Can we have a thread dedicated to games that either failed kickstarter or screwed over backers?
Let's hear what you've got.
Can we have a thread dedicated to games that either failed kickstarter or screwed over backers?
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>Q2 2013
That shit's not out yet?
What do you mean it's not out? I remember watching a speedrun of it during Games Done Quick event.
Easy to make a list of projects that delivered
That was a beta, no?
>People support it because Banjo-Kazooie and collectathon platformers in general were a dead genre
>Actual Banjo-Kazooie successor gets kickstarted before it comes out
as far as I can tell by quickly checking their twitter, they are currently working on chapter 3
it's been in beta since early 2015
>a hat in time
>yooka laylee
>tfw 3D platformers are finally coming to pc
uhh, user, i'm sorry to break it to you but...
Dreamfall Chapters is the biggest scam I have seen
It should be a Dreamfall game. In reality, it is a racist SJW game dedicated to destroy the white race.
I am so angry, that I backed this piece of shit ;_;
There's a "far from finished" beta out that has less than half the story chapters
Still no release date announced for full game
So they were speedrunning a beta build? What is even the point?
promotion I'd wager
dev is probably friends with the speedrunner or somethin'
Wait lol, there's gonna be more installments?
What was the first major "oh shoot, we were way off the mark, all the money's gone and we aren't even done yet" one.
did they issue refunds for that?
Dreamfall itself was shit, why did you ever consider to back chapters?
>backed $100
That art book would be amazing.
Holy fuck
exetreme difficulty
You expected anything else?