When given the choice to create a character, do you;

When given the choice to create a character, do you;

>Top Tier
Make an original character with a unique personality, such as a grandmother or a hero who retired decades ago

>High Tier
An original character that suits the role

>Mid Tier
Recreate a favourite character from another franchise/series

>Low Tier
Use the default template

>Shit Tier
Make yourself

In less serious situations where you'll be making many characters like Soul Calibur or The Sims, I often recreate a fictional character.

In lengthy RPGs I create an original character, but any personality I had in mind for them is typically muddled the farther I progress as I learn how the game works and make choices based on gameplay.

>Top Tier
>Make an original character with a unique personality, such as a grandmother or a hero who retired decades ago
If you mean make your own characters and think of a background story for them, sure

>High Tier
>An original character that suits the role
Not sure what role you are talking about, you mean like in SC you would make warriors and swordsmen and other medieval stuff?

I make my own characters, they are probably reminiscent of other stuff since apparently everything has been made as of the current year, but I joke saying I've been the one copied when I discover stuff after I made said characters

same senpai

I used to use self inserts but I recently discovered that it really cheapens the role play experience like if you could be anyone why be yourself?

I created a slav in GTA V.

>If you mean make your own characters and think of a background story for them, sure

No. I literally mean making a unique character who wouldn't typically fit the role. Specifically Dragon's Dogma where you can literally make a grandparent.

>Not sure what role you are talking about, you mean like in SC you would make warriors and swordsmen and other medieval stuff?

If you're supposed to be a space marine, you're typically going to be a physically fit character in their late 20s-early 40s, not a teenager or a decrepit elder.

Some characters suit roles. Some do not.

Characters taken from other franchises entirely typically don't at all, but they're lower tier because they're not original.

I create a cute grill, of course

>Not making every game that allows custom characters into a jamboree of ragtag side characters from multiple sources

>Worse than shit tier
The little girl

>top tier
>le so randumb OC donut steel XD

My favorite is:

>not a faggot tier
Make an original character I like without wasting time on "a background" like a fucking faggot nerd

If rpg, high int/wis/cha eg. speech character. I really don't like mages though, so they mostly become a gimped melee, or god forbid, bard.

i make myself because im not a sad selfhating loser

>If you're supposed to be a space marine, you're typically going to be a physically fit character in their late 20s-early 40s, not a teenager or a decrepit elder.
>Characters taken from other franchises entirely typically don't at all, but they're lower tier because they're not original

Then I guess I'm inbetween, most of my characters in SC are young, for some of them I create alternate versions like somewhat older, damaged or alternate costume, but if I had to filter out anime MC looking characters, some creations I like are an old man with a subjectively fancy looking coat and a rapier and a last stand warrior with a scar on his face, an attempt of blood over it, some one arm only gauntlet, a torn cape and a few arrows on his shoulder and legs

>Create big black version of myself
>Insert in every game from MMOs to Madden

Does anyone else do this?

Don't most people do all of these at one point or another depending on the game?

Only self inserts when i can get it to uncanny valley levels. It added a new depth of hilarity to Dragons Dogma, having me as a 6 foot lanklet wielding greatswords and going through all those goofy cutscene animations.

Is that von Karma?

>not making a female version of yourself

>I play video games
>But I'm not a faggot nerd like literally everyone else who plays video games
>I said so on Sup Forums!

Can't make female players in Madden

>I'm not a self hating loser
>That's why I love muh escapism

My current soulblade character is siegfried, Forward+vert is so good at keeping niggers in check. Literally just reskinned him to wear some weeaboo plate armor, with horns and a blindfold while wielding the big fuckoff katana.

I hate weeb shit with a fucking passion, but when I create characters/select chars in game I can't help but gravitate towards weebshit.

I always recreate myself as close as possible except as a girl.

My nigga.

Helps that I'm attractive in real life, and the women in my family are already very pretty.

Why is it so fun playing a girl online? It it this fun in real life being a cute girl? Not even considering sex factor or anything, I'd trade places in a heartbeat.