anymore until she leaves
>arguing with some cuck on Sup Forums
>dog wants me to pick her up and hold her
>have to filter the guy i'm arguing with so i get the last word

Birds are the superior choice of pets.

Good job user, you murdered your cat

>3 other people in the house
>dog only comes to me to let him outside
>even when there are people in the room with the back door

Everyone says cats are indifferent, but mine is an attention whore.
>begs to ride around on my shoulder
>follows me around everywhere
>brings me wrapped hard candy and fetches it after I throw it
>lays on my keyboard while Im playing shit like dark souls with a controller
>sleeps beside my head or on my lap
Sucks that I'm allergic to cats though.

Cats = Dogs.


>Sucks that I'm allergic to cats though.

He knows, that's why he always sticks to you.

Birds have autism and it's contagious

>Tfw no pets ever, only ever pet strays and other people's pets
True suffering

>Tfw my dog has learned how to gripe from watching me and now makes grumbling noises like a human when it wants something I'm not giving it.
>My old dog learned that when we patted the floor or an object we wanted him to come to us, so whenever he wanted to be scratched he would pat the floor with his paw.

I swear dogs are smarter than we know.

Isn't that cat broken?

Just in light hyperthermia.

its just the animal getting used to patterns/actions and consequences present in its everyday life

>move in with girlfriend because her rich as fuck parents buy her a house
>bring my dog
>she brings her annoying as shit cat
>I do my best to ignore it but for some reason it always wants to rub on me and craves attention
>I make up some bullshit about how it's stressing my dog out and how it's ripped up some of my clothes
>I ripped up the clothes in question by playing tug of war with my dog
>She gives up the cat to her mom who lives like three hours away

I'll never have to see that annoying piece of shit ever again

Mine is too, he sleeps on my feet while I play vidya.

He's got weird foot fetishes in general, loves sticking his face in smelly shoes.

But shouldn't that mean there's at least some coherent thought going on if it can learn and remember "Doing X means my master will do Y"?

I don't really know, it just seems weird they could learn non natural things like that purely on instinct

If you like dogs, you are a normie AND DO NOT BELONG HERE

Cats aren't even reddit tier pets, they're Sup Forums tier

Dogs can use deduction.

Nice pasta

>implying it's pasta


Well, dogs are smarter than I knew then.


Your cat probably killed itself out of sadness from you ignoring it.
It was pretty old so it mustve known its time was near anyways.
All it wanted was your affection.
I don't blame it, id kill myself too if you were my faggot owner.

Post doggus

fuck off

dogs are fascist authoritarian bootlickers, cats are the libertarian choice, independent, self-sufficient and bow to no masters

>TIL: Not being a useless, self-serving piece of shit = Fascist

>independent, self-sufficient and bow to no masters
Domestic animals have no use to us if they aren't subservient to humans.

Dogs were the first animal we domesticated, because they are actually fucking useful and they are still practical today.


My pup is always trying to help me do stuff. He loves attention and cuddling , sleeps in my lap while I play vidya.

He even makes sure I don't just sit in my chair or on my couch all day. He turns my XbOne off after a while if I'm being autistic and haven't moved in a while

He's pretty doofy and slips on the floors all the time. He learned that if I make the cat whispering sound that there is a cat around and will turn into a VERY fast dog traveling at high speeds checking every window.

Is this a serious concern? How would they even turn a nob?


She's sleeping on the couch next to me right now.

>I'm a cat. Intelligent, narcissistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

Is your cat a pirate?

poor baby, how did she lose her eye? ):

>waiting for vidya to arrive in the post
>dog seems to know when I'm waiting for something and sits at the door in anticipation
>vidya is small enough to fit through the letter box and gets posted through
>hits dog on head
>he gets mad and shreds the box and case to bits
>only just managed to save the disc before he could scratch it up
>jumped over the fence the next time he saw the postman and stole his trousers

Why are you wasting this opportunity to have a cat with an eyepatch?

My kitty does this too. Throw off a hair tie, she grabs it and comes running right back.

>tfw dog doesn't like video games

If I could find an eye patch fitted for cats, I would try to put it on her. She would hate it, though.

Her original owner abused her when she was a baby. After animal services took her away, her eye was extremely infected and they weren't able to save it. She's okay now, though.


Kick dog, wew, that was hard

Post pet + vidya



Dogs 4ever.

If you even try to play fight me he will jump on you in a heartbeat. Dudes got my back.

>Cat curled up on my lap as I play vidya

>Petting her every now and then

>Stove in the room, fresh coffee and a bottle of water for later

Good shit

Fucking this
It's like those fags that are elitist and only lean towards one body type for their women

Cats transmit a deadly brain parasite. There's nothing to discuss. Cats should be treated as the pest they are.

I can't stand cats but you're a good guy, user.

>not having a neck kitten
You guys don't know what cute is

toxoplasmosis isn't deadly and you only get it if you eat or touch their poop

I love my doggo and love most cats but my uncle's cat is a right cunt. I can't wait for him to move out so I can get a nice cat in here.

The bitch won't admit she craves attention because she likes being petted but she'll growl and slash anyone that goes over some arbitrary line of offense.

Is this a dog thread? I could always add more to my dogposter folder.

Why are skirts so fucking hot?

I had a little kitten that loved to jump in my back with claws extended and then climb up on my shoulder and sniff my ears.

Cats are adorable but they can be bastards, I'd rather have a dog as long as you have time to take care of it.

>he doesn't eat his pet's poop
Why even get one then? You have to compensate for the food you buy them somehow.

>Loving their owners

>playing Dota
>be Earthshaker
>have to concentrate on warding for inevitable team fight
>cat jumps on my shoulder and startles me, hand slips and i blink in wrong direction and hit R
>it was actually the right direction and i blink into the enemy and break their smoke
>triple kill while the other 2 run and i get my cat off my shoulder

thanks Nermal

You should jump down there too