Which one will you pick, Sup Forums?

Which one will you pick, Sup Forums?

Noclip mode.
Gonna become the greatest super villain

Argument genie sounds usefu.. oh wait it's Sup Forums no one will ever accept any counter-argument. GIVE US THE BOX

Argument genie is literally op

Shape-Shifting Waifu is literally perfect.

>can look like anyone you want her to
>nobody can see her

Noclip, fuck memes

Argument geenie
I will use its power to force to be a super hero

Noclip mode.
Gonna become the greatest super hero.

>shape shifting waifu
>can tell everyone of your sexual exploits with different woman
>everyone with either think you're a liar or a pick up god

>Somebody walks in while you're fucking her
>They just see you humping the air naked
Genie can let you convince anyone to have sex with you

Waifu is the only answer.

Noclip mode.

The argument genie is tempting because I have difficulty articulating my thoughts sometimes and I do have a tendency to argue rather than just conceding for the sake of cohesion. It would help a lot in my day to day life. But I don't really NEED to win arguments to enjoy life. Noclip on the other hand would open up so many possibilities.

Don't need the sex waifu because I'm hot and get laid regularly anyway.

Mystery Box > No Clip > Waifu > Arguement

All these fucking faggots not picking the box. Show me the box!

unless youre an autist, a neckbeard or an absolute madman youre taking noclip

I will noclip through your arguments.

Agreement. I'mma have an easy mode life.

Is everyone here an idiot? The box is the only way to go

ill take the "arguement" "geenie"

except there are no monster girls or other waifus irl

Last mystery box was a cardboard box. I'm going with argument genie.

>Take genie
>convince everybody to give you all their money

>all these normies not picking waifu

the box, THE BOX !

Noclip mode. Others are literally retarded

>caring about arguing with people. 'Durr, I could be flying all over the world now, but convincing people Nintendo is doing fine was much more noble cause!'
>you only want a waifu to brag to people about. I mean, sex would be good, but you can buy sex.
>Mystery box will be shit because OP is shit, as always

>he doesn't noclip to school

I think there's a trap with noclip.

As soon as you turn it on in a game, you lose absolutely all of your momentum. Considering the earth is rotating around the sun, the solar system is moving through the galaxy, and our galaxy itself has a velocity through space, I think as soon as you turn on noclip for the first time, the earth would zoom away from you at a very very high speed. Even if there is no absolute reference frame in the universe, there is no way that noclip would let you match the earths' velocity, unless you did it manually, which would be extremely hard considering how fast it is moving.

>choose genie
>convince the world to donate to my patreon
>retire with billions in the bank

Probably not a sensible power for me to have since I'm a bit stubborn and a lot of my beliefs are not necessarily in the world's interest.

Tempting but her not being physically "real" makes her pointless.

No downsides whatsoever

A flawless argument.

Argument Djinn is OP. He can just convince all women to sleep with you or make criminals turn themselves in if you wanna become a superhero like so many dweebs in this thread.

If all you want is money why not just go with noclip? That way, you could just steal whatever you need and at the end of the day you still have fucking noclip.


Check the spoiler for your reward.

convince scientists/engineers to make them

>letting pateron get a cut
It's going directly into my bank account.

WANTED: You, everywhere.

Arguement geenie.

I'd convince my unrequited love to fuck me and finally get what I've always wanted.

Can you feel the waifu?

What counts as "outside environment"? Why specify outside? Can she interact with stuff inside your house?

I knew I made the right choice.

>makes you invisible

Security cameras would catch you at some point.
If you convince others to give you money, it's not a crime because it was their choice to give me the money.

It's another waifu?

I would pick No Clip, but I'll wait until the mystery box has been revealed.

Time for the box reveal

You get to live in a video game world. You may freely choose which world you want to live in and death will just make you respawn in a safe place. The rules of the world is completely up to you with some restriction (Mushrooms in a Mario world will make you big no matter what you have to say about it)

>Police tries to grab you
>You just go right through him

You're dumb. Your genie isn't working. You can't convince me Noclip isn't the best choice.

>makes you invisible
Clearly I can't read for shit. Regardless, it would be weird just having massive piles of money vanish instantly. Don't you think authorities would get suspicious and start investigating?

Will I get into the goat tower without dubs?

Argument Genie
Would rule this world with an iron fist.

You should use arguement genie to convince yourself that you don't lack the constitution for suicide.


Use the argument to take control of the world and reshape it in a way to stop humanity from ending in the next century. Also argue with the universe to give myself immortality so I can forever guide humankind to success.



Run around messing with people and doing dick things, but not actually hurting them, just annoying them and amusing myself

Choose whatever you want, but if this was a real choice, I definitely wouldn't be choosing noclip.

investigate what?

Where's the OP pic faggot?

is this a magical goat ?

Waifu is tempting, but of course there's only one real answer.


Nice but I'll take the goat

Depending on what counts as an "argument," the genie is pretty OP. For example, can you argue that you deserve to be the ruler of earth?

I don't think you can take things with you when you noclip. You'd just pass through them.
That probably includes your clothes.

Well thank fuck I didn't choose that.

Just noclip the money in a place people won't find it.

Shapeshifting waifu.
All I want is love.

what about green mushrooms and mushrooms in Mario Kart, that make you faster instead of bigger

>get genie
>always be Devil's advocate
>fuck everyone's opinions up.

>tfw the prizes from "CHOOSE ONE" threads will never be real
Why even live guys.

>All I want is love
>Not picking the genie to convice girls to ride your dick

No clip is the best choice there

>get to steal whatever you want
>can access unaccessablie areas
>free travel
>annoy people or do funny shit to them

Easily the best choic, lads

I don't care if others see her or not, I will take any form of being able to interact with her.

Isn't invisible shapeshifting waifu just a glorified imaginary friend? Give me the genie.

It's not that OP. To win an argument you have to actually have one. Are you going to personally argue with every person on the planet?

What about in the RPG:s, Mushrooms gives health there instead of making you bigger

Yeah but you can fuck it.

except you are only a slave to that genie yourself, without realizing it

No-clip grants actual freedom and opportunities

Noclip is clearly the best.

>Take genie
>Convince humanity to spend all their resources for immortality secret
>Make you immortal
>Get scientists develop noclip, any waifu you want, any mystery box
geenie is best bet

Why is Simpson such a god tier show for reaction images?


Bro why would you even need patreon, if you want money just get on TV and have everyone wire their savings to your account

Come to think of it you wouldn't actually need money. You could acquire anything and everything with your powers of persuasion.

>choose genie
>convince OP to give you other powers as well
>now you have all four

Argument Genie is easily the best of these.


>OP says no
>Genie shits out

argument genie

convince people to have sex with you

You don't understand. The argument genie's arguments are ironclad, made in bronze. There's no saying no.

Lemme just no clip my self into this bank, lemme just no clip through these bullets.

The box, THE BOX!

>Pick Genie
>Initiate world domination

Sheer quantity

the box. always the box

Shame the quality took a HUGE nose dive

>pick genie
>literally become purple man irl

how is this even close?

I'm not really buying your reasoning.

>Have shape-shifting waifu shape shift into argument genie
>Now you have an argument geenie you can fuck

I wouldn't even take much money from people. I would just argue my way into a high paying position at my job, argue with a swanky apartment landlord to let me live there rent free, and probably just find a 10/10 hottie and argue her into marriage. Then whatever else arises.

Shape shifting waifu.

How would the genie make you a Five Nights at Freddy's character?

Genie, can easily get myself money and women with it.

Choose the argument genie, convince OP to let me have the other rewards.

How about this shit.

You pick a world where you can have potions that give you EVERYTHING you could ever want.
Like a potion that makes you better at convincing people

>Made in bronze
Pick one